I believe that words have a lot of power, depending on how they are said of course!
Sticks and stones may break our bones, buts lets be honest these even when broken will heal in a relatively short space of time!
Having said that one (hyper) critical Parent/ grand parent/ relative/nasty person can cripple you for a whole lot longer!
With those statements out there, lets try a little experiment (don't worry it doesn't involve chemicals or explosives) shall we? as you read on take note to see if you are smiling?
Did it work?
Now did you smile as soon as you read that?
If you didn't, don't worry about (there's no judgement here) don't beat yourself up we can always try again.
This time feel your lips curl up at the corners, now you might try and fight it, but you will by now have noticed that your mouth has taken on a life all of it's own!
As you keep reading this particular blog hopefully you will not have failed too see that you are indeed smiling like somebody who has won a rather large some of money on the euro millions!
It's all about the power of words, in this instance used for good. Now if you would like an example of words used for evil, you just give the aforementioned (or thought of) person who was a nasty piece shit in your formative years a ring and tell them your doing fine feck them and the horse they rode on in!
Now some blogs flow and some blogs take for ever, some I'm happy with straight away some I delete or put them away to polish this little bugger has been formulating since June of this year(and this is it's ninth rewrite) and it always seemed to end on a downer, and the intention was always to be an upper remember who you are stay true to what YOU believe! phone that person stop them in the street or even dance on their grave if they are dead! but feck them nobody has the right not to make you unhappy....until the next time Toodles!
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