Monday, 27 August 2012

Think About It

I have reason to believe that I have too many thoughts(please note that I have never claimed that any of them were indeed sensible) I believe that I'm actually drowning in thick gooey swamp of thoughts!

No the more I think of it a swamp would be the wrong idea, It's more like being in a swarm of wasps (please don't try and imagine a small swarm of Blackie Lawless's flying around me) each and everyone one of them flying flying like world war two aces looking for a place to sting me! Yes wasps I will go with that wasps stinging for no other reason than because they can!

In fact I genuinely believe my entire understanding of life the universe and everything is based on my own (admittedly wacky) thoughts, which as much as we don't like to admit it are created by emotions (yuk!)  which themselves are generated by... I can only surmise is my reaction to everything around me?

So apparently I understand the world through a special filter of my own emotions and thoughts (can you see where this is going ? if you can will you let me know because I haven't a bloody clue) is this how everybody else sees the world? is this how everybody else does it? if this in fact the way that it's done then I believe that it brings up a fascinating concept!

Since we were kids(probably) not one of us has directly viewed the world in which we live in (oooh sounds like a lyric to me) as it should be seen (I feel like as though I'm explaining a Doctor Who episode) I wonder how it must feel without this filter? I reckon that you would have to be as one with the world, as opposed to having your filter do just that filter out all of your thoughts and emotions!

I believe that this could be classed as a duality issue, There's you, there's the chair, there's me (again) we live on this collection of dust spinning out there in space amongst the stars dominated (ooh baby) by a race of beings, whose only connection to reality is to think that their thoughts are actually wasps(or is that just me?).

What is actually happening is that we are drifting through life in some altered reality (affected by that bloody filter) that is at best a madhouse a mirror image of what is actually out there, it makes you think doesn't it?

No actually what it does prove is that I have far too much time on my hands, that these blogs are indeed the work of idle hands, I really do need to take up a hobby (maybe Inuit throat singing) where I can get out into the big blue yonder and actually enjoy what's left of my short life without the filter being switched onto full. two blogs in two days both on random nothingness and obscurity! I think I could be doomed hahaha until tomorrow's next exciting episode ...Toodles!

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