Sunday, 26 August 2012

Still Crazy

Some people seem to think that I'm a loon me with with my reputation (hang on I have a reputation) well I will let you all decide?

I recently pierced the veil of my long standing delusion which I actually considered to be (my) reality! My delusion I hear you all ask in unison was simply this: I thought/think that this blog (or book even depending in which format you get round to it) was actually highly thought of, as a point of reference and for it being the fountain of knowledge for the known universe, I assumed that people were deeply aware of me and my fantastic brain! oh and all the wonderful thoughts that spew forth from said brain in a kaleidoscope of fun and frivolity!

I assumed that everything I said or everything that I did made me the actual centre of the universe, my relationships with friends and family and the knuckledraggers that enter my orbit, all of my completely joyous and  momentous thoughts, happiness, insights, attitudes, taste (we all know that I'm a guru of exquisite taste) Desires, fears, my good hair days (oh alright and my bad hair days ......hey it gets fluffy when it gets wet oh dear I wish I hadn't started down this road!)My choice of Pants (will somebody for the love of god please call the fashion police) etc etc etc!

That I honestly thought that these and a whole smorgasbord of other items floating from my brain were of some interest to you my loyal public, I'm not certain why I just did, I suppose this could a family trait and the delusion is one that has been handed down from somebody who was also delusional (I'm not sure I haven't seen him in 40 years so I can't ask him, if any of you know which nursing home he is in and hopefully is getting buggered in please send the address to me at Ireallydon' and you could win 23 green shield stamps) or is it simply a desire to fit in? to be accepted? be that as it may the actual impact of my hallucination has been that I have been in a state of low level freak out (go figure)!

Now while it's still to early to tell, it appears that the freedom I obtain from it far out weighs your puny desire for oxygen and other items that you require to live (puny mortals) you nice people out there in this blue pearl that we call earth although you are considerate you really don't give a rats ass about me or my life, it appears that you actually only give a rats ass about your own lives (how very dare you) I suppose this means that I need no longer care what you mere(puny) mortals actually think of me! (don't worry I won't) could this mean I'm as invisible to the big bad world as I am in my own home? But more importantly does this mean that I can live my life as delusion free as I possibly can (hahahaha yeah right!) and to be as true as I can to myself (why spoil the habits of a lifetime that's what I say) all that I need to discover is what hairstyle to go with? the one that best suits my god given (delusional) status demands!

As I sat and scribbled these ramblings down long hand (and I have always loved to scribble) I find it funny how the smell of almonds from the ink has followed me all the way around this blog, I just thought that you might like that little fact purely because I could! it's my blog and I will scribble as i see fit (until they take me back to the funny farm). This is the first little result from me trying to write blogs (that are non toxic) that I think will help my mental state hahahahaha, I feel the need to point out to some of you who do not have English as your first language (I must bite my tongue at this point remember the R word) this has been purely humorous  tongue in cheek (and not in a deviant way) an attempt at being light hearted (I have to say this because of any later insanity pleas hahaha) and not completely serious so until the next time...Toodles!

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