OK so the euphoria was like a sugar rush and didn't last long although the ideas did, along with a couple of others so all in all the week has not been totally lost, well almost I decided not to go to work today not really a biggie I'm owned a few hours so I can at least claw some of them back, the wife was a bit shocked when I said "feck it I ain't going in today" I don't intend to waste today I intend to type like a whirling dervish today see if I can get that sugar high again!
I slept in this morning anyway.....so that's what it feels like, a quick breakfast and sat here typing this up with some Colin James blasting in my headphones I really do have the need to type my disease ridden heart out! I intend to flesh out at least six of the ideas I came up with the other night, but I have one that popped into my head this morning that I really do want to work on as it has an interesting twist.
Work has dragged me down, actually that's not true it just that all the stupid people that I have had to deal with are doing my head in,there has been some new good people who were interested, but these were outweighed by the knuckledraggers that really do drag me down, people who I am genuinely trying to help but they just run screaming away from me, they must think that I'm Frankenstein or some such monster, A two hour course on the perils of the internet at work and (ahem) blogging was totally unessential to my life plan hahaha again its why I don't go into specifics as there could be some potential telling off hence all the subterfuge.
The weekend beckons and I'm hoping for some Tee Hee Club action, my sanity depends on the little hint of insanity that the club brings means I'm not just a drone working to pay to live, which it seems at the moment that is all I'm doing at the moment, the man has kicked us as a family, this time the youngest got a bursary from college to pay her travel costs, but because I got a pay rise this year, I break the threshold by £124 the youngest loses nearly £600 in travel costs and we as a family who are honest and genuine have to pick up the bill, when we are struggling at the best, now I know other people who lie (they tell me that they lied) who are on significantly more money than we are as a family, but they lie and say that their child is living with a relative and not at home so they actually get a shit load more, this is a crazy world were it pays to lie and this is how we suffer because we believe in the dream and don't want our kids to grow up as a bad and deceitful person, ah well yet again we will have to take the hit but I will admit to the envelope to being at breaking point, maybe I should rob a bank and say that I'm from a broken family...oops lets not go down that road.
Other than that I intend to get along with some music and some typing and hopefully some good company I don't need that much so lets just go with the flow, have a great weekend and don't hold your breath any-time soon for another blog, as I want to get to grips and finish the new book and I simply can't do both at the same time (typical man I know) that is unless something crops that I simply can't keep to myself (me with my reputation?) so until the next time watch the skies and Toodles!
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