Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Good Times Bad Times

You know things aren't good when I'm using Led Zeppelin song titles! hahahaha damn I gave it away Ooops! anyhoo this will just be a (very) short one, this is by way of a thank you, this is a way of saying get the feck up and carry on with life you sad sack.

You may have noticed of late I have been down in the dumps (yes I know but I promise I won't labour the point). Work which usually does help, hasn't and it has the potential for a blog(oh hell yeah it does!) but lets try and stay on the happy train, at least while it runs through this town, it really did feel like life was grinding me down (stick with me boys and girls this does get happy, honest stick with it, wait and see!) and as I said previously even writing wasn't cutting it, although the log jam was broken and ideas flowed freely it was all stuff that was of a dark vein and to be honest I wanted to move away from that, a little is fine but too much gets me locked up!

I have generally been avoiding answering e-mails and any social interaction has been kept to a minimum for the general public's protection , Imagine my surprise when I spotted an email in my inbox on farcebook (Broadsword Calling Danny Boy) and it was a belated review (I can dream can't I?) of "Piffle" nothing major just a friend I have made on-line who has been complimentary (when it has been deemed) and not so complimentary when I have done some dog doo doo on-line, you get the picture, well the email was like the dynamite in the Guns of Navarrone , It spiked these big guns, big style and I was happy hey I could be happy (OK lets not get too carried away you might think I'm a fecking hippy) but within minutes (I shit you not) I had 14 (yes count the feckers) good ideas (OK so what I think is good might not really be what anybody else thinks but who gives a rats ass!)and with the good ideas has come the good vibe and with the good vibe comes what makes me happy, and that is I have an abundance of stuff to write about mainly musical stuff and of a historical nature.

So I thought I would share why because that's the kind of guy I am and It's late in the evening here so I will fine tune the ideas (yes 14 of them) and get to grips with them tomorrow and all of them have FUN written through them like a stick of rock! what music am I listening to to keep me happy? no not Led Zeppelin but a bit of Black Sabbath hell yeah a kick ass bootleg from earlier in the year oh baby Colin's back and you really need to be scared because the new book is going to be so awesome I could explode!

The bad bit has been the wife who went down like she had been shot by a sniper earlier in the evening this time without warning, this isn't good but we will get her through this that's another reason why the next book has to be fun fun FUN! the blog has been so dour of late I need a chill pill and thanks to somebody miles away it was administered without any fuss and has set me back on the right track. I do get a few emails from readers but this one was like firing a rocket at just the right moment at the deathstar! hell the boy is back so be good and watch the skies the custard creams are back on the table until next time ...FOXTROT OSCAR hahahaha Toodles!

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