OK so I have to get a game plan together and after munching through as much food as Godzilla munching though Tokyo, I realise the only person suffering is me! so here we go lets go back in time and see if I can come up with a cunning plan for the future, lets hope I don't come across all aggressive as I sit typing this little fellow out I'm listening to Def Con One's debut CD and let's just say on the seventh play in one day it's still kicking serious amounts of ARSE!
So working is getting to be a pain in the arse and its about the amount of work I do and how much I get paid for it! I go with the intention of working my little cotton socks off and the thought of people getting a lot of money for doing sweet feck all is annoying (I won't go into too many details contract changes etc has seen everybody get a page rise...except me!) so back in the day when I was a lowly Labourer I was happy enough when I started, but I soon realised that I was doing the same work as the tradesmen maybe not to the same quality or even as quick as them, but I did the same as them if not a bit more, and after a while I entered into "negotiations" which weren't very successful, but me being the dumb ass that I was I kept plugging away, then one day about four months down the line I got an extra shift working with my boss (at the time) and I made sure that he had to tell me how to do everything and tell me at least twice and in great detail, and if he missed out any detail he had to start from the very beginning time and again, well he lasted about two hours before he told me to jog on in short jerky movements in slightly more salty and industrial language! bear in mind in the twelve years I worked with him I never heard him swear at anybody not even in a jocular manner, this day it got so bad I thought he was going to throw me off the roof! I hid the rest of the day and when I came in on the following Monday morning I thought I was going to get a right bollocking (and hell yes I certainly deserved one) but no he just handed me an envelope that stated from that day I was classed as a semi skilled worker and with the pay and benefits that go with it sometimes being a dumb ass works!
Now that won't work this time I need to do a more surgical air strike type of thing and I certainly have to watch my step slowly slowly catchee monkey! but its time I did something for me and not just work my arse off because it needs to be done, without any thank you or reward, I certainly will always bring my A game to play because I hate to say this I love every aspect of my job it's very satisfying and hells bells it's different and thankfully I don't have to interact with the people that I had to, but instead of being the helpful little bod I used to be I intend to do MY job and that's it! I have my own health and the health of my family to think about so best foot forward and watch this space it's going to a bumpy and possibly a long ride but lets see who is still hanging on at the end of it!
The Def Con One CD has certainly given me a bit of clarity to my view of what's going on in my life at the moment, the health thing I know I have to get to grips with it otherwise all the good work I did in the run up to my operation will have been wasted, who knew it would just take a good blasting of something heavy and loud ....oh yeah, will it be to everybody's taste? who gives a shit it hit the nail for me today and I certainly will be bringing my warface to my A game plan.
I hadn't intended to blog so soon but a house of full of women watching back to back episodes of Glee has driven me headlong into some loud music and me to type the blog that really wasn't meant to be, the week ahead will be interesting and as per the requests of some of the old timers from my previous blog sites, I might even do a historical blog at some point in this week (not hysterical) no promises as I seem to have hit a bit of a log jam since the last book and its has been taking all my time to blog, I have probably been way too critical of all this crap that I have a tendency to over think everything (a habit I need to get the hell out of ) numbers over the weekend have been AWESOME... so thanks for all the support keep spreading the disease who knows one I might even be happy with what I actually write here so until that time keep your powder dry and don't forget to bring your warface....Toodles!
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