Friday 7 November 2014

Here is the news

Ok so slowly slowly catchee monkey, I have been trying to have some form of a life, and failing spectacularly, no nothing to whinge about just floating in the river of life, technology has kicked my ass way too much, but I will get to that in a moment as I have something big, well for me anyway to announce in a little while.

I have been dealing with lots of emails and such like with regards the blog and if you get a curt thank you please be satisfied, I have in the past had a tendency to open my mouth wide and both feet climb in, no I don't reply via a proper email account just one linked to this blog page security measures are still my number one concern (please read previous blogs.....and books for the reasons why) the name game is back in play and its great to see some of the old faces pop up with the same old answers (come on Nils I make them as easy as I can).

A weeks holiday has seen me stay within the house and retreat into my cave, not good for me not good for the world, but it is what it is, I need to keep going one step at a time and although I have been a misery (sorry to everybody) I have at least been more positive than I have been in years.

The new book isn't getting released well not by Blurb anyway, their user friendly software isn't so friendly and after several (thousand) attempts I have decided to release it via the blog page, so expect one chapter a day for the next twenty two days, that's twenty one chapters and the special thanks, you lot asked for a new book well guess what you need to be very careful what you wish for.

Cunning plans are moving forward and I shall endeavour to be involved to the best of my abilities, and work is on the horizon not really wanting to go back but what the hell can I do about it (at the moment|) so brace your knickers the book starts later today maybe tomorrow morning after I have proof read it for the millionth time, you will get the fully uncensored version of my cognitive behavioural therapy treatment. I hope you will enjoy it lets see what the reaction is. so until the end of this wild ride, there will be no more blogs until the book is finally out there, so until then and I see you on the other side of it........................Toodles! oh and this was going to be the cover for The Great Unravelling.


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