Sunday, 4 November 2012

Power of Suggestion

I had a teacher (all those years ago) a certain Miss Ward (last year of Juniors) who taught me that procrastination is the thief of time  (me procrastinate ...never, show me some blue sky mind you and I might day dream, but procrastinate mmmmm let me think on that one!) It's a saying that I have never forgot one of the few things that has for some reason stuck with me, I will admit that although I do remember it I have never really learned the lesson and put the teaching to good use (me with my reputation) either, here we are on a Sunday with me needing to write a blog that really should have been published this morning and here I am procrastinating!

Miss Ward also told me that only I could actually do the work required to get me through, if I wanted to play the fool then life would at some point surely bite me in the ass(I'm paraphrasing as it is over thirty five years ago)of course me being me I have always had the tendency to think that everything will be fine and dandy (oh how wrong was I on that particular train of thought!) the only person who would really suffer in the long term would be me! so it appears that I really do tend to suffer as I really do have a tendency to procrastinate!

Miss Ward also tried to teach me (and the rest of the class I wasn't really that gifted) to think for ourselves (oh dear) for us to try and have the courage to be unique and to be true to ourselves, to rebel against conformity ( I have no problem with that particular instruction) I don't really remember that much of my year with Miss Ward mind you I do struggle to remember what I did earlier on in the day but she did plant certain things in my head that stay with me to this day (my love of writing being one) she did try and teach us something life changing every Monday on the little blackboard behind her desk and she would put those words of wisdom up there and leave them there for the entire week, it has just dawned on me that after all these years the reason she did that was because we looked at that little blackboard the most because the class clock was right beside it and so the information that she was trying to force into our tiny little minds was drip fed to us! the sneaky little madam! I wonder where she is now and how many other dumb ass minds she influenced by that little trick.

So there you go I shall procrastinate no more and I shall knuckle down and type up a blog.....oh hang on a minute how the hell did that happen damn it those teachers where more sneaky than we ever dared to imagine, until the next time Toodles

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