I really do need to make a list of all the song titles I have used as I really haven't got a clue if I am just going round and round in circles!
Yes this is a song title and I have used it as a certain friend in Germany is under the delusion that this band still cut the mustard after all the years away....trust me they were shite then and they are shite now thank god the vocalist realises this and will not inflict us anymore punishment, not bad for a band who have done nothing in thirty plus years but still make the members around twelve million dollars a year (in this day and age) so they must have done something right at some point.(what the hell do I know give me Hellenbach any day of the week!)
The title refers to the fact I have been trying to prise one English pound out of my wife's hands so I can go buy some decent tea and not the decapitated (yes I meant to say that) crap that the rest of the household drinks, I could kill for a proper brew ah well three weeks and waiting! maybe next week! I'm sat here typing away because Junior is kicking off after a day with no afternoon nap and the wife has gone upstairs with a boat hook to try and get him back into his cage (I told you to but his water bottle back on the cage) I am finally back on an even(ish) keel after a couple of weeks of general apathy and loathing and a good dose of paranoia for good measure, nothing major as I had said in previous blogs just a general malaise that had me in a deep deep funk! hopefully fingers crossed the goodwill in my tiny little heart will stay there.
Work as always is like a bloody battlefield and honestly if I didn't love what I do for a living lord knows what would happen, as some of the wooden tops I have to deal with staff as well as clients is just unreal! how we on our little island were ever considered great sometimes does escape me hahaha but hey ho lets not go there, I have in my possession a slight beam of happiness I can't deny it it's only chance to survive, it's like a tractor beam of misery so lets see if we can indeed escape from its Vulcan death grip!
Little saplings of writing are stirring so hopefully there could be some good stuff in the pipeline, I have three weeks until I have some time off, so lets just keep the plates spinning and then a week of serious writing to do! I have been neglecting my duties of compiling all the stuff that I have thrown in my "ideas" file so I need to get to grips with it and see what on earth I can trawl out of there, some of the stuff requires me to have a go when totally happy, as you all know sometimes you have to wait to pull those particular fish from the stream! I think the fact that I have little rays of joy is the fact that Lady J has sprung a little do for my (ahem) birthday, I don't really do anything for this as its just another day (closer to death hahahaha) and I can't actually ever remember doing anything special for this anniversary of my birth I usually take the time off as I don't really understand why people say "happy birthday" and the such like again its me and emotions I suppose at some point I will have to connect with these meddlesome feelings and go with the flow (when I'm about 50ish) and for once I'm looking forward to interacting with that small band of people that I do love to interact (oooh I suppose they are what you call friends...OOOPS!) with hahaha so watch this space as there just might be a tale or two coming this way.
Back to the work front in the trenches I am hoping that there will be some small victories in amongst the blood and snot but I have had my hopes dashed before so I will not hold my breath for too long, having said that if I get screwed again I do believe a killing spree has been ordered for an early morning slot on pay day if it doesn't do what it says on the box! now this will be the last one for a while that is doom and gloom (ish)
I intend to mine some of the previously mentioned nuggets so that I can keep some of you happy little bunch exactly that....happy!
My grand novel (yes that dreary idea) has had a major revamp with the central character becoming .......female! a better twist for what is intended, nearly twelve years in development and at this late stage I go and change the main character no wonder the thing is stewing in development hell, but I'm sure I can finally get going on it, it should be fun I have the story (and have had for quite a while) it's just the glue I can't find, and after several false starts where I soon realise that I'm actually writing it (rather badly) in other peoples styles, so hopefully after a number of small books I hope that I have developed my own style I just need to point it that away and crack on, so that's all my cunning plans and hopefully a happier person in the making and not a bitter twisted little troglodyte sitting under a bridge, watch this space if somebody in Germany espousing the wonders of a dodgy band can set me off on a rant like this imagine what I can manage when I'm just a little bit happy! that's me done and dusted until the next one, play nice and don't eat all your Halloween sweeties, you know that it will just make you sick, that's me out of the door for now.....Toodles!
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