Saturday, 6 October 2012

Same old song and dance

I had the title in mind before I had the blog but sod it lets just go with the flow!

Writing has been trickling back into my mind (thankfully) so I had a weird plate of ideas swarming through my mind, which is strange I either am blank or I have hundreds off thoughts struggling (yes me thinking that is a struggle) to get out there so I had to be a good little boy and wade through all the crap I was producing, so i started manipulating ideas and soon had my early week blog with the promise of another one for the midweek which flew out now just to polish this (turd) blog and we can rest easy!

Monday morning I was back to public transport so I wasn't in the best frame of mind, the usual suspects but I wasn't in a playful mood so I hogged a seat that I know is always empty and sort of dozed all the way to work, it really was back to the grind so much going on and I forgot a couple of things (not like me) I don't really feel like I was in the game on Monday but as always I tried my best, however the day just dragged I just wanted to climb onto the roof and howl like a fecking loon! the day of work over I had to go join the great unwashed I managed to get a seat but there was an abundance of young mothers (smoking tabs and swearing....damn I feel like a Daily Mail reader) who bitched about the fact that there was no space for them and their sprogs and all of their shopping, I had to put my headphones on as I overheard their conversation (Tyrone sit the fuck down you little shit ! I can't buy my Uggs until my next giro etc etc) thankfully they didn't stay long as they needed more tabs so got off the bus to have one (WTF) I came home and polished off my small blog but rather than stick it straight on I wanted to be sure so I thought 24 hours might be prudent (I needn't have worried thanks for all the nice comments).

Tuesday was the same old song and dance(see I told you) work work and then some more! I headed for the bus and I could see it from the distance and the fitter me could have ran for it ( I hate being fat and a bloody cripple) and it pulled away just as I got in spitting distance, not really a complaint other than the fact the old me would have caught it no problem, at least I was at the front of a huge queue and so was able to find a suitable location to rest my weary knees, however the curse of a full bus was to strike yet again two little shits (damn when did I really get this old) swearing and generally being kids, well that was until the bus driver decided to do something about it (which in itself is sooooooo unusual) when he got a negative response he went and said "we aren't going anywhere until you get off" to which the response was "fuck off" so the guy then played his trump card and called for the police WTF and they were there in less then two minutes (double WTF) and threw the little shits off, now I can hear the world asking why I didn't stand up and say something I tried it a few years a go when I was fitter not fatter and nearly got kicked to death (I can assure you I'm no Chuck Norris). The rest of the journey was uneventful and thankfully I didn't fall asleep (I'm sure I have some medical condition it can't be natural to fall asleep like I do?) I had a pleasant evening and polished the small blog and hit the hay!

By the time morning came around I was puggled as always the grand son was staying with us and for some reason it wasn't one of his (many) quiet nights!so as I headed once more for the bus I just wanted the world to stop so I could get the hell off for the day! work was work but I was getting incoming from the wife that the Kraken was in full flow because of her little dog (long story short she loves her doggie more than us enough said) I was on time for my bus home with no obvious scum to offend me and my sensibilities, however within spitting distance of my destination I was back in snoozeville thankfully that bus was then due a break because when I woke and realised where I was  the driver was munching through his sandwiches when I appeared from nowhere and scared the living shit out of him (I do believe you should check your bus for bodies before breaking out the bait) I staggered across the road to home pull myself together to make tea and suffer the onslaught that was about to fall when everybody came home while waiting I had a smooch around on Farcebook (I now have two accounts one for work and one for my friends hahahaha) I don't often go on the work one but I made a fatal mistake I was taken in by a Redneck (ooops sorry but this gets messy) I had been invited to join a group for humour of a sick nature (I like sick humour sorry if that offends) I wasn't there long before a Redneck said something that pushed my buttons, he went off on a rant about slavery (grr) homosexuals(grrr) racism (grrrr) the English (GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR) so I went to town on Yankee doodle dandy's ass it's at this point I have to stress he was one lone voice and all the Americans on the group slaughtered him, how ever I was the only one who swore at him (at the end of my side of the argument I enquired if he was "fucking happy he had upset everybody" and the cowardly tosser reported me for profanity and he got me banned (WTF) he can say that he believes slavery should still an option that he hates all black people and all queers (his description not mine) and I'm the one that gets banned freedom of speech my ass, on a better note I was informed that the group disbanded on the same night and most of the people who were friends to this individual unfriended him, so I will have that account back next week hahahaha ooops me and my mouth. again I must say if I was an american I would gladly class myself as a Redneck but I couldn't sit and endorse any of the comments this hate filled spew bucket wanted the world to hear!

And on the fourth day the day started shit and continued to spiral all the way down I got chewing gum on my pants ( although I certainly wasn't dancing in the moonlight I should have started the day with chocolate) people avoided me as I spent twenty long minutes cursing all the fecking idiots in the world the new guy at work finally saw the real me I do hope he was impressed, my knees were in one hell of a state and in such a bad condition I was sent home and I didn't refuse I was glad to be on an empty bus home in a pain induced haze, thankfully I didn't fall asleep and as I hobbled across the road I was incredibly happy to see the dole whalahs sinking the first pint in the pub, I truly would like to know how they do it they were there just after twelve and I see the same arse-holes sat in the pub every night when I get home from work! I suppose jealousy is a terrible thing, I would just like the option to go a pub more than once a fecking month (rant continued at my blood was boiling at the time and it's still boiling now the Kraken was still at full tilt over the doggie and I will admit to not being a happy bunny!

Friday I was full of bedevilment and I thought fuck the world I jumped on the bus and sat where I knew it would cause a domino affect of unhappiness, once that job was done I intended to do the same work all day but I was stopped in my tracks by the fact that we had just taken possession of an old brewery next to our site and it was empty so I had to go and take myself down there and complete a risk assessment on the place and it was huge (another blog perhaps) the day was a long one and a lot of climbing up and downstairs this was boding well for the night! I was soon done and dusted and sat like a kid on Christmas eve waiting for Santa, when in actual fact I was waiting for the wife coming to collect me on a BUS (yes the wife let loose on public transport all by herself hahahaha) we arrived in the town to our designated destination to find out our host for the evening (BRUUUUUUCE) was late, he claims he was helping old ladies getting on the metro we weren't sure what that was code for so we let it slide and then the fun started, it began slowly at first then as the night progressed woo hoo we ended up down the road and finally after many moons separated our good friends and co conspirators were there and for me at least a short but happy reunion was complete, the wife headed off with the gang to see at Daughtry at the arena (please on't ask me to write about it otherwise you will end up with bile spewing from every orifice hahahaha) and I headed back up the road to rejoin the tea party in progress further up Westgate Road, I then was hit by a massive hiccups bout which stopped me dead in my tracks for another drink thankfully as I headed to the venue with the gang a rather large and thankfully silent belch caused much happiness as it stopped the burps dead!

The gig well I don't intend to do a review I have Followed Y&T since 1980 and have seen them every time (except last year thanks to my knee operation) they have played Newcastle, and last night was probably the best time I have seen them (defo in the top three Y&T gigs) the wife turned (again don't ask hahaha)up and headed down the front and had a great time the gig over we said our goodbyes, we were warned by a friend who happens to work for the local constabulary that he is on terminator duty in the area tomorrow and we have to behave ourselves, we love a challenge, we ended up in the Geordie embassy (before the bouncers start) and got a taxi home, after a long day the wife disappeared off upstairs to get sorted and I blinked (ZZZZ) only to be woken by a wife hitting me saying how I didn't care as she was poorly and her stomach hurtI we got her calmed down and off to bed and thankfully didn't have any other issues ( can i just say that the wife was neither drunk or filled with some diseased take away food we were both good boys and girls she was just there) and then with the Kraken looking after the old man of the house I finally had a lie in bed, but I knew we had loads to do (this blog for one) so we got up and cracked on the wife is out of the house doing stuff the Kraken I have to make myself pretty for all of my fans tonight because this will be the big one, and yes there will be a blog tomorrow night about this one so enjoy this one play nice and if your anywhere near Newcastle tonight watch out it going to be a tad messy until then Toodles!

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