Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Mr Scary

So many things going on in my head writing wise, spinning so fast that I haven't been able to pull one out and to get it sorted and in reality this one is way late so lets go with he flow and let me tell you about work, life and the universe so far this week.

The house is full of sick and invalid peeps in one way or another and it's going with the flow and actually trying to help those war wounded that has taken up the bulk of the week, what with a poorly old man of the house, sickly wife, pukey baby and finally the youngest went down like she had been shot, there has been a few plates spun on the home front this week. The week at work has been with no appointments was meant to be a much calmer and chillaxing attitude (you can see where this is going can't you?) well it went horribly wrong and although I generally do try to help and be a nice guy some people have a tendency to mistake kindness for weakness, wrong move I go from Mr Nice Guy to full on Mr Scary in about 5 seconds these days, my tolerance level for bullshit just tips me over the edge in a split second.

Multiple pissing competitions have ensued since getting to work and as always details will not be gone into lets just say I went off like I had been dropped out of Enola Gay over Japan in 1945 and Mr Scary informed those about me "I'm not here to be popular but to do a job of work", I'm not a person who wants to be part of the political issues that the other nuggets revel in, I go to work to do my job to the best of my ability and not to get pissed off by little dictators who think because they have a title that they are above me (oh how I laughed long and hard in their face at that little bundle of Joy). I wish I had been there when a number of staff pleaded with this dick not to do something that would piss me off, or even when they said "you really should not have done that!" cue one embarrassed dick who stayed at his desk all day and basically kept out of my way...sweet joy!

A number of clients (that's me being polite) who somehow managed to get off their meds and thought I was taking the piss when in actual fact after a lot of hard bargaining had got them a service contract that should be just over £600 but I had managed to get the company to do it for less than a third and these lunatics thought they were being taken for a ride, cue bills for nearly £1000 and even more sheepish looks when I call in and be nice to them, but the thing that tipped me completely over the edge was thankfully a clerical error which thanks to some fancy footwork we were able to avoid blood being spilled somebody tried to change my radio call sign! WTF I have been the same call sign for twenty six years and the one they tried to change me to would have the stench of the Prince of Darkness all over it thankfully crisis averted I was able to breath again.

I'm being tied to a desk (and not in a good way) more and more each day, I was still answering my emails at two this afternoon, not a great turn of events, hopefully tomorrow will be a better day (hahahahaha) so many possibilities to send me off to the land of rage (Hulk smash puny humans) and I really must learn to control my attitude to the world of stupidity, my Phone contract (and the wife's) is up, so tomorrow we go to sort out new phones with me getting bog standard piece of crap and the wife going over to the dark side and joining the Nanny state (E will get that one ....tee hee!) so all my baby organs will be offered up to pay for the bloody things, what the wife's heart desires is usually payed for by cutting my heart out, truth be told she has waited patiently for four years so for once lets give her something to smile about (that's her something to smile about hahahaha) she has had just as shitty a week as I have mind you at some point I would like something nice to happen for me just once I don't mind ....just once!

I'm hoping that the rest of the week shall proceed with spectacular nothingness and for it to fade as I'm aware next week is going to be mental with a capital M! with being back on peasant transport as well things could go either way, I would like to be able to get up and to be able to toddle off to work without being the bloody Samaritans, unlike this morning when I answered my phone to a suicidal  co worker whose mother had just suffered from a heart attack, I have to ask the question do I really look like I give a Fuck ! I'm not heartless but all I could do was calm him down and point him in the right direction (news update the lady survived and is sitting upright in bed!) and that's my tale of woe so far. I do have a thread of an idea in which I need to nurture and polish just a tad (hopefully Friday) which again is meant to be a tad more humorous, next week is D-Day for my pay rise and it still hasn't been confirmed and that's all that's holding up the next book which has been sat hot to trot for nearly two months (calm down E it's my career choice!) watch for fireworks on the 25th if it's not sorted.

So enjoy, spread the word and nobody even tried the name game last time around and no I ain't going to tell you, have a guess and this one is me being lazy because I randomly chose after writing the first part until the next time watch the skies and live life like like you want to!....Toodles!

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