Monday, 29 October 2012

I have turned into Gene $immons.

Now we all know that cannot be the case as Gene has copyrighted just about anything to do with himself and why the hell not,  it's his he can do what the hell he wants with Gene, good luck to him and all those that sail with him!

I'm really reluctant to use my blogs to plug the sale of my (wonderful) books, now that doesn't mean I won't do it (if I don't do it Gene $immons has threatened to sue me) It's just that I'm reluctant to, or maybe's I'm apathetic (see previous blog) or even in two minds who knows?who cares? who actually gives a rats ass? (answers to on one hand it seems more than just a bit shameless to ask you good people to spend your hard earned pennies on a wonderful creation (by those lovely people at filled with amusing stories and witticism, each page could be torn from its bindings and framed as if it was from the book of sod it (that well known unpublished bit from the bible or the racing news I forget which)  mind you it could be just the thing for when you are hanging around at the airport (you know who you are) or even for that special someone in your life (in my case the bank manager) who already has the latest wonder device from Apple or is it Banana I get so easily confused these days!

Of course the new book will be mainly items from this blog, I always attach previously unreleased material to the latest release and hide it at the back so that you can't read it for free (Uncle Gene has taught me well) as well as the new material there will be the usual controversies (and no the R word is not mentioned, actually that could be a lie as its been hot to trot since August and I struggle to remember what I did this morning never mind last year hence this blog) but that will not be the reason not to buy it, again why would you not buy it? it could just be the most perfect toilet reading matter that you need (it is after all recyclable so might have more than one use). You can't say no, there are five lovely editions number six is sitting at the starting grid and number seven has not been completed because why the hell should I if I can get the other buggers published  follow my lead boys and girls for the love of Pete! (Pete who the F*** is Pete?).

Take it from me, don't suffer don't let apathy rule your life! enjoy the clarity of free thought and the sense of wonder that comes from being a person who knows what they want! and you want to get on line and order five copies of each beautiful.........oh wait the meds have kicked in!

Ah sorry I was channelling the God of Thunder himself, but I felt the need to get out from underneath the rock that we call life, I'm fine and dandy (thank you for all your kind words) I have to admit to being a tad lonely in my own little world but tthe kind people of the interwebby thingymabob have helped I hope this goes some way to make up for the piece of shit I posted last night but hey ho I had to do it just to say I had posted something! so watch the skies I promise to deliver some bits and pieces this week otherwise I might just go mad, as Freddy Mercury used to say "spare him his life for his Pork Sausages" or some other such malarky live life like you want to and I will see you here sooner or later for more drivel same choas same medication so until then ....Toodles!

Oh and while I remember yes Nils you did get the last blog right please believe me as far as I'm aware there is no song (I should really Google this before saying its a fact) with the title "I have turned into Gene $immons"

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