Thursday, 22 November 2012


I believe that I suffer from two fundemental forms of fear (well OK that's two that I will admit too hahahaha) fear of not getting what I want (oh dear hahahaha after not getting what I want for so long  all I really need these days is a quiet happy family life.....WTF) and the fear of losing what I have (as mad as it sounds - The wife and kids - Cliche....go figure) the fact that they don't stem from any "actual" threats to my actual or "percived" survival, I firmly believe that both aspects of this fear is derived itself from an underlying fear of my "actual" or "percieved" death (can't you tell I have a birthday approaching like the wife in a formula one racing car) it would follow that most of my anxiety is actually the result of a faulty perception (Moi with my reputation!)  oh and when I mean perception what I really mean is call loony tunes as one of the toons is on the loose! Now this leaves me with two possible options regaurding my fears, I need to change my perception or do what I do best and simply ignore the issue all together!

Now the reason that I actually bring this particular issue to your attention is in this ever changing world of self improvementI never see "ignoring yourself" being offered as a viable solution to the problems of the mind (and I seem to have a few- Cuckoo)but let me assure you yes you, hell yeah it works! the next time that you are filled with dread simply take a post it note to yourself, thank your mind for making you aware of the issue but behave as if you have been given a racing tip from a zebra in a bar (the unicorn is on a weeks holiday). of course ignoring fear messages no longer applies if your sat on a bus and the nutter next to utters those imortal words "I have a thermo nuclear device strapped to me" while all the time speaking in various to the one and only true god Cedric! In reality it's probably only a corned beef can and you think I have issues hahahaha.

I think you can tell by the blog that this holiday can't real come quickly enough, tomorrow is D day on a number of issues Pay being the most important reason if not just for my sanity I really do need a rest work has worn me down (along with a few others on the team) to a nub I need some good company, some drink and just a pinch of tenderness sweet tenderness, so watch the skies there will as always be another blog until then...Toodles!

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