Monday, 26 November 2012

Heart broke and busted

Imagine my shock and horror when I gleefully announced to the wife that the blog numbers were doing really well and the response I got in return was "I'm glad someone is reading it" WTF she has stopped reading it because it was getting miserable (mmmmm some of them maybe but surely not all of them) so there has been no thought police watching for god knows how long!

When and how did this happen?I thought I was doing good? but if I can't even get the wife to read what chance do I have? actually I got confused for a second there the fact that the wife no longer reads all of the blogs doesn't mean a decline in standards I suppose that means that she now actually trusts me a little more than usual (me with my reputation) to behave and be a good boy (does she not know me?) and now that the leash is off well......I'm not sure anymore, the wife was a good safety blanket for me and now my confidence has erm stalled, the doubts are flooding back in, Did I get too safe? was I indeed too miserable for far too long? nobody else seemed to mind, oh dear me what to do what to do?

Does this mean the end of the road for the blog? hell no it was never written for the wife to read, the fact that she did was an added bonus, but knowing that the thought police have been removed is like removing al the speed cameras from the motorway, I still haven't decided if it's a good idea yet. The amount of feedback I have been getting from all of you guys indicates I'm doing something right or do you just like to see the ramblings of an old man?

A bit to drink in honour of the buckets last night and by all accounts it was a fab night (boo hoo) for everybody, and a small lie in for me (I could get used to this) although the rain bleaching down would have woke the dead (at some point) I struggled to deal with life in the real world and while the wife (the treacherous cur that she is) went to pick up Junior I readied myself for the onslaught that the coming hurricane would bring! Wearing the sling is helping this old cripple but it can't be worn when the hurricane turns up. Whoever said getting old is fun deserves a bloody slap (oops got to be good I don't want to scare off anymore readers ) today looks like (surprise) baby sitting duties oh wunderbar another fun filled holiday to look forward to, on top of that I realised that I miscalculated when my bonus is in and I'm only off by four months (WTF) work moved the holidays from the financial year set up, but not the bonus! buggeration and other non provoactive swear words for the discerning reader. Not major in the grand scheme of the things but it took the shine off the apple just a tad when I realised, ah well pick yourself up and dust yourself off it's all any of us can do!

Now what started off as a slight addendum from yesterday has actually turned into a blog (how did that happen) no this isn't the one I have planned for tomorrow so it means you get a bumper crop this week (except for the wife that is ....) deep joy so watch the skies its the B word tomorrow and I have to go to the quacks so if you are on the edge of your seat and can't wait, well tough I will see you around about dinner time all donations and pressies can be donated to my two favourite charities or and that's me out of here like a burglar falling down the stairs until the next one watch the skies because there is another one coming until then....Toodles.

This coca cola tastes funny with no vodka in it.......just saying like.

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