Sunday, 18 November 2012

Question of Balance

So here I sit sullen late at night, checking stats and the last blog has done well, well for something I threw out there, Waiting for the time to for me to climb into my pit and let the clock keep ticking as I countdown the hours before I carry on with another week at work hey ho lets go.

The blogs have been doing OK of late (that's why I'm sat here sullen) where have I gone wrong, as always doubt has crept under the armour and is burrowing slowly and painfully towards my heart, actually that would be my shoulder, that a fortnight after the last assination attempt is still incredibly sore, I have to go to the quacks on my birthday of all days, so if I'm still in pain I might ask him his highly sought after opinion as to why my loved ones are still trying to kill me?

A day of doing odds and sods has come and gone and I still haven't done all the things I wanted to, but I have been compiling more ideas and getting them into shape for the new book in the new year, hopefully if the pay rise is in the bank on friday then the next new book will be sent to the publishers and damn the torpedoes!

I have been getting teased with tickling rednecks (the dreaded R word) because of the corperation tax scandal that is going on at the moment and I have to admit I just don't use the companies concerned and I do not have an axe to grind or feel the need to blog about them (and yet here I am) mind you if I was prime minister and it was proven I would just sieze the companies assets and imprison the entire board of directors, would you all vote for me? as it is I won't use their services, over priced and crap when did we become coffee swilling addicts, why should I care I don't really I just feel the need to sit here and type something to clear my head. 

I have the desire to sit and type something that is not structured something that is random something that i just let flow from my finger tips I need to get in the mood because I believe I have a week of writing coming up and I need to get the old fingers oiled will it be perfection? I have no idea, I just know I have not had this feeling of anticipation for a long long time and I cannot wait, this week will probably be the longest ever so I will just have to knuckle down and crack on.

Work has become a major pain purely because of the quantity of work coming my way do I think I can handle it hell no but I'm sure as hell going to go down fighting, if I don't the week will just drag on. Cunning plans are being devised not only for a birthday bash (I will be the uncomfortable person sat in the corner hahahaha) but a mini road trip to York (Woo Hoo) as well as going to see a certain film on the 14th (can't name it otherwise E might try and get in on the assination game and she comes across as a person who would do it properly) mind you I have taken a day off work because I thought we could go to the first viewing but mmmm the others aren't as keen, lets just go with the flow.

The numbers for the blogs I hear you all ask well 333 in the last four weeks so I must be doing something right, and most of the comments and personal e-mails have been well complimentary the only real abuse I have been getting is people who haven't been getting the name game (give it a rest Nils I'm sick and twisted and like my music) and I have to give praise were it's due about 90% of you do indeed get it (how many of you goggle the bloody answer though) so maybe I need to go obscure on you're asses don't worry as always I have some good ideas leave it with me see what we can do!

So there you go two blogs in less than twelve hours, will this be the beginning of the flood, well probably not just flexing those (brain) muscles required for the next book and beyond and for once I feel pretty damn good about it, why not just crack on with it now? I hear a number of you saying, well for one I have a tendency to blink after work and this week is going to be intense to say the least so if I do indeed get the urge to do another one before next Friday praise the god you believe in but don't hold your breath, what with work and Junior and any further murderous attempts on my life!  trust me I'm going to be one busy bunny and on that note it's time to turn out the lights pull the covers over this weary body and as always just go with the flow.

Thanks to each and every single one of you, for following this sad old(er) man as he bimbles on down the roadand trust me when I say that there is some stuff coming down the line that I think that you all might get a kick out of and on that note it's time for my beauty sleep play nice and be positive keep spreading the disease and remember to watch the skies you never can tell when I will get the urge ....until then Toodles!

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