The weekends over and it feels like a washout (weather withstanding) and I'm trying to get myself motivated five days to go and then a holiday(OK so time off not a going away holiday I really don't have any organs left), the weekend wasn't bad but it wasn't great either if you get my drift!
I'm sat here listening to the new Tenacious D CD hoping for some inspiration because I feel bleurgh not good not bad, just wish I had done more over the weekend, the weather really was not conducive to being a male who has to walk everywhere but I wasn't inspired to go anywhere, wet does simply not mix with walking. so I decided to kickback and finally get around to watch the last season of Sons Of Anarchy, fourteen episodes all hot to trot.
So the wife and the youngest had tickets to go see Jeff Dunham who I didn't want to go and see so I was home alone and once the toon were getting stuffed away I went off into TV land, I don't normally sit and watch as much TV as this but what the hell the rest of the world does from time to time so why not. Now what I should have been doing is getting to grips and finishing "piffle" but again the mood moved away so I sat and vegged, numbers for the blogs have once again become consistent (is this because of a happier vibe?) and views for the books have stayed at a consistent one hundred and fifty a week, which if I'm honest has me perplexed but what the hell its massages my ego (hahaha) but I need to make sure that I'm doing it at least once a week keeping moving forward so to speak don't want to kill the momentum!
Technology has been driving me round the bend this week, so the search has been started to upgrade my systems, I can't afford it but there is the problem, I'm stuck with this laptop at the moment the other computers have given us the blue screen of death, and I'm sick of putting my hand in my pocket to try and keep something that has passed it's sell by date on life support, so while on holiday there shall be a clearing of old hardware and the potential for a new piece of kit being brought into play with this one being held in reserve in case any thing goes wrong with new piece of technology (does this make me a pessimist...hell yeah) this one has been the best computer I have ever had and I got this free when I got the daughter a mobile phone a few years ago (go figure).
Tenacious D hasn't really done the trick as expected so I will finish up and get ready for yet another early start, i just need to be focused for thirty seven and a half hours I have no intention of doing any more than my paid hours this week I need to be in a good place for the holidays, so I'll be back in a few days with more stuff to report than I have tonight, it feels like a load of waffle (hence the title) its funny how inspiration pops up at the silliest of times and there are some times I have great stuff pop into my head usually at the most stupid inconsiderate of times, so here we go hopefully the week will improve and the weather as well so play nice have fun and I will see you all again soon Toodles!
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