The title of this blog is a Thin Lizzy song (before I get buried in emails I know OK) but I can't seem to get the bloody thing out of my head, so I will go with the voices in my head (oh bugger I have been found out) and name this blog after it (it's not even my fave Thin Lizzy song but its stuck in there good and proper) I was hoping the new Cold Chisel album might just blow it away, but no as soon as a song finishes it pops back up and as a song I do like it (can't think of many Lizzy so I don't) but for the life of me I just don't understand why? maybe because I haven't played the bloody song in ages but it's bloody haunting me!
Anyway you don't read my drivel to listen to the voices in my head (do you?) lets crack on from yesterday and yes I was in a better place (not for long thanks to the wife but we will get there) I had posted the blog and felt good for the first time in a few days and we bimbled on with our day like leaves in a slow moving river, going with the currents seeing where they actually took us, the wife had discovered that the band Daughtry were supporting Nickleback so that put her in a spin as she would love to see the support band (continued in the blog my wife is a perv who lusts after younger men part 56099)the problem was we already have tickets for another band on the same night (oops) a band that caused me a load of grief because the previous year I did what my wife wanted to do and not go to see them only for her to change her mind on the night of the gig (why was I surprised?) the easy option and believe me I always prefer to go with that, is that I buy her a Nickleback ticket and she goes and lusts after the young men in her life (again) as soon as that thorny problem was solved we (as in me myself I) could breathe easily once more!
The old man of the house was taken up to the Kraken's (who was doing us a good deed yes I know we sold our souls to the Kraken....again) and we got ready at an acceptable pace no rushing, the wife asked me a silly question as to what I wanted to wear only to be slapped with an injunction by the fashion police to stop me going anywhere my wardrobe, once we were both suited and booted we headed out in the rain to catch public transport, we were there in plenty of time and actually caught an earlier bus and then settled down to some innocuous banter (yeah right) which erupted into major in fighting I believe you have read the previous blogs on how I was feeling and how I was on a bit of a short fuse well the wife read the launch codes and then pressed the ignite button for no reason other than she could and I went off like a fire work, it wasn't nice and she is right she can't talk to me especially as when she is being as stupid as she was on the bus! I calmed down and I think I only ranted and raved like a lunatic for the last nine miles (of an eleven mile journey) we headed through a wet Newcastle and arrived at our destination the worst Wetherspoon's in the town, staff who can ignore somebody up close and personal (thankfully it's not just me it's every fecker) and we grabbed a little table in the corner while waiting for peeps to arrive, however we were surrounded by football gremlins and dodgy Osmonds fans heading to the city hall!
Thankfully everybody and more turned up and we grabbed an even bigger table so we could sit and talk about Kestrel eggs and various other bits and pieces, and we chatted up a storm which is just what the doctor ordered, and in no particular order we sorted out world peace, how to feed the world and that a law should be passed so that everybody wears cowboy boots (OK so I made the last one up but the first ones are true) but we didn't discuss facial hair , damn a missed opportunity, and before we took root we gathered our forces and headed to Lick Your hoop (there were some worried faces as we left when we said where we were going) and again there were even more peeps there that we hadn't seen in an age and even though the prices were through the roof nearly three quid for exhibition for fecks sake, we struggled on for the sake of the pub, we would hate for another pub to close because we weren't spending money! at this point I became a good boy and went with the flow and the crowd en masse migrated to Sgt. Peppers (WTF) thankfully we didn't stay too long in this freak zone as the bar staff didn't accept money just body parts and praise the lord I had no more left to harvest! and as seeing as they wouldn't accept money they wouldn't give us drink so we left hurriedly (result) as the zombies were surrounding a poor soul who had ventured into this cesspool in a bloody wheel chair!
We left and headed to the old stomping grounds of the Percy which I was delighted (nearly) to see that they weren't going to let me in as I had been to quote the lovely intelligent person on the door (the bouncer and yes the sarcasm button is well and truly stuck) "larking about further up the road" hahahaha we hadn't even come the way the idiot was pointing, go to specsavers you Knob Jockey, this is probably why the Percy was half empty not that I minded, thankfully the bouncer with his glasses on pointed out the right people and we were allowed to gain access to that lovely establishment and yes the freaks were still out in force (hurrah) and the night ground to a halt amidst alcohol smelly toilets and freaks dancing thinking that they were living an alternative lifestyle when in fact they are the biggest fashion out there, we said our fond farewells and we jumped into a taxi with a pleasant driver who chatted about music he even smiled when he stuck his hand in my chest and ripped out my heart from my chest as the taxi fare was a third more than a Blueline taxi and that was the only organ I had left next time we will wait the twenty minutes either that or we get the last bus home because we spent more on travel than we did on drink and we spent a shit load on drink I can assure you!
After all of that we still hadn't decided what to do with my beard, I just didn't know what to say or do maybe I will decide later today, anyway thanks too everybody who was there for a great night sorry we didn't get to see our friend who rang to say that he hoped to see us, and absent friends were fondly thought of (Kes where are you Kes?) there was loads for a blog (as is written here) and the night was a good one we ended up in bed without any supper which I suppose in my fat state isn't a bad thing and I was asleep as quick I always was and I slept dreaming of Anthrax playing Y&T songs and a certain Thin Lizzy song going around on a bloody loop in my head so a good night was had all (hopefully) and that's it for a while I have so much too sort out for work and the hand grenade that was thrown, wish me luck and I will see you all on the other side and until then Toodles!
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