Friday, 6 April 2012

Turn the page

Finally I can breath easily the new book is done and dusted I just have to make sure that the back cover is done  as the front one is Fab! and then to wrestle(yet again) with technology and figure out how to publish it.You would think by book four I would remember hahahaha do you lot not know me.

As I'm on holiday I intend to take my own sweet time and not rush anything, I have six days (five including today) to take my Luddite ways to get sorted there maybe a little food and just a smidgen of drink along the way, we had Junior for most of the week up till yesterday and the wife is just a bit under the weather, her back is definitely dragging her down, nothing that a lottery win wouldn't cure. we have a few cunning plans to go forward with and then after the long weekend I'm back to doing what I love best at work teaching!

I have yet again been number watching and I have to admit to being over the moon that they are on an upward curve! the books have for the last four weeks had over one hundred and fifty views hitting a peak of over two hundred at one point and I haven't been pushing them that much, a few more sales would help sooth the ego hahaha as if I had a bloody ego and the numbers for this site have increased as well, the last blog being the best read of the year, the fact that I can also check up on the location of my readership also means that some people who get in touch are not telling the truth where they actually are or the software tracking them is just a little bit screwed up. Because some of the old hands have followed are allegedly Scandinavian we shall see I do not fear a repeat of our infestation problem as I have this site set up differently and unless your a cyber genius I won't have the same issues (me and my big mouth) everything has been positive I'm not ranting or frothing at the mouth as much as I used to!

I intend to go back to Myspace soon and reset possibly under this name or potentially under my given name the Rollo Tomaso page has done it's deed,so if you are still connected to the said Myspace page expect an invitation for the new one! I'm also considering setting up a proper web page now that book number four is indeed ready, to try and do things just a little more professionally if the numbers do indeed warrant such a move. but I need to do some investigation as I'm rather crap with technology and want to see what it entails costs etc etc as I have no intention of incurring anything other than basic costs like erm nothing! I do this as a hobby and don't do it to make money so watch this space for further news of my total world domination. As for the new book it's as always about the same length as the others with completely new material and  pushes (thankfully) Piffle Waffle & Balderdash back by about five weeks to the end of May as opposed to the beginning of it, which in reality is a good thing as before the holiday I was writing what I personally considered stale material and because it is such a personal book I want to do it justice, going forward I do still have a few more in the pipeline but the schedule should not be as frantic but because of the size potentially there should be around a new one every three months depending on mood or workload I still haven't worked out what produces the best material we shall just have to suck it and see.

The photo book has gone on the back burner until I feel more confidant as I wasn't happy with the layout and at some point I will need Professional advice, that's if I can get Mr Harrison to talk to me as we are usually a tad intoxicated when we see each other, again it will help to collate more photographs over the next few years as opposed to running at it like a bloody loon! the fiction book is moving forward like a glacier as in very bloody slowly, as although I do have a story I'm just not sure if I have the right "voice" yet in which to tell it! I would like people to turn the page because they engrossed in the story rather than to see if I'm intending to insult anybody as seems to be the case with the present books, maybe I am as always over  thinking the problem but as I have been gnawing at this particular bone for a few years already I have no intention of being rushed. also the compilation that is coming after Piffle should be hot to trot just after May but again I need to see, I will also do something to make it so that its not just old material I don't want just to rehash the old stuff  and turn into Elton John and release a compilation every four weeks hahaha sorry couldn't resist it.

So now to wrestle with all things technological, thanks for all the kind comments and opinions (which is a tad worrying as so far they have been all positive) on wards and upwards enjoy your long weekend and I will see you all on the other side so until then Toodles!

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