Thursday 6 October 2016

Aint Dead Yet!

Ain’t dead yet!

Sleep hadn’t been the answer (although I did sleep) I was wide awake before my the first of my alarms had went off at 4.20 I was running through the chain of events that had the potential to unfold as the day went on, and I was trying make sure that I had indeed covered all the bases, it was what it was I had no option but to crack on.

Now I am aware that at the moment I seem to be coming across as a whinging git and to be honest yes I probably am! That’s not the intention but it’s where I seem to be heading. I love the job I do, but because I intend to finish for March 31st (hahaha oops sorry reality keeps trying to kick in) and just the slightest curveball makes everything spin out of control and then the house of cards that I have (rather scrappily) constructed falls down around my ankles like a pair of week old underwear (yuk or so I’m told) I’m getting nervous for the day ahead.

My lift was on time and as always was waffling on about the inside of a ping pong ball (get a grip you twat its 5.30 in the fecking morning) but I entered work with a serenity I didn’t feel that I deserved, this was meant to be a total day of hell, if I kept my nerve and didn’t blink the day would be won with a smile on my face (ok so it would be wind! what do you expect with a blog site entitled walks with broken hoop) I gathered my paperwork and got ready to do the first job of the day my first hour is spent checking paperwork normally stuff that was missed the day before and as I walked into the control room I expected to be hit with shit loads I was gobsmacked that I only had three to do (still a pain but three I can live with) as soon as my allotted hour was up I was away and running (ok limping) I had 11 inspections to do and nothing was going to stop me.... well not quite the fire brigade did try and stop me and unfortunately I had to body swerve I could tell they were pissed off but needs must I had things to do hells bells do they not know who the hell I am?

Now I’m not going to bore you with the details let’s just say it went well, and I mean really well it was a pain but with only one letter to send out of 11 inspections, I wish the rest of the centre actually was as good as the retail park. But as I waited (not very long) for the people who I had appointments with to be finished with their customers I have to admit when I wasn’t filling in bits and pieces (I don’t hang about I crack on while waiting) I was doing my people watching thing, the difference between stores expensive or otherwise is minimal, they may look different but in all reality they all treat them with contempt whether it’s a pound store or a shop with a dining table for £7000, the customer is simply seen as a victim for them to put their hand in your pocket and empty it as quick as possible, and these people aren’t bad they are just driven by the figure sheet and anything that gets in the way gets mowed down. But in amongst everybody there were tall, short, fat, skinny, bald, smelly, clean and everything in-between, people picking their noses when they thought that nobody was looking, the people who when ordering their food in a fast food place ordered a couple of cheap burgers while they waited for their main order, the staff who hated their menial tasks and the look of contempt on their faces because they think that they are better, the young staff who genuinely want to do the best they can because life hasn’t been and kicked their get up and go out of them (yet) it was a blur of work as well as people in all their glory the good the bad and the unwashed.

The knees held up until the last hour and then the pain kicked in, but I had won I did what I had to and I had come through the other side the winner. I headed home knowing the hard part (physically) was done and dusted; and it was the mental bit tomorrow and I had to try and get my brain into some kind of working order (hahahaha).

The wife had done her bits and pieces and was heading home at the same time as me but on the phone she sounded like she was at 40000 feet already and if she kept it up she was going to need breathing apparatus just to get in the back door! She had (again) a minor altercation in the back street as she was bringing in the food shopping and the Kraken was actually being helpful (yes I was suspicious as well) the stress levels were high but were in acceptable parameters. I headed off for a soak in the bath (much needed) and a shed load of pain killers.

The grandchild was being whinny as kids sometimes get and I could tell that the wife indeed was going to have her hands full, I was right as she spent half the night trying to calm him down.

I did the decent thing and made the tea that had been requested by the youngest and it was eaten without a complaint (as if). I missed a phone call from SMOR as I had took the pooch out for a short jaunt and to be honest the pain levels were way above critical I had some writing to do and nothing short of world war three was going to get in my way, mind I did suffer with the onions I had put in the meal but I suppose no pain no gain! And that’s it, I am up way too late on a school night I’m really going to try and score some points by doing the dishes and then head off to bed another early start and I intend to have a bloody good drink tomorrow night so that I can sleep the sleep of the dead and then enjoy the start of the mother of all road trips.

If I can survive today and proudly boast the fact that I ain’t dead yet, tomorrow might not be as bad (yeah right) as I am dreading it to be!

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