Sunday, 2 December 2012

Countdown to zero

And so the countdown begins back to work tomorrow, I'm frightened to even go near my work email account, I will do it in the morning, but I am scared very scared hahahaha.

The week has flown over in a flash, not sure what we did or what happened, hahahaha maybe someone out there can tell me, I know I blogged extensively at the early part of the week as intended, but I had a book to finish and that I did after a bit of a nightmare! are you sitting comfortably then I will begin!

Monday brought on the onslaught of the hurricane (Junior)  and I did my duty and helped look after the little (hell's) angel, I'm still trying to work out why we look after the little biter , but we do and for the most part he is lovely (that's as close to cutie pie you will get out of me)   he rans us ragged but I didn't mind I was on holiday didn't I tell you that!

Tuesday the big day 33 (cough) or something close I can never remember, what the hell ! cards were thrust in my general direction, and fab one made by the youngest (at least I got one off her) and a pressie (a Fish Mug if you know me you will understand) and then the day was under way, the little biter doing what only he can, cause mayhem on a minor scale and then he just looks at you with those innocent eyes(unfortunately they don't work on Poppa) and the roller coaster went off in that direction at high speed, I started polishing and editing the book that had been sat there since May, I had left it alone, despondent about it not being able to get it published, but it seems we need to eat and pay utility bills first. so I sat down to read and sort out small bits and pieces, making sure that I had all the stuff that was required I had done two new chapters to sit at the back but I felt I was robbing you the paying public (yeah right get ya hand in your pockets) so I wrote a fresh opener (which if you go to you will get to read it as the first fifteen pages are there for a preview) and played about with that , nothing massive as I realised that I didn't have the time to sit down and write an epic just something fresh, to lure you in and lull you into a false sense of hope!

Then it was Wednesday all in a flash and this was the main day for me to get writing for the next book (Buck Naked and the Nine Stone Cowboy some titles sound good at the time and you just have to go with them!), the one I had neglected the one I had lots of ideas for but not the inclination to get my arse into gear, so it was heads down arse up (in a non sexual kind of way) and over the course of the day I got three done "Coma" and yes the song title refers to the chapter so work out who the song title belongs to and that should give you an indication what it's all about (Alfie) Generation Landslide takes us all the way back to 1982. the third one well that's still a work in progress and I'm not sure if it has enough depth (generally i write about twenty five chapters and go with the ones with the best flow), I might give you all an indication towards the publishing date which at the moment is looking like being the end of January, I have nine chapters finished, but not polished and one I'm circling like a vulture because I'm not sure if I like it, we shall see don't worry as always you lot will be the first to know when it's done.

Thursday the Hurricane was blown out and sat with his Poppa almost silent and was soon on his way home, and me I did a little bit more writing and had been intending to get "Toodles" off to the publishers but the day was gone in a flash although I did end up with a bottle of Jack which I wasn't expecting, and then off to sleep to prepare for a bit of a do which Lady J had organised, the one that was at that particular moment in time giving me palpitations, why I hear you all ask? well I have no problem going to gatherings (large or small .....see E I'm available to rent) but I'm not used to being the centre of attention!

Friday came and we did all the things that you do when you are going out get your head sharpened (that's a haircut for the non English natives who have a tendency to read this) bathed and dressed and I was a good boy I was, I didn't harangue anybody for to get ready or ask them how long they were going to take, and we set off at the appointed time, dropped the old man of the house off at the Kraken's (her turn to do a good deed) and we set off into the night to our destination The heart of all England a lovely little Pub that cook's excellent grub, mind you we had to get there first as we sped through the dark country side with the wife driving to her I Pod and her screaming at people who didn't dip their lights fast enough, well you have read the blog's so I'm sure you get the picture.

We found a space to Park in lovely Historic Hexham and soon discovered that we were indeed the first one's there (eeh I was so happy, I love being on time me! hahahaha) we were escorted to the back area that was put aside for us and waited, soon peeps started showing up although our tattooed friend had given his apologies there was still a nice little gathering and I didn't feel as though it was night  all about me but a night for good friends and good food, another bottle (hic) and some lovely Chilli Jam and the meal was over as soon as it had began, we did what we do best we ate we drank we laughed (tee hee) you get the picture, Hells bells even a set of darts were produced not for long thankfully.

It was over as quickly as it had began and we separated us and G and E to headed off to Newcastle the others to call it a night, we said our fond farewell's and promised E that it was all downhill to the car, as she had climbed a mountain to get there with Sherpa G prodding and cajoling her all the way, then when everybody we strapped everybody  in and then we set off in our speed machine, there were only a few prayers offered up in the journey and potentially one "sweet Jesus" as G was otherwise occupied trying to claim the youngest's hand bag all the while receiving instructions from E "to shut the fuck up" and other words of encouragement, we made it to our destination and rushed the bar for drinkie poo's, it didn't seem as though we had been there long when all of a sudden they called time(WTF) thankfully another surge arrived and they had to cancel that thought.

Then it was indeed all over I had tried to publish the book earlier in the day and that was playing on mind (typical technology) and when we got back to Gimpsville there was snow on the bloody ground,I can do without that, we dropped the youngest off and reclaimed the old man of the house and headed home! Me stressing on what had changed with the settings of publishing the book, ah well that could wait until Saturday! Actually it didn't I left it until this morning and struggled with it and struggled with technology, but finally got there with only a few mishaps, I did discover that the book was over long as seeing as how I like to have new bits in and I didn't want to strip them out, so I took one of the blog chapters out and will add it to the next one which is due probably in about April, so plans and more plans all the time, Santa will be here earlier than expected and hopefully to Germany as well before Christmas watch the skies Mr Robinson.

There you go lots of cunning plans the month of December is upon us films to go and see, Work to do, next we ride on York to bring desolation on all who stand in our way, and don't worry E I will not be bringing a little book to take notes, I'm sure even I can hold that thought for twelve hours or so, play nice and keep spreading the word 435 views in the month of November so it's all starting to pick up momentum and watch the skies as there might be another blog by the end of the week so until then ....Toodles!

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