Wednesday, 26 December 2012


Well it's nearly over for another year, we just have to negotiate with the terrorists today (eldest and Junior) if we can sail through those stormy waters we might just be able to say that we have had an enjoyable one.

Christmas eve was surprisingly quiet, even me being less Grinch like than normal, a bit of the old TV answering a few emails and then off to bed, I'm not complaining it was all gooood! A late lie in on the day itself, but we stumbled towards the presents and although it has been a quiet year for presents even for the youngest, I think it's about the day and not how much we spent on each other (if I keep saying that, someday, somebody might believe it other than me) Pressies opened I set about doing what I love doing most on the day and that's the dinner!

The bird was cooked first thing (no not the wife) then I par boiled my spuds for roasting and then everything else fell into place a nice steady pace with more than enough for everybody to tuck into just my pigs in blankets were actually late (I do miss my double oven) but everything else was fine and dandy, once the madding crowd had been fed it was time to watch a bit of Skyfall on the goggle box and start in on Dr Vodka with my new glass which unbelievably didn't run dry all day (yum yum). The Kracken for once was in a good place and didn't deviate too many times to doom and gloom avenue, all in all a good day (for us) although not all of our friends went the way of Christmas present, some suffered power cuts, family feuds and generally world war three, we still  have to get through today so lets see how we hold up.

The only problem were the parsnips which were absolutely fab, but myself and the whole of Gimpsville suffered the Toxic pollution that was the result of a broken clack inverter (a broken hoop) eight hours of vapours polluting the Christmas spirit might not have been the best thing! hahahaha trust me I hate it as much as anything else, my cunning plan to cure the issue doesn't seem to be working as well of late so today is plan B and there will be no consumption of the perilous parsnips at all!

The Chicken is in the oven as we speak and today I shall being cooking Yorkshire Puddings and again there should be enough for everyone to chill and relax (Fingers and everything else crossed) and hopefully go with the flow having said that the eldest and The Kraken are not the best mix and it's not always two good days in a row if you go to church today say a little prayer for us please.

Then there was the hate mail (see you knew it was too good to be true) a number of people asking me why I am quitting? well if you read the blog correctly I'm not quitting (just yet) I'm just sorting out my exit strategy, it might be five years it might be five months, I haven't decided yet! as long as I'm enjoying the writing part of my life then it will continue, so hold your horses, don't get your knickers in a twist, I'm here for now so just enjoy (if you do enjoy it) and go with the flow, I am here for the time being, nobody knows what's around the corner but I have no intention of spoiling something that I at least enjoy doing (and a quite a few of you enjoying reading so it would seem) so for now it's back to books and quiet games chill relax be merry and fuck the world ......Toodles!

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