This had been planned for months and nothing was going to get in our way, many things tried to, but we mowed them down as soon as anything stood in our way!
The wife had been suffering what with her back,but then late on Monday she came down with the lurgy and this set her off in panic mode, but with the right coaxing she calmed down loaded herself up on drugs and and by the morning of the do she was operating at around 96% , we could live with that, there were as always one or two other niggles nothing that we couldn't ignore (yes we chose to ignore how bad are we) I had come into a small windfall (totally out from the left field) but our pay department didn't do the deed so the windfall although partially spent hasn't arrived and won't be there until......who knows?
Yet another Friday off and a day full of doubt about my writing, and a decision made to have some kind of game plan(control)to finish this writing stuff on my terms, yes I do see a time when I finish writing, your comments are always welcome and do give me a wonderful lift at times when obviously I come across as a call for the Samaritans, but it's feeling slightly one dimensional and anyone who is on a treadmill knows that it soon gets boring, I intend to quit while I'm ahead and get out while I'm enjoying what a write! The books have turned into a mega vanity project with tons of hits for reading the preview pages, but sales...well I was never intending to get rich, they are priced as cheaply as possible (I make no profit off them) but times are hard out there, so again unless I can figure something out I can see the end of the road, I have no intention of having more comebacks than Frank Sinatra, so don't let it be a surprise when the road finally runs out!
What's that got to do with the blog I hear you shout, well its the start so wind your neck and sit down this is going to get bumpy! Money issues put to one side and a game plan set we settled down on Friday night to be prepared for the coming day. I was woke up by the steady stream of rain bleaching against the window, we had to have a jolly jaunt to return a hire car after the outcome of the Kraken's Evil Knivel impersonation, we were in a jovial mood and were soon back from Durham where I thought we might experience some turbulence but thankfully we didn't, so in reality we just had to make ourselves pretty before the night.
We pottered and listened to the rain that was still coming down and just after dinner we decided to watch a rom-com for all the ladies so we watched Dredd and yeah it was OK a perfect film for whiling away a wet Saturday afternoon, a quick discussion on what I was intending to wear (not that it matters as I'm officially back to being a fat bastard again) and the wife returned to the Kraken's to deposit the old man of the house to be attended to. we soon got ready and headed out to jump on the peasant wagon which was thankfully only partially full and the journey relatively quick, the only moment of humour was a gentleman getting on at Bensham who spent the short while he was on the bus drawing on the windows (alrighty then). We alighted from the omnibus and took a circuitous route under cover to the bank and only had a minor heart failure when the first machine said "yes you have money but what do you want it for ....jog on" thankfully the next machine gave us what we wanted, crisis averted we headed into Lick Your Hoop surprisingly to find it rammed (ah home game for the toon) we headed up the stairs and found some of our co conspirators, the wife was starting to panic as we had a lift planned home but they dropped out last minute, (hope everything is OK) there were others who had intend to come but changed course to avoid icebergs, but there were others who were suffering under the lurgy, G and E had turned up G in a rather fetching nurse's outfit but no matter how much care and attention was lavished on E she couldn't help herself she was just being so nice to him you could see she was in deep pain, but it was fab to see them even though they were heading home before heading to the bordello. Not before some cunning plans were hatched!(as always far too many to come to fruition I am going to post one of my kidney's on E-bay!)
We said our farewells and what was left of our party headed of to Nancy's and for a change we weren't the first through the door but we weren't that far behind, so we snaffled our regular corner and settled in for a cosy (ahem) night. As always I feel as though it's the wife's night (she could make friends in an empty room) and I always feel that I will fade into the gloom, but as always I'm proved wrong and there is soon lots of peeps who chat on to me, as well as people trying to take my picture (grrr) and as always on viewing said pictures this morning I look like a fecking whale, I really do need to keep my mouth shut and try and get back to losing weight! The night flew and although we were worrying because our designated Taxi firm wasn't accepting bookings until after ten (looking ominous) but we plunged ahead with the merry making and the fab conversations and generally it was a pretty fab night some people as always were indeed missed but you knuckle down and try to carry on well you have to don't you! (Tee Hee) there were still lots of peeps talking about the old times and about music , but for one moment I felt unhappy I was molested and abused all the while it was being photographed (oh the horror) but I fought back and kept shutting my eyes at the wrong time (allegedly).
Many birthday drinks were bought for the wife (well it is only a week away) and she was a good girl she paced herself really well, then there was some more dancing, some more talking and some new friends being introduced (I felt like an adult) but as always when I go to these do's, the night starts with trepidation and always ends with joyous sadness, because always it has to end some times, we did get a taxi and it was only a little earlier than planned and we were soon whisked back to Gimpsville, by the most pleasant driver we have had in months, once through the door we didn't hang about we hit the hay as soon as possible. I awoke this morning feeling refreshed but the wife was under the weather (warm vodka does that to you) but nowhere near as bad potentially as it could have been, a good result all around and with only one small mishap with the Kraken (nothing serious but she was upset so you have to do the right thing) I do wish I had took a note book because the amount of ideas flowing out of me last night for the blog were phenomenal and as I sit here typing today, it seems like nothing ( I was never going to do a blow by blow account of the evening please be aware we came we saw we kicked it's ass) we now have Junior sat causing mayhem while we do the good deed and (surprise surprise) the eldest tried to take the piss and lo and behold we ignored her hahahaha .
Now to just get through the rest of the night (I shall be attempting to cook some Lamb) and then hopefully a quiet day at work and then the night of the year that I hate most (you have read the blogs and the books if not why the hell not? it's not too late in the day to buy or read the bloody things) and then the big day itself so although I might be writing I'm not expecting to be posting anything any time soon (yeah right) so bear with me and go with the flow. so that's it have a fab time of the year, play nice and try not to be too cruel cherry mistmass! oh and while I remember everybody else is talking about them so lets get it going worldwide Lady J had legs last night real live legs that were feminine and just the right size ooops I thought I had better tell everybody! oooh I can see a Farcebook page being formed, well OK maybe's not I value my flesh far too much until the next time .....Toodles!
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