Ok so this blog was meant to be named a lot of the things "The Rage" "Dixie Chicken" to name but two, but as I type away into oblivion I believe the title I have chose shall be the correct one, so you guys let me know?
The week itself dragged, work was a major pain just because of the amount of work being thrown my way and nowhere near enough time to complete, I feel as though at the moment I'm fighting a losing battle, but I will knuckle down and get on with the life in hand, pointless moaning about it it has to be done so lets crack on. Monday and Tuesday was busy, busy, busy and then Wednesday Thursday taken up by yet another course (life seems to revolve around courses these days) Friday I was off to rest and recuperate do the odd job (and more course work) but in main to get ready for the weekend which would soon be upon us!
The week itself at home had been very traumatic, what with local weather conditions and me looking after Junior, while the wife went off to get the youngest from college, something which would normally take about fifty minutes ended up taking over five and a half with the youngest being kept safe at my place of employment(thanks to those that came to our assistance at my hour of need) and the wife going through a journey from hell including the car breaking down and a good Samaritan coming to her assistance all the while with me sat in the house going out of my mind because I couldn't do anything to assist, the weekend couldn't get here quick enough for either of us.
Friday arrived and the wife had a few tasks to compete with the Kraken, so me and the youngest got on and did what we had to do some stuff here some stuff there and so when the wife turned up to take the entire clan (excluding me) to the Kraken's the day had slipped into darkness, we lay around like loppy dogs upon her return all tasks just about completed, all we really needed (and it had been planned as such) was an early night so we could arise refreshed in the following morning, OK so you all know us we soon went astray we were all settled and ready for our pit when the wife decided that she needed to sort out the music on her phone (it will only take a few minutes......fifty minutes later and the threat of a dummy being spat out) we finally headed up the stairs and soon we were (trying to be) asleep.
The morning came and even with all the alarms set, I struggled to climb out of my pit, but once on the move I was an unstoppable force. Bath breakfast clothes on and hot to trot, we headed out the door on time, but we were weary and not quite firing on all six cylinders, we boarded the bus but the wife was soon mumbling protests about the mode of transport, the driver was having some issues but seemed to have it under control ....well that was until about halfway when he killed the engine and called the depot to say he couldn't go any further(air brakes sensors and other things that if you travel by bus you are used to but if you travel in a car you will whinge constantly about) the wife was just going to go atomic as we were indeed on a tight schedule to get to our destination, when thankfully (for him) he told us he was putting us all on the bus that was a minute behind us (different service different depot but it got us there around about the same time) and we rushed into the station to meet our co-conspirators and to make our way with time to spare to our train platform.
Now E is a demon of the airwaves and had managed to get us cheap tickets to go to York in first class, so we were soon ensconced in our seats playing with buttons and sliding our seats watching while G had two cups of coffee all the while being abused with gay abandon by his loving wife.The main course for concern being his coat shedding feathers here there and every where (and yes indeed I nearly went with white feather as a title as well) The journey not being overly long we had soon slipped through the English countryside and were deposited on a bright pavement outside York Station. the day was dry but wet weather was forecast for later on in the day, it was at this point that we soon realised that we were all invisible as we were to learn that York was populated by ignorant Stevie Wonder's who bashed into people without a care or apology for doing so, but we took our lumps and headed into the middle of York (with G now needing a toilet because of the second cup of coffee) we bimbled around saw some sites, got knocked by more people and decided potentially where we were going to have something to munch later on!
We sauntered far and wide and were tempted by a pasty (just the one) but we didn't dawdle because the empty shop next to the bakers was full of flies so there was obviously something dead within the unit, we moved along munching as we went, we then hit the first pub of the day which was a favourite from previous visits, it was to be the first of many small disappointments, now I like a good time and the pub and the beer was quite nice but most of the available space was given over to the serving of food so the bar was soon rammed, with far more people coming to the door and seeing how full it was and then moving along, the people who were there again were just loud and obnoxious (hey we know how to have a good time but this wasn't it, well not at just after eleven o'clock in the morning in a space the size of most people's bathrooms!) and the rest of the day would be blighted by loud and ignorant people. We finished our drinks and we went back to more roaming.
Finally we needed to quench our thirst one more time (we needed to see if we were doing it right) we arrived at another pub and we were soon sat and drinking (well actually two members of the party were playing on their bloody phones weren't they G) again the pub soon became uncomfortable, so we again moved on this time to get some much needed food. We arrived at a Hog roast shop we had spotted before and we soon were sorted standing on the pavement after buying half a pig and little portion of Lamb between us when two aresholes attempted to get us too move away from an innocuous doorway (you're standing in my mam's business's door stopping customers) now I as always missed this opening gambit, but I did hear G's reply which informed them that he wasn't, but if anyone did indeed require access he would indeed move! not good enough, more bile spewed and then stomping past G all the while the fat pierced one who we think was female bashed into G who was very restrained and quite polite, they disappeared up a set of stairs only to be followed by a heavier set of footsteps (oooh somebody much bigger for us to play with) rushing down towards us, who was even more abusive claiming his son had been abused, again G showing much restraint told them to get on with it (without any swearing I hasten to add, I was well impressed) the bigger man of the family didn't come any further (he wasn't that brave) the mother swept past us to have a go at the hog roast shop staff who politely ignored them.
The bubble being burst the shine was off the day and just about everywhere we went after that,there was nothing but noisy drunk ignorant people, who as a rule of thumb we don't mind, but this was everywhere, we enjoyed York the place and as always we enjoyed our company, but if we had weapons York would have resembled an episode of The Walking Dead with us shooting everybody in it's wake! as darkness once again surrounded us we headed back to the train station and then it struck us that what we needed was a cream tea that would sort us out, so we found a suitable place and ventured into this brightly lit enclave of englishness and ordered a cream tea G wanted a beef sandwich but was happy enough with a piece of carrot cake but was disappointed with the lack of carrots sticking out of his cake! we enjoyed ourselves and had giggles with our cream tea and stuff even the staff got in on the event when (yet again) G was getting told off for one of the many things on the shit list that he carries around with him, at least they didn't complain about all of the feathers!
We headed back out under the cover of the all consuming darkness and headed down to the eye to see how many body parts we would have to sell to gain entry and even though we all fancied a go, We didn't see the point of throwing all that money at a go on a covered in Ferris wheel and so we headed into the train station to double check our return trains progress from London, and as it was on time we headed off to find yet another hostelry that would provide us with drink and sustenance and finally we found one that was not stuffed to the gills and there was food, so we did the thing that were put on this trip for, we had some drink and some food which was nice, we were going to have to wait for the grub but we didn't mind....that was until yet another loud mouthed oaf sat next to us (there's only six of you and there is nothing loud playing in the pub and yet you have to shout at the top of your lungs....tosser) thankfully our food arrived and we tucked in yum yum yum!
All done and dusted we headed back out into the fine drizzle and headed back into the train station to be met like we were in eighties Belfast and were all but body searched as we headed out onto the platform (the staff were actually nice but must have shit loads of trouble on a weekend) we climbed on board to be met with the last arse of the day thankfully we were soon in our seats chatting and generally relaxing (by this time the wife was not in good shape physically although we had drank through the day, we were all good boys and girls but the length of the day had worn her out ) when serendipity sat up and smacked me right in the face coming down the aisle (in his full time job) was Rob Weir (you mean you don't know who The Tygers Of Pan Tang are good grief where have you been all this time?) and it took all of my powers to behave, I just wanted to talk to him throwing in Tygers song titles in the mix, but I was a good boy and just chuckled and posted crap on Farcebook about it!
We arrived at our home station to a cold windy empty platform but we soon spotted somebody we all knew and it was great to see Davey B just finishing his shift,Davey is another one of the gang hardly ever seen due to work and various other bits and pieces and it was the icing on a good day (spoilt by ignorant loud mouth arseholes) we said our farewells to our co-conspirators and headed for the bus to head home, which if truth be told was generally uneventful but way too hot for the wife and we got off three stops from home to stop her day being totally ruined, thankfully out in the fresh air she recovered (G could have helped with the tight bra, he's helpful like that) the bug bear was we had to walk up the steepest bank in the neighbourhood to get home, which finished me off but at least the wife wasn't suffering. Once home we watched a little TV (OK the wife watched I blinked), then when able we headed up the stairs to Narnia.
We woke up this morning me crippled from the waist down (nothing new there) and the wife suffering from flu, ah the joys of being punished for being dictators in an earlier life, we schmoozed through the day watching Led Zeppelin from the O2 (nope still don't get it) and then ACDC live from River Plate which was cracking then I had to be pointed towards the direction of the computer as it had been seven days since my last confession I mean blog but you knew that anyway. all that remains is yet another week at work with as always yet another two days of course work and a day off on Friday which we were hoping to see The Hobbit but we will see how the pennies fall.
The new book should be here soon enough and those of you who should expect a copy (Broadsword calling Danny boy) will indeed get a pressie from a fat man (no not Santa me) hahaha so with that I head out to sort myself for an early night as this is my week of earlies so that in itself is soooooo wonderful (yes sarcasm button is stuck) so enjoy the blog (as so many people have, as the numbers have been through the roof enjoy and until the next time ........Toodles!
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