Saturday, 25 February 2012

One big lie

Life is just one big lie after another, after the week at work I have had lies just flow from peoples tongues with such ease it's unbelievable! I mean all the crap I write here is one big lie(ahem not) everything at work (of course it will be done by then) and the such like is all bullshit, we all expect people to lie no your not fat (your fecking massive) we as people are all in denial I really don't see the point, tell the truth you will feel so much better for it, it's not about hurting people's feelings if you tell the truth most of the time people should expect it and there for not have their feelings bruised like a peach.

As always for legal reasons I'm not allowed to name names (apart from with professional bodies who intend to mount the charges with which prosecute professional liars) also there has been a conclusion to a previous blog (the milk of human kindness) all based on somebody lying four of my inspections turned up worrying results and it was proven that people were lying and we couldn't determine what was fact or fiction, this was put to the people involved and they couldn't/wouldn't  back out of their original lie and after given ample opportunity to do so the relevant people were informed (the potential for me to be prosecuted because I'm aware of such a thing doesn't scare me, what scares me is these people don't give a damn about anything not even the consequences even when they have been explained too them!) I have to admit the outcome has not been unexpected, when the people further up the food chain found out that they would be held responsible they went into self preservation mode so four people were suspended and it looks as the relevant professional bodies have been informed (by their own people) and at least 3 prosecutions are in the pipeline ( I did try to tell them so tough poop) and my Favourite bus driver lied about forgetting to come and pick us people up at silly O'clock and he forgot that there are camera's on buses that are time stamped if he had said "yes I made a mistake " he was simply going to get a slap on the wrist but because he lied (there is the potential for the idiot to lose his bloody job)everything else is called into dispute (how many other times has he done the same thing and nobody has complained) trust is rarely restored once you have been found to be a liar.....and yet we all do it mainly white lies but we do indeed do it a sad state of affairs! Would I want to see somebody lose their job of course not but people bring it on themselves by telling what starts out to be a little white lie and watching it spiral way out of control!

The reason for the melancholia I believe to done to the fact that I'm tired and sore (but happy) at my workload the light is hurtling towards me at a rapid rate (step away from the light) and I might not blog again (yeah right) before the mother of all road trips the next 5 (work)days brings 25 inspections and all that entails including two training sessions (that I have yet to write and rehearse) and then the last two days before our road trip includes something I have never attempted before (12 inspections in one day) and the mother of all audits the following day! do I think I will be running on pure adrenaline by then (Hell Yeah) but I know it will be worth it come April so I'm quite prepared to go with the flow and with the support (and not the regular abuse hahaha) of the wife I'm sure I will get there in the end.

The disease that I have contracted called Tattooitis has reared its head one more time and any spare time I have is spent pouring over ideas for more art to add to my collection, I'm not sure yet but we shall see watch this space you never know what might appear, I have been trying to get my head into my library  selections but i might as well just shoot myself in the head because I'm basically just numb (and tired) when I get home but i shall keep on trying, Musically (because allegedly some of my old readers have turned up Hi guys! and they miss what I'm listening to musically)  has been mainly Halestorm (which is nice) but this morning I have elected to stick with Ben Howard which is acoustic and very introspective (goes with the mood I'm in) but at some point i intend to start on the Cheap Trick box set that I have just got (ooooooh!) and that's all I have got I'm a spent husk of a writer I need to recharge these rapidly depleted batteries (which I will do tomorrow when I go out with some great people for a "surprise") again thanks for the kind words for book three and they will be dispatched as soon as I get my arse into gear until the next time (whenever that will bloody be) play nice and enjoy life Toodles.

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