Thursday, 9 February 2012

The milk of human kindness

OK so the fact that I have had to sit and wait more than twenty four hours because I have been so annoyed is nobody's business but mine, but lets be honest I can have more than my fair share of bile so I think it's only right that I share, are you sitting comfortably? then I'll go straight into rant mode!

I travel to work mainly by bus I don't drive and I know it's not perfect but as I'm a paying customer I do expect a certain level of satisfaction, guess what yes your right I didn't get the Fecker! I had a great nights sleep and was awake before my alarms went off, so I slide out of bed and went through the motions of my early morning routine so I didn't wake anybody up and the house was warm because somebody had left the heating on and if I'm honest I  wasn't complaining, I had my usual breakfast and was sat twiddling my thumbs really early (me with my reputation) so the only thing to do was well believe it or not was go to work. I sneaked out the front door without waking our old pooch (he does like to howl) and I only live about four hundred yards from the main bus station as I crossed the road and rounded the corner there was my bus pulling out, I wasn't going to try and catch it, my knees get me through the day (under protest) but it was icy and I didn't intend to end up on my arse, I thought I had come out later than I had thought "ah well there's another one in fifteen minutes" but it was bloody cold it just means I should learn to tell the bloody time, I was annoyed but what's the worst that can happen......well let me tell you!

The first bus should leave at four minutes past six, I had left the house or so I thought at five fifty eight it's not far even with my knees, as I came into the bus station there's a huge display with a digital display for telling the time and when I got there roughly two minutes after the bus had pulled out, now the clock read six oh three, I know I can be a tad thick but even I could work the twat had pulled out early (and with nobody on board either) now I was getting cold it was -5 and I was going to have to stand (with my bad knees) for a further fifteen minutes (wrong)as the time clicked by the odd face that normally gets the bus started to congregate and for a change most were chatty, small talk mainly about the weather and me whinging about the first bus. As it approached the time for the next bus some wag said "I hope this one turns up" (second sight or what) yes you could see it couldn't you it didn't turn so another fifteen minutes cold and yet more pain from my knees I wasn't a happy camper, the next bus pulls in on time but not at the stand and the driver then gets out to chat to another (female) driver when he does finally turn up I'm just glad to get on and sit down a few of the others had a go but to be honest I didn't blame him he was just about on time but again I sat there thinking I'm the customer and this is just shit. We set off after the driver had calmed some jagged nerves and we pulled out of the station but what we saw at the first stop had us all flabbergasted, only the fecking bus that didn't turn up at the station! he then tail-gated us all the way into work I was stotting and if I had been the first off the bus at the centre I would have pulled the tosser out of his seat what a cheeky bastard, to say I was livid would be a bit of an understatement it's safe to say the first few inspections of the day were not very friendly (Attila The Hun springs to mind) and when the poor inspector turned up on site his day was well and truly ruined (sorry Ivan) I'm glad I didn't travel home on the bus that night as I was still in a foul mood.

This morning I was a calmer person but was still annoyed and if there were any grief with the timetable I had prepared my notes for the epic letter of complaint that was going to go wrapped in a brick to the head of the company, lo and behold the bus was on time and the driver wasn't surly but polite this is what most people expect, I even said thank you as I got off see I do have good people skills (sometimes) but I'm still bitter (hence the blog) and it certainly isn't the end of it, if I don't get a good response the letter will still be written but it will just be full of precise bile and they will get nearly twenty six years of gripes about where they have gone wrong in my eyes, they won't give a shit but I will become bloody annoying (don't they know who the hell I am?) at least my inspections were a little smoother today hahahaha

Well I mentioned work so I better tell you that the weeks are just melting into one but now I'm just grumpy 99% of the time the more you do the more they expect, so yes I am digging my own grave so to speak and the tide is turning (and not in my favour) there are some big waves coming my way and I will endeavour to ride them out, but I do know whatever happens come April the first I will do exactly what I'm paid to do not a penny more (or less) I love my job but at the moment I'm not overly enamoured with all the games people are playing I don't play games I say it the way it is so sometimes (hahaha sometimes) I'm not always the most popular person in the world (noooo) but if it's games they want then I might just repay the compliments you don't survive twenty six years in one place without learning one or two tricks so if people want to do the dance bring it on bonny lad.

Yes I am full of the milk of human kindness I just like to have it returned from time to time, and that's the blog not as full of piss and vinegar as it should have been but that's the reason why I didn't put pen to paper (so to speak) straight away I took the time to write something measured as opposed to " the bunch of lazy no good pack of lying bastards"  I'm sure you get the message. We are both happy bunnies(the wife and I) as our new passports have arrived and those lovely Americans are going to let us into their lovely country (yeehaw The Clampetts go to Vegas) so I have started counting down the minutes (it can't come soon enough) Mr Robinson has received his copy of Foxtrot Oscar all the way in Germany and as I type this he is devouring and enjoying (I don't care if he doesn't I'm telling the world he is I might even use his comments as an advertising ploy for the next one hahahaha which is going to the printers at the weekend I just need to sort out the cover and once again take my time with technology so until after the meltdown Toodles!

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