Sunday, 26 February 2012

Good life.....Surfs up!

It's so good not to have to blog about work this shall be so much fun so strap yourself in and hang on for your life this is the good life!....(I bet I forget loads)

Yet again I was up early (work on my mind) but I didn't mind we had had a quiet night in (apart from the wife telling me off for allegedly falling asleep) and headed to the land of nod reasonably  early (by the wife's standards) but again I was wide awake soon enough, knowing I had brought work home and had to get to grips with it sooner rather than later, nothing too complicated just time consuming (isn't everything) so just after 7 this morning the lap top was fired up and I cracked on (and yes time flies when your having fun.... allegedly) just after 10.00 the mobile crackled into life (Broadsword calling Danny boy) calling the Tee Hee Club into action, I swung into action straight away although the wife was sort of awake a cunning plan was hatched, I was soon talking to people coming up with an action plan so that peeps could get their copies of the new book and we went forward like a well oiled machine we were out of the house on time and heading to sunny South Shields like a cruise missile in down town Baghdad. Half way there the wife realised that she hadn't taken her medication (how can you forget when you need to take it everyday)  but we structured our routine around what was about to happen and fingers crossed we hoped we would get through!

We arrived at mission control and dispensed books and presents (trust me, that's it no more potato related items.....honest.....maybe's) G was as always the perfect host and only suffered a small amount of abuse (water related) and we nattered and smiled at the birthday cake for the birthday boy (a VW Beetle if your at all interested) Cookie was nervous , probably thought we were staying for the night (bless) and we marshalled our forces and stepped into the time machine to get to the Wouldhave on time! on the way we made a small detour so the lady of the group could go to the bank and while she popped around the corner we turned the car around so that she could gain entry with a deal of ease but we were all mystified as to why she came back and went to climb all over G (we reckon its a love thang!) cue much embarrassment that her secret was out (ah young love) we promised not to tell (too many) people hahaha.
We entered our preferred drinking establishment and saw that an area had been put aside for us (ooh goody) balloons and the such like and lots of peeps who I knew by sight (but I am so shit with names) and many hello's were said with much hand shaking and kissing (still haven't got used to this bit) and we settled down for the birthday boy to turn up and act surprised! more peeps turned up as did the birthday boy who feigned surprise and headed in the other direction of the bar but he was soon sheparded back our way and much frivolity ensued too much to name and shame (OK so my memory is shit) lots of peeps being friendly Tourette's doing what he does best but there was no bodily harm although i could have killed G when he turned up with a sneaky fellow to be drunk, bladder control wasn't operating to maximum and this just sent it into overdrive, a short but sweet drinking session with lots of (nice) people and much happiness is great for recharging the batteries!

We came home to a dancing pooch (he couldn't keep his legs crossed much longer) and a sickly youngest to pick up, I thought I would do a quick blog because certain people were panicking that I would tell the world about all the little things that happened today (sorry I was having too much fun) and that really is it for now it's time for me to get my head down and arse into gear mode. You might just possibly get a blog next weekend (but there are no promises) and as I  sit here typing this up listening (and occasionally glancing up to Top Of The Pops 1977 ah the good old days) hoping that all the cunning plans that were set in motion will come to fruition so until the next time play nice and think of the poor soles still out there having a great time for Mr C's birthday eve party until the next time...Toodles!

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