Monday, 2 January 2012

One last train heading straight out of Gimpsville.

Ah where to start, the new year has been and gone and I have to say a jolly time was had but as always I digress!

I had decided to send all my new year greetings early and then switch my phone off so that it was once less thing to worry about as I have a terrible habit of losing stuff especially when large amounts of alcohol are involved, we had not made any concrete plans, silly really when all our friends live so far away we just go with the flow well lets be honest just by going with the flow hasn't spoiled our time out yet hahahaha

We actually had plenty of time so just took our own sweet time to get there and thankfully traffic was quite light we got there in time and came out of hyper speed at just the right point, set our bags down and then let the party commence we had (just one) quick drink (pacing is the key) and headed off into the night with no real plans but a last minute addition took us to K & A's for a swift little drink which turned into a real hoot there was much frivolity and a hell of a lot of drinking (oh and two Buckets), Banana rum (which was bloody lush) Jack and coke and lots of other stuff, I never realised that an arga was a drinks cabinet ...well I know now (silly me) at this point the wife's boots disintegrated thankfully there was help at hand (what nice people) and some peeps that I had met before but never spoke to and the conversation was excellent (it's what usually makes the difference between a good night and a cack night) and there were so many ideas for new blogs and titles (when you read Foxtrot Oscar all of this will be covered in The Salt-Water Imposters) its at this point I have to point out to everyone involved our biggest mission is to try and sell two houses and move down to be amongst our friends in sunny South Shields but there has to be a huge change in direction money wise I have to bring a sense of reality to the proceedings, it is going to happen but I have no idea when I know I joke about selling organs and all that other stuff, but we do have to be grounded in reality what with the small debt of an African nation around our neck(or rather mine) lets do the sensible thing, lets get on an even keel and go for it! but we facilitate bank loans credit card debt car payments and erm the rest out of one wage I'm not as young as I was and G simply doesn't want to pay for it! I desperately want it to happen but lets go with the flow peeps!

We then headed to a pub (I hadn't been before but it seemed fun) can't remember the name I do know that SMOR was there with a new lady friend (please let it be Jan) but to be honest pacing had gone out the window and I wasn't....well lets be honest here erm sober, I do think I was on my best behaviour and didn't do anything foolish but allegedly the wife got up to do the karaoke (I can't prove this but I was told she did) missed the scuffle at the bar the spilled drink on the pool table but seeing how I wasn't involved I didn't mind missing them.

We then set out to our final destination now at this point I was just tagging along because to be honest I didn't have a clue where we were (afterwards as we were homeward bound I soon understood where we were I should have become a boy scout) we turned up at Tourette's house ( a long story for another blog) in time for the new year we grabbed a seat in the upstairs kitchen and I could see the wife was flagging (although she at first denied it) we stayed a while then headed back to the prancing pony and me and the wife went straight to (hell) bed G and E stayed up to make a sandwich (allegedly hahaha) and a great nights sleep was had by all except G who was roughed up by a boisterous Cookie.

We arose and again had a good laugh and soon we had to say our farewell's we had baby sitting duties to do (and neither of us wanted to) we got home had (a boring ) dinner, I'm allowed to say that because I cooked it! we then sat and did our duty and I intended to blog but I was tired and I also knew I want to finish Foxtrot Oscar off with a bang, so I knew I didn't want to over tax my head as I intend to write this up big style for the grand final so that's the lot the opener for the new year and although I know in my own head that this could have been better but the book is now taking precedent so until later happy new year if I didn't get to see you don't worry there's a long year ahead of us so until the next time when my head will not be stuck my own ass, thanks to everybody  for a cracking night it's what helps you get through all the crapness hahahaha with that I'm off to finish Foxtrot Oscar toodles!

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