Thursday, 7 June 2012

The Deed Is Done.

Well "Piffle" is here and the wife hasn't tried to suffocate me through the night (so I think that could be a good sign) and she is happy for it to go out and although she claims it's very personal it's not as dark as I initially thought, so watch the skies boys and girls watch the skies copies will be coming sooner rather than later!

I have decided to put "Toodles" back to August just so that there will be some product out in the middle so to speak, I have done two new chapters for "Toodles" just so that people won't get cheated and if something crops up there might even be a third we shall see how much material I write in the coming months, yes it will be like a greatest hits however the new bits aren't fillers as I love all of my children equally and that means there won't be a huge empty period until "Buck Naked and the nine stone cowboy" everybody should be made aware that my youngest has picked the front cover (oops!) all I can say is be afraid be very afraid! I hope to have that ready in time for Christmas but you never know with me I have a tendency to go off on a tangent, we shall just have to wait and see. The stuff that I have kept back from"Piffle" was far too dark and some of it quite bitter and didn't fit the bill I'm sure I can rework all of it so that I don't come across as more of a loon than what I actually am hahahaha.

Since the last blog the world has moved at a snails pace purely because I was waiting for the "Piffle" to hit the mat (and no I haven't read it in its current format yet so that will be a chore for the remainder of my holidays) the old man of the house was on his last legs (or so we thought) but we have managed to breath some fresh life into him, he's not perfect and does  the thousand yard stare far too much for my liking but his appetite is back and everything else is healthier (at the moment) I'm not too stupid to thing he is a young puppy but he is back to barking to get me out of bed in the morning and wags his tail upon being in my presence (I don't think he see's as well as he used to so it may be my scent or the sound of my voice) I'm not stupid but I will gladly take each day as it comes and at the moment he seems better.

The Kraken must have taken pity on us because although we had a large number of offers for over the weekend, but because of the old man of the house we kept close to home, we even didn't go to the Demi on Saturday night to see the Ball-breakers, we just chilled and lazed but didn't really have the get up and go, we missed our friends in the Tee Hee Club but didn't have the heart to travel any distance without a get home quick plan(the wife still being crock with her shoulder) but on the Monday with him being well enough we jumped in a taxi and headed off to Bum-stock 2 to see the local "bands" but we barely stayed an hour the wife had two drinks and was well squiffy and so we booked a taxi and went straight home, well not quite we went to Iceland and bought tons of crap to gorge on!

The wife was then taken over by man flu so it was just as well that I have been off this week so I could once again pull on my Florence Nightingale outfit (in a non kinky kind of way) and do my husbandly duties hahaha, I intend to chill for the rest of the week to recharge my batteries, I'm not being too naughty and I'm only checking my work emails every other day (boo hoo) but I do intend to do some reading (I haven't yet but hey it's only Thursday) and one or two small chores it's a holiday boys and girls what do you want me to do work all the bloody time, no you don't have to tell me.

The blog numbers have been steady and we have one or two new readers (hello Stefan all the way from Madrid) and there has been one or two pleasant comments but sorry peeps I write mainly for me and I don't write to order, although I do intend to try and do some more historical ones for the benefit of the older readers the bug bear there is that I don't have all the old blogs so I'm aware that I could duplicate some of those previous blogs I have a crap memory for what I have already written I'm sure that you will point it out when my alzheimers kicks in, there are only so many humorous memories good or bad so bear with me, I have been aware with having little or no interaction with the outside world the blog is a tad dry so i appreciate those who stick with me in these dry times!

The book site as always when a new book gets released drops (WTF)  off greatly maybe it's like caveman and fire you lot are frightened of new ideas but keep spreading the disease with out you guys I'm just a sad old man banging away on a laptop for nothing, and that's me done for now back to my good deeds (yeah right)  until the next time Toodles!

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