I have to keep running in the right direction otherwise I think I would sink and disappear below the surface and at this moment in time if I do that then all I have done up to this point will have been a waste of my time and I hate to waste time!
Friday night ended on a high with the wife and the youngest having a ball and it was great to see them in such a great mood I wasn't my usual doom and gloom mood but i was nowhere near as happy as they were and I will admit it did lift my spirits just a little. I had to go to work yesterday and to point the youngest in the right direction I offered her a few hours work of which I would pay her out of my pocket (she has the will just hasn't had the breaks to get a part time job yet), we were up and out at silly o'clock well silly for the weekend and we sat in our own space as we travelled into work on the peasant wagon thankfully with the exception of sullen teenager with his hood up it was fairly uneventful, we chatted when we had to and respected each others space when it was required we got to work and I asked her if she would like a breakfast so I treated her (hang on a second this could get expensive) to a breakfast in the local Spoon's which was better than expected (take note Five Swans your still crap) even after breakfast we had some time, so she popped into a certain location to ask for an application form only to be told it was meant to be CV's only (check your own website shit head) but again not an issue we just went to my office and I let her loose on my computer to type a new one and she headed back to hand it in while I did my deed (training) once that was over we headed to my office and did what was needed actually napalm might have been better but we knuckled down and sorted through all my paperwork (that I had let build up so she had something to do and it drove my OCD totally up the wall) we finished a lot sooner than anticipated and we headed back to the peasant wagon which again wasn't as full as expected and we retreated back to our own space her to her music me to drift off to the land of nod(come on it's a bus it's what i do!) I think she was a little worried about my balance but we got home in one piece apart from a squawking brat who was largely ignored by his hoodied parents (and they weren't much younger than me) thankfully the child's armour piercing shrieks were deflected by my armour plated sleep. we arrived back in Gimpsville and headed back to our crib (see i'm down with the youngsters .....NOT).
The rest of the day was spent doing sod all oh and yes I fell asleep again I missed all of the James Bond film well that's what I was told but I don't believe them anymore they just want me to believe I'm going senile (actually they say that a lot as well) the rest of the evening was pleasant nothing to stressful although I was given two tasks (internet wise perverts) and I was only successful on one so at some point i will have to go looking again. As the night drew to a close the wife and I engaged in something that we used to do a lot more of (careful I won't tell you lot again) and that was to talk to each other and not anything serious just general chit chat which was nice and lifted my darkening mood (again I was tired by this point do you people not know me by now) and we got to talking about a bucket list (we aren't dying just yet so don't panic like I did when the conversation came up) and although I wouldn't go into any details the wife's was quite nice and showed that she had spent some time thinking about it, me I struggled short of wanting to have a holiday on Richard Branson's Desert Island in the Caribbean Necker it was at this point that I realised that I actually have no ambition about certain things.
I realise that I think what happens happens and no matter what I think or say will change it, I have no flights of fancy for new clothes cars shiny things and the such like I accept the shitty deal that I get dealt on a regular basis and I have no sodding idea on how to change my outlook in any way I feel blank when people and the wife is good at this (bungalow, Ollie etc etc) lusts after people she has no intention of ever being with, she just finds them attractive and knows what she likes where as I have no sodding clue! I once said that I had found a certain actress "pretty" and the wife still harangues me to this day about it (in a friendly fashion I hope well after twenty one years I hope friendly) when did I become this blank sheet even now I couldn't tell you an actress, singer or generally a person out there in the public domain that I can put my hand on my heart and say "cor I would" like the wife does to the aforementioned list (does this make me even more weird than I already think I am?)and woe betide me if I make any kind of remark towards her long list of totty (currently standing at 45238977653) and not that I don't know what a good looking woman looks like because I do, my only ambition is to do better at this hobby I do called writing and would finally like to get something published properly and not just self publish all the time, so if you see me scratching my head I'm not trying to start a fire I'm just trying to be normal like you and you and you over there go figure hahaha!
No Tee Hee Club this week apart from being in that state that is known as "skint" some of our band of friends are off to see the Red Hot Chilli Peppers in Mordor I don't have the fancy to see them on a huge stage (I think they will be a great gig) but I preferred them on the Mayfair's stage hahaha so if your there have fun and if your nut go do something productive like pick fluff from your belly button oh you know the thing crack on and until later Toodles!
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