Saturday, 16 June 2012

Good Will

OK so I intended to do this earlier but with a week from hell at work I was sick of being a miserable git! (according to the wife allegedly) work has been shit with a capital S and I certainly have no intention of going into details or trying to work out what happened all I know is that a grudge is for life and revenge will be served as soon as I take all the knives out of my back! the look on peoples faces that I was still standing after the onslaught I put up with has shocked the shit out of everyone just watch the space as I will keep you all updated on the body count!

the week sped past at fast rate as always (earlies does that to you) and the week was taken up tweaking the Ipod for the Jubilee Reunion and last night while putting on a few extra tracks on it all went pear shaped and the week very nearly sent me off on a killing spree thankfully the wife stepped up to the plate and with the help of my old Ipod and the huge amount of tracks on there we hopefully managed to pull it out of the bag with only the loss of a couple of tracks no I'm not happy but with three months to obsess about it what would anybody expect, me with my musical predilections ho hum the world kept spinning which wasn't really a surprise!

when I got up this morning the Ipod was working but on reflection I was happier with what we had done so with a bit of fancy footwork and the flash of the wife's eyelashes that's what we have decided to go with but take the non co operative one with us as a back up just in case! I thought I would, a little one for when we are away. As it's G's birthday tomorrow and we are off to celebrate so it more than likely be Monday as this weekend ensures that we do indeed have a full dance card, and finally something to blog about and then back to work Grrr! at least at a sensible time.

So don't wait up and don't hold your breath we are off to melt the last bit of credit that we can muster and go out in a blaze of glory, and don't worry that fecker is not on any Ipod! have a great weekend and if your in the toon pop over to the Jubilee reunion (don't worry it's got nothing to do with the Queen honest) you might enjoy and evening of Inuit throat music Toodles! oh and while I remember the blog title has nothing to do with a song, I did a course this week (about being motivated GRRRR!) that said if you do anything extra or take pride in the job that you do, that's called goodwill and officially if you do that your a Muppet because nobody asked you to! WTF no wonder this country is in such a state shoot all the chinless wonders and lets start from scratch!

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