Saturday, 5 May 2012

Ooops I Did It again(Hand Grenade Parts 2-745)

OK so I have been keeping notes since the last one, the week has been a blur of activity and I'm getting on a bit, I wanted to keep a thread running between the previous blogs so I kept notes, go sue me (actually don't I have no organs left to sell).

Yet another late night thanks to the baby crying, not his fault he has a few issues (don't we all darling) and hopefully when he's with us we are helping the problem, but it's not helping me in anyway shape or form in the sleep department, I finally got to bed (around about 12ish) and slept badly I got up in a funk (more groggy actually)and when I went into the bathroom(don't worry we won't get too graphic) I threw my phone onto the towel which was hanging over the towel rail and radiator only to watch it (in slow motion) glide over the top and down the back of the radiator (bugger) I then spent a frantic twenty minutes trying to get it out, which I did but I could have done without that at silly o'clock in the morning, it got worse as I tend to operate in the dark so as not to wake anybody up, I turned the bathroom light out and then forgot where the hell I was, yes I knew I was at the top of the stairs but I was too far out and not within (easy) reach of the handrail, I nearly slipped Closeau like down the bloody things I really do need to hone my ninja skills a little better.

As I sat and munched on my toast I checked farcebook see if anybody had missed me (what a surprise nobody had) one feed that brightened my day Mrs Loud who was excited to be playing Heaton Buffs like it was Madison Square Gardens (if you don't know who she is shame on you, she sang on a Meatloaf album and is a great singer with a great album out there, but because of X Factor shite is relegated to playing clubs if you get the chance to go see her  I thoroughly recommend it ) I love people who enjoy life as much as she does and more power to her elbow for it! My lift turned up and the day was soon lost in a frantic burst of activity which could have been so much worse if I had stayed, but I did my contractual hours and buggered off home (in some ways I wish I had stayed at work) it had been a great day lots of ducking and diving just the way I like it.

I arrived home to see the wife down in the dumps and shaking her head at me as I came through the front door I could hear the Kraken in full flow against the world and its pet hedgehog, on top of that the baby was also in full on mode, the night did not appear to be promising, now its at that point in time that I could quite willingly go atomic but the wife won't let me (and what the wife wants she usually gets!) the flow went back and forth with the Kraken rocking like a lunatic riding a bomb in an out take from Dr Strangelove! I have to admit it's very annoying and every time it happens I bite just a little bit more of my tongue off, lord help us if me and the wife are in a bad place and I do indeed decide to kick off (actually it's all I want for Christmas ....please!) the main crux of the argument (after I got her to take a bloody breath) was that the wife seemed like she was intending to look after the child after her shoulder operation (erm f**k no!) and thankfully some semblance of order was achieved after the Kraken returned to her sea cave to feed on fish or whatever a Kraken feeds on (Grrr!).

I tried (as always but usually not successful) to keep the wife happy and at some point Junior fell asleep in his little play pen, the wife was heading out to pick the youngest up and left me in charge hahaha (with my reputation) yes you guessed there was indeed trouble ahead, I put my phone on silent so not to wake Junior up in the event somebody other than the wife would ring me (yeah right) and yes you all guessed right I did what I normally do I blinked and yet again I awoke to find a menacing figure stood over me calling me a Muppet (I do deserve that one) I did try to get myself back in the good books but in the end I had to admit defeat and head off to the land of nod.

I awoke feeling a bit better and thankfully had no mishaps this time, My head was buzzing just a little and I waited dreading my lift being in full on spazz mode but for once my lift was less than chirpy and we settled into our jaunt into work, And it was as always yet another busy day with the Fire Brigade and not a lot else to tell you about (I keep claiming legal reasons, but in reality apart from that its also because so much goes on I struggle to remember) apart from the news that the guy who was the lone candidate for the job I was intending to go for got the job and his first task in the next twenty four hours was going to be my work appraisal!  oh this was going to be fun., I got home to find the youngest there and we chilled and watched some TV (which as always I love doing as she is so much fun to be with) the wife arrived home with the Kraken who thankfully after a raging phone call earlier had calmed down to a dull roar, as soon as she buggered off I sat with the wife trying to order my new piece of technology which as always didn't go smoothly but the wife ignored me and got on with it and she was successful (which is why when I'm sat this Saturday morning typing this epic my old lap top is in the huff and on a go slow) my stomach was off but I was a nice guy and we ordered Chinese food for everybody (I only pinched a little bit) I soon admitted defeat and headed for bed because tomorrow was going to be super busy and I needed my wits about me! 

The day started in a blur and kept a steady pace for the rest of the day, I could see my new Manager looking just a tad apprehensive (I have no idea why hahahaha) and thankfully he bit the bullet and got on with it (my record for my appraisal is just over 90 minutes) today was actually going to knock that clean out of the ring we started at ten in the morning and I finished with just one minute to spare for me to get my lift in time (yes boys and girls a grand total four and a half hours) hey you want the job you have to do the job hahaha his first question really set the tone "where do you wish to be in twelve months time?" to which I replied "In your job!" I was brought up to be honest, well his face was a picture, from there it was a couple of hours of him trying to say that yes he knew I'm good at my job, but he couldn't score me as high as he would like, well I brought my A game into play and shot him down at every turn with strategy plans and letters of recommendation from the previous managers and tenants,I will give his credit he did some fancy footwork but he was in the heavyweight division (hey I know I'm a fat twat) and it was me landing all the heavy blows he had no option but to give me what I wanted (score wise) now I know the area manager will try and fiddle with it but I'm ready for him as well, all I can say is bring it on! Now to make you think it was a one way contest would be unfair there were some points I was prepared to concede and also I wanted him to know that I am a team player and that I would take up any of the slack that he felt that he needed to throw my way, I was more than prepared to help out (how else am I going to prepare the ground work for taking over his position).

I jumped in the car to head home and start my nine days holiday (its not all good I will see the Kraken on at least eight of them) only for the traffic to bring us to a grinding halt and for us to be diverted because of a huge burst water main, and if I'm honest the night was a tad odd I was in full on blink mode, but the wife was struggling with her technology and it was me trying to stop her doing a Basil Fawlty (sometimes we do make a really good couple hahaha) and we finally (fingers crossed) resolved the issue and then I sank into oblivion only to be woke up at two in the morning and being told go to bed! now this was not perfect as I had to be up at six  to sit and wait for my new laptop to be delivered (a 7 until 6 delivery window and the Argos tracker system being down Grrr you know for a fact its going to turn up at around five to six tonight double Grrr!) but hopefully in the long run it will be worth it, the weekend is ahead of us and with some cunning plans to come to fruition it should be a great one (I must apologise in advance because I have to inform you all that I do intend to have a drink or two.....tee hee!) and that's it the trilogy for the week complete, numbers as always are increasing and some nice compliments being added so again thanks, and before anybody whines yes I do intend to spend the week polishing "piffle" I think I need about another four chapters if truth be told so that I indeed will be ready to go back to the publishers at the end of the month.

Before I sign off I struggled with a title for the last one and it wasn't until I was playing some music (the score for The girl with the dragon tattoo) that it jumped out at me and went boo! it was then I made a mistake and got all cocky, well yes thanks to the wonders of Google about twenty of you beat me to death (E was first though) with the answer (I was surprised Mr Robinson never surfaced, mind you he would have got it totally correct!) well sorry boys and girls you only got half of it right yes it was indeed Trent Reznor, but it was a (and here's the bit I really wanted to know) co -credit with Atticus Ross so there hahaha go do the job properly or don't do it at all, for those that got it half right I will concede defeat and grow a beard hahahaha on that bombshell I'm out of here to go sit on my front door step like a kid waiting for Santa to turn up on Christmas morning so until the next time Toodles!


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