Monday, 7 May 2012

Hide in your shell

The weekend arrived with next to no fanfare I knew I had to get up out of bed to go and wait for the new laptop coming, and I did so with next to no willing, I could have stayed in bed, but I didn't I trudged downstairs and sat typing the previous blog so that something could be posted. It finally arrived around about eleven thirty and it was soon set up by the I T Department (yes the wife) just in case I made a pigs ear of it.

The old man of the house was transported to the Kraken's as we intended to make a weekend of it but first we had a few little tasks to do, which we pottered on and we were even ready with tons of time to spare I know with our reputation! ( I have found out this week that it's not just the wife who runs on a different meridian time line) because we were ready we headed out and had a slow walk to the pub (how often does that happen boys and girls) and we ambled and chatted, just general chit chat but it was nice it's something we very rarely get a chance to do so we soaked in the sun (yes that thing in the sky that at times can make you warm) as we headed to The Grey Horse, we grabbed a table and a drink (which was gorgeous but a tad expensive) and we sat and waited, again we chatted amongst ourselves until the others turned up and a pleasant afternoon was had by all except for one ignorant person who shall remain nameless(purely because you guys don't know him) he could barely bring himself to say goodbye, some people are just strange!

By this time we had the munchies so as we wandered back we decided to get a pizza from the closest pizza place to home but upon getting there we discovered it had been turned into a Japanese Takeaway (not sure what the difference is but the good lady wife wanted pizza so that is what she was going to get) so we about turned and headed back into the centre of town ordered one and headed home, now to be honest the rest of the weekend for food was a bloody disaster so don't say I didn't warn you OK, I enjoyed the pizza but it was just OK the wife disagreed because she threw hers back up at two thirty in the morning (bless her) again I was up with the larks and as I padded about the house doing this and that yet again I had the munchies but couldn't eat anything because once more I had massive tonsils I also really couldn't be arsed so I left it alone and mooched, when I decided to actually have something I discovered in the fridge a ready meal liver and onions so that was the weirdest breakfast of the day but it was indeed lovely! I do like a bit of liver. I had managed to get a copy of the Avengers (ahem) so we lay and vegged out watching that and at the end I called for THE TEE HEE CLUB to ASSEMBLE calling those super heroes from all corners of the known universe to meet at a local destination (OK so it was funny when I put it as a farcebook post now it just seems silly ...tee hee!).

Again we headed off to the centre of the universe for much humour and frivolity and the wife didn't shout at many cars as she overtook them, we got to G and E's to head off out for lunch and we had not seen our partners in crime in what seemed like ages but the abuse was being hurled down  the stairs at G as if we were indeed still in Vegas, we gathered our team and headed off to an unknown destination (well I promised I wouldn't name and shame the pub but it's in Marsden and instead of a pub its got Inn in its title...ooops) the pub is lovely and has a great reputation, which on this occasion it didn't live up to, we soon ended up at the bar and we met new people, but it soon became evident that the food was not going to pass muster six out of twelve peoples dinners went back because they were cold, mine was warm so therefore edible but it wasn't very good and the portions well I put more out for my grandson, we soon became very vocal and although the staff did their best the chef cowered in the kitchen, come on its not rocket science it's Sunday people are coming out for diner I know it was the end of service but that was pretty crap! P was soon planning a Blitzkrieg on the manager ( I know a crap pun but hey ho I'm going with the flow of the day) I don't believe anybody was put in a headlock but the meals for what they were we got for free, we weren't unhappy with the pub so we stayed and had a few more beers before heading out into the madding crowd.

Some of the party headed home and we headed to our next destination and I have to admit I could have just sat on the grass and enjoyed the sun (OK so I would have needed a coat on) I discovered yet another house I liked the look of but even selling my brain (the only organ the wife hasn't tried to sell) I don't think its even on our radar never mind our price range, the next pub was full of bank holiday joy (people full of drink) and a great deal of flatulence most of which I got blamed for, but for once was not guilty of it was quite interesting to see all the ladies of the party blaming their other half's I believe it to have from floated over from a group of "ladies" sat behind us but unless I actually asked them I don't think we would have got to the bottom of it, G provided me with the cover of the book after "Piffle" as always he is a most obliging person who fills me with inspiration for the day ahead hahahaha!

We actually only stayed for one drink at this pub (sorry I wasn't interested in pubs names by this point) and although the beer was canny, the wait to get served wasn't so we headed for the local and everybody was soon crowded around tables (now at this point my stomach thought my throat had been cut I was so hungry) and although I would have preferred to have stayed longer we headed out into the early evening to drop off the last two books at SMOR's flat and go pick the old man of the house up, after we endured the Kraken doing her usual moans and groans I thought we should grab a quick bite to eat and headed into our local KFC which to be blunt was shite the wrong order and basically tasteless obviously the last order of the night and out the door before we realise that it was indeed the wrong items I wasn't happy and to be blunt it spoilt my weekend (for food anyway) I intended to blog straight away while the days events were still fresh but I decided to sit next to the wife (who I'm sure is drugging me because whenever I sit next to her I fall asleep) who sent me upstairs at some point.

Now to be honest I had a good weekend but the expectation was way to high, but I didn't have a great weekend, why? well again if I'm being honest yet another early morning rise on a day off and yet again we are baby sitting, I would much rather be going to see the Frog on the Tyne and then finish off with a bit of Bucketmania!  it was great to see everybody who we hadn't seen in ages but it feels like there's unfinished business going on out there and sod it I'm as jealous as hell! The rest of the week although I am off I will be assisting the wife and as always I have a ton of little bits and pieces to do, so don't expect war and peace any time soon I really do need to do a couple of more chapters for the new book then I need to polish and polish and polish again I really must get it finished I really have worked hard on"piffle" and although I think it's a little more "serious" or "dark" delete as appropriate, I think it's something that I want to get there for a number of reasons which when you read the book you hopefully might get a better grip of a lunatic who calls his blog page "walks with broken hoop" I also think the reason I will be keeping my head down blog wise is my happy button has become unstuck and I had a moment yesterday that was actually worrying, but the wife spotted it and diverted my attention (cliché) but it hung around like fog shrouding my mood in things that didn't need to rear it's ugly fecking head. Its amazing how something thirty years ago can rear its head and have such a crap effect on my outlook on life in general!

I haven't decided whether the incident will appear in the book its the chapter that has caused  me some consternation as I try and exorcise the single most point in my life that I wish I could obliterate and  its the point where I became the manic depressive (which I know I can be from time to time , go on ask the wife she can be a saint at times!) that has caused me problems throughout my life ever since, I hope in some ways though that it has helped me to become a better person (how I'm not sure but if I didn't think that then a black cloud would descend that even the wife couldn't chase away) I have wrote the chapter at least eight times only to discard because I don't like what I have written! so that's the plan of attack I hope you all have/had a great weekend/week, have fun I wish I could be there to see the state that everybody will be at Bucketmania but I'm sure we can try and enjoy next weekend before the depart to Spain and various other locations, so until the next time play nice and Toodles! and oh yes before anybody bitches yes the blog title is a Supertramp song if you have a problem with I will see you outside in the playground after school get a life sheesh!

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