Saturday, 28 January 2012

The Disco Kid

Life has as always moved on in leaps and bounds have I been able to keep up with it like hell have I, work as usual has just kept gathering at a pace which to be honest is not sustainable (and I know it) but there has been a cunning plan building momentum and it has now come to fruition The Hee Club is going to Vegas Baby! this could get spicy.

Work has been a bit like stop, stop, start, hurry up, wait and stop kind of thing, but at a pace the wife would find frightening! the start of the week was two days of mind numbing presentations for people who would like £5million of business off us and some people were good some OK and some just down right shite by the end I just wanted it to end, I hate Salesmen at the best of times the technical guys were good but the salesmen I would have gladly took outside and shot (oops inside voice alert) and because I took two days out of my schedule for these presentations I then had to make up time and with some ducking and diving it was managed,  but to be honest by Friday I was a dead duck completely wasted so me and the wife chilled and watched (with the aid of some Chinese food) the TV I know me with my reputation.

The Vegas trip has been on the cards for quite a while and was supposed to happen last year, but the wife's ill health and changing medical insurance companies screwed us big style (no surprise there then) but the plan was kept in the loop hopefully to be revived at the correct time, for the Motley Crue trip we sorted out the mess that was our finances and at the end of it I kept a chunk to one side because to be honest that was the only way it was going to happen (although if I'm honest if we had waited much longer I would have started to fritter it away on bills and stuff I'm no good at being the type of person who doesn't give a shit about personal finances) so the fact the trip was organised and set up within 72 hours (thank you E)goes to show (I NEED A FECKING HOLIDAY) oops sorry that was my real inside voice and at short notice it's been one wild ride and now I go to bed counting the hours (at the moment it's standing at 888 till we go by my reckoning) I'm glad that it's happening now and not waiting because I think I would be (more of) a basket case by the time it arrived.

Last weekend I suffered a lot of abuse because I wasn't there to see to witness the national break dancing quarter finals if I'm honest the standard of stumbles just wasn't really there so I was prepared to take the abuse that came my way, but it appears that there has been a wild card entry at the last moment The Disco Kid tried to do a difficult move which involved taking a pebble and doing a quadruple spin  a dangerous move from the ageing world champion trying to relive glory days of his youth and many people think he should have stayed in retirement how ever if the doctors can get the new ankle to work he should be back in time for the finals in Vegas!

 And that is it a very shortened blog! but I felt the need to get something out there as I haven't really done a lot of writing of late (work work work) so hopefully this gets me back in the saddle although the future ones will be of a short and sweet nature as I try to gear up and crack on with "Piffle Waffle and Balderdash" so that it's ready to publish in late May, thanks again for the lovely compliments for Foxtrot Oscar and if anybody was expecting a copy they are on their way shortly the wife as always has been babysitting and to be honest it's wiping here out, at the latest if needs be I will have them sorted and posted no later than next weekend the next book Conversations with Rollo is hot to trot although I do need to the front cover (to which as always I have a cunning plan) although I am struggling with a cover for "Piffle" I have some ideas but any (clean ) suggestions are indeed most welcome, and that is that keep spreading the word (all help gratefully accepted) have fun and if you can't have fun you must have joined the false prophets for now Toodles!

Sunday, 22 January 2012

A Wet And Soggy Muff!

Careful boys and girls this one is going to get a tad hairy!

OK so I think that I covered work pretty much in the last blog lets just not go there(much) in this one, I was sat waiting for copies of my second book to arrive but they were actually delivered to the neighbour I now know how Charles Lindbergh felt after the kidnapping of his child, thankfully though all my babies were returned, just as I turned up to put my size 7 boot through the neighbours door she met me on the path and I was relieved(mainly because we don't get on that much) , We had a night out planned for the weekend and I didn't want to be distracted, although the work week ended with me heading for the hills and me taking work with me, this was unavoidable with so much to cover but I intended to keep an even balance if I didn't do these little bits this weekend the coming (work) week would soon see me in a loony bin trying as always to fit a pint into a half pint glass, it wasn't lots but just a few bits and pieces to tidy up, the wife would beat me to death with a blunt instrument if I brought too much home(trust me I like my leisure time this is purely a short term arrangement) there is no push from above for me to complete on time, but if I don't it will drag over into the next year and so on and on, anybody who knows me will know that a time specific item is indeed that "time specific" so I will push on for the time being but the storm clouds that had potential to cause havoc but didn't, left a disease to fester in my heart that will not go away so I will put my nose to the grindstone but unless the festering heart is sorted out April 1st will bring a new meaning to "time specific" watch this space for cunning plans and dangerous explosions!

So onto the weekend again a time of fun and frivolity was indeed required and we intended to hook up with SMOR who was doing the Thin Lizzy tour, who we all weren't too bothered about but the support Clutch well lets just say I thought they were indeed quite canny I knew the name but not the music (that has since changed) so we headed to the Prancing Pony as we had many cunning plans for road trips and the such like, we actually left with time to spare and arrived without too much fuss I hadn't charged my mobile (not normally an issue I don't use it much) but the wife's was in the danger zone (because she's never off the bloody thing) so we all had to stay close in case we went M I A, as we got there G was feeding himself with protein for the night ahead watching something called wipe out which sent me into apoplexy when I discovered that the BBC sent the contestants off to Argentina to make this shite (I want a fecking refund) and he was duly called to do the dirty deed to try and evict Cookie from her domicile he had the look of a man heading the riot squad heading in to Toxteth, thankfully Cookie didn't kick off too much and G only had to use the riot shield about 4 times, we headed to South Shields while supplies were drawn out of machines the wife dashed into the local Morrison's too use their facilities I was abused as she headed to the ablutions because I hadn't taken notice of the National break dancing championships on the way down I have to admit I was disappointed nobody went down like they had been hit by a sniper so I doubt the quarter finals beckon for anybody. although there are always qualifiers taking place so I will keep you all appraised hahaha.

We jumped into the Ship and Royal for a cheeky one (and some change for the metro) and started planning we got to our transport just as one pulled in so we had the pick of our seats and we endured a uneventful journey to Newcastle (that means G was distracted and unusually peaceful)we arrived at the Haymarket and headed up the escalators (which are bloody steep) to find the wife hanging on for grim life breathing deeply, we arrived at the City Hall and bumped into SMOR chatting outside we were given a quick tour of the crew bus (purely because he was cold and wanted some warmth) we then had to try and stop the Ladies from wanting to break the bank to buy one for the weekends (we were good we didn't even steal a mug), we headed indoors and saw familiar faces and said hello then headed to our seats (Thanks SMOR great seats yet again) and enjoyed Clutch as I have said before they were great and would thoroughly recommend them to all and sundry, we saw some more faces and I was abused by some peeps from work on a boys night out and to be honest I have seen Lizzy loads of times and I wasn't too bothered but we lasted 30 minutes (the sound was awful) so we cut and run and headed back to South shields with everybody's phone going in and out of phase because of the tunnels but G was now on a roll and had Mud in his head and Showwaddywaddy it wasn't pleasant and to be honest for a second I thought he was going to be bludgeoned to death by a seat ripped out of the metro but then I realised it was just an out of body experience (don't you just hate that when it happens) we arrived and headed to the Woody and were met by several familiar faces who had obviously been there just a wee while, we were introduced to a couple we didn't know and fun and frivolity ensued and yet again we were asked to leave as the staff wanted to go home(honestly do they not know who the hell we are) G had an early start so I did the sensible thing and escorted the ladies back to the Ship and Royal (well I needed the loo) but when I arrived back amongst everybody coats were off and bags were placed and the ladies were dancing about so we stayed a tad longer (sorry G) and soon it was time for some nose bag it was at this point E noticed her Muff (her handbag honest) was wet and dripping (please don't go there) and started to tell us repeatedly (and loudly)that her muff was indeed wet we had to endure her telling us again loudly (like the lady that she is)while we waited for our food telling us what she intended to do to sort her muff out, not really the conversation for a crowded Kebab shop early on a Sunday morning! we headed off to the Hostelry of our choosing(The Prancing Pony) and as we were finishing off our food the muff was attacked with much vigour and seeing as how it was really really late we headed off to our beds to sleep the sleep of intoxicated people.

We were awoke (or some of us were) to the phones ringing from SMOR which because of our befuddled state none of us actually got until later my phone had died by this point so I was blissfully unaware, however when he phoned and was given a  mock berating from the wife he hung up (I wouldn't have rung her hahahaha) but we soon got that mishap sorted, we then made further cunning plans for a road trip to top all previous road trips to which at this point G turned up and started to sort out his tools from his job which didn't go down to well , but again disaster was once more averted and a cunning plan was formulated it just now has to be executed which should be put into action tomorrow. We then headed back to Gimpsville weary and emotional heading back to the trial and tribulations that is the people who wind the wife up (I know how to sort it honest I do but it involves me telling them to feck off permanently) but as I sit typing this I have no intention of letting them grind me down however the wife needs a break so I won't labour the point (KILL EM ALL) for her sake as it stands I start the countdown tomorrow for the future, what for I hear you ask? well you will hear it here first (but just not yet).

My facebook addiction is well on it's way to being broken I have barely gone on and posted anything this week, I have kept a low profile and trust me it will get lower in future I will maintain a presence purely for advertising this blog and all the future books, I'm just not enjoying it at the moment it's nice to chat from time to time but it can be draining at times and it's meant to be fun works not helping but as always cunning plans are abound,and that's it to be honest, this blog contains only about a third of what went down last night but the drink for some reason kills my braincells and the longer I wait to write anything the shorter the blog gets so it might be time for the little black book to return until the one ....Toodles!

Thursday, 19 January 2012

Take no prisoners

A strange and unusual week with much gritting of teeth and just a few death threats but I will get to that in a minute, Monday at work was hectic manic unbelievable just to add a few words of description to the mix I loved it, it was great from the word get go one of those special days that do happen from time to time and believe me Monday was it!

However there is as always pride before a fall and Tuesday started with a veritable shit storm so different from the previous 24 hours that I honestly had to check to see if I had dreamed the day before thankfully the tornado subsided and a happy balance of goodness was restored but it was a close run thing (note to myself try not to be too bloody smug). Monday night the wife yet again was at warp factor 22 for her hospital appointment we just got there in time for her name to be called it actually took longer for us to get to the place than the length of the appointment, but a cunning plan has been formed I just have to pay for it now (I do every bloody day) so hopefully that will make her just a a little bit better(she can do with some good luck for god's sake she has been with me for twenty years) we can only hope, work for the rest of the week has been on the whole good not great and I have no desire to fall into a maelstrom of depression oh no our cunning plans are gathering some traction and is speeding towards its initial destination (happiness) so bear with me on this one!

The wife finally had a huge success with her new kitchen implement and all I can say (apart from sod the diet) the cake was bloody lovely lets hope there's not one a week because honestly I do need to start losing some bloody weight again but well done and many kudos, there was an internet rumour it was a bought cake but I can confirm it was made with her fair hands in our small kitchen.....wunderbar!

I have also been having fun at the expense of spell check while doing these blogs and other things (simple things for simple minds I know) I tend to rattle these off and then hopefully go back and correct the few(thousand ) mistakes and when the spell check kicks in it really does throw up some wonderful words that bear no resemblance to the word that you intend it really is good to screw with technology's brain its just something to please my simple mind.

After the last blog the death threats actually came from a titled female from the realm of this country (a Lady) who took offence because I happened to mention the first round of the national break dancing championships took place and she narrowly missed being placed, she will pleased to know that even though she didn't get through on the night the Bulgarian champion Broken Legoff  has pulled out with suspected potato poisoning so she will go through with a handicap(no not G) and the judges will be keeping a close eye this weekend, as she tries to get into the quarter finals we are hoping for something better than a hop skip and a jump something with a double pirouette (as long as its not me being thrown under a bus) cunning plans are abound and hopefully the blue touch paper is being prepared for that magical moment of ignition, can you tell that I'm a tad happy (Giddy more like) tomorrow although its meant to be a quiet(ish) day and it needs to be managed carefully and then its the weekend (Woo Hoo) so until the weekend when I have time to collect my thoughts play nice and oh yes ....Toodles!

Sunday, 15 January 2012

Back to earth

We started at a run (yes we were late no surprise there then) but we soon were on level pegging having arrived at the Prancing Pony to be met at the door by Mr Potato himself  birthday wishes were exchanged and a couple little ones were soon imbibed and a cheeky little parlour game as we counted down to kick off, Cookie wasn't happy but we found all the booby traps and IED's (improvised explosive devices)  G thought that by giving 85 as the answer would be witty he did  indeed get a few points at the right time and wasn't too shabby at all (hidden depths indeed) we got suited and booted (I'm so glad I listened to the wife because I wasn't going to take a coat) and set off at a nice pace, even I could keep up, we got to the first bar (The Ocean Lounge if your that interested) I won't mention the break dancing competition that E tried to instigate as we entered the pub but it was a valiant effort,the birthday girl chose what she wanted and we marshalled the drinks and grabbed a corner and much fun and frivolity was started, lots of people and just a little drink G soon spotted a pair of boots he wanted to try on but the night was going to be a failure on that score the lady in question was able to keep her boots on and G only sulked a little as he did in fact manage later on in the evening manage to kidnap her handbag and reluctantly give it back on pain of punishment off the birthday girl!

We soon decided to move to another venue, as it happens The Woody and we all actually managed to get there in a fairly orderly manner (for us)all the while making cunning plans and cruel observations (oops that was just me) we arrived got served (see G we knew you would be fine with us it's that SMOR that keeps getting you into trouble) And Commander Curtis got his troops in a V formation and we assailed the heights joined a few tables together and the fun really started much fun and frivolity of the type that is great at the time but doesn't always make much sense in the cold light of day (the best type as far as I'm concerned) we did get loud (oops no again that was me again) trying to dislodge a few enemy troops but they stuck to their guns and dug in deep (good for them) although (yes I was people watching again) there was a beautiful couple who weren't sure what to make of us all and while the other half went off to the gents the female of the pair proceeded to apply so many coats of make up to her face she went from a size 4 head to a 12 bless well me and E chuckled (oh how cruel we were) the night progressed and then the staff tried to evict us (do they not know who the hell we are) and the party parted and headed to our respective base camps and as we threaded through the freaks lining the streets with high heels and no clothes I realised how happy I was to be an old person with sensible shoes and a coat, SMOR was called why I hear you ask well because we can and he would do it to us,we headed to the usual haunt for food me and the wife just got some chips but the wife's were sprinkled with angel dust because she dreamt of John Travolta dancing in G & E's new drive way (no really please don't ask) mine were sprinkled with sleeping powder (more on that in a bit) and G as usual ordered his 43 tons of chicken wings and we soon headed back to the Prancing pony fully fed I was soon being pulled by that tractor beam called sleepy time but a cunning plan was being formed for dinner (I was already hungry yum yum) and yes you guessed I slept like a log....Tee Hee!

We arose this morning and made no mention of G's quiff (it would have been rather impolite) had a swift cup of tea and the boys wandered off to see how the rest of the boys were spending their time as Mr Curtis was going to be ripping his beloved beetle to bits, so we headed in the (a northerly direction) right direction but G hadn't actually been to the Garage before so we did a Billy Connolly and stopped to listen for the sound of a grinder, we were soon on the right track and found the boys and their toys (from a health and safety perspective a ghastly nightmare) and it brought many happy memories flooding back  of times spent in Athey's Dad's garage fixing up old bangers the sights and smells so familiar (I still love the smell of grinding yes I know how sad I am) me and G knew we were on a tight timetable and knew we had to keep the ladies happy and though we weren't dressed to lend a hand (we were keen) we would have jumped in and lent a hand even though there were a few brass monkeys wandering in the lane looking for a welder(and lets not mention the fire extinguisher OK), we arrived back in plenty of time for G to make himself beautiful and we headed to The Mile for dinner and it was as lovely as it had been described and we had to be prised out of our booth and we all waddled downstairs to enjoy the Newcastle football match.

We soon had to say our goodbyes and head back to the land that is drudgery with all the unhappy inhabitants that live there whose sole purpose seems to be the intention of making us unhappy (trust me they do they really do) but armed with the cunning plans from the previous evening hopefully their ammunition will just bounce right off and I know we have some really fancy footwork to do before we are any way complete (this is the ultimate cunning plan)we are moving forward and heading towards the supernova that is the one thing that is going to get me through the next 6 or so weeks, I now prepare to head to work tomorrow (and deal with the stupid people) listening to the Charlotte Yanni Debut CD Accidentally On Purpose a really good listen and a local artist that I wholly recommend for some good old fashioned (as in class) songs that tell a tale well played and sung in a refreshing style (I hope the cheque is in the post soon Charlotte) hopefully sleep will dent the trepidation for the coming days I know that there is far too much work to contemplate but needs must so until the next time (and it won't be tomorrow unless I do indeed go on a killing spree) I look forward to the next weekend for good times with good friends and no false prophets I probably got that bit wrong it's an age thing can anybody tell me if it's the weekend yet until the next time Toodles!

Saturday, 14 January 2012

Turn the corner and run like hell!

Wow thank you everybody for all the kind compliments and insults for the last blog and yes it did do the best numbers so far, I'm still chomping at the bit because I know my babies are sitting at the fed ex depot in Jarrow and I can't get them bah but never mind they will arrive in good time (just not quick enough) so I will ponder life and gaze at my bellybutton waiting for them to arrive The name game was won by a lady although 14 others did indeed get it right mmmmm not obscure enough then, next time boys and girls next time!

Work has been like trying to run in a hurricane and I have to admit my anger levels at the stupidity of sensible people is to say the least at critical mass(GRRR!) but I know I shall adapt and overcome otherwise if you hear of a killing spree in a shopping centre in the north east of England on Monday don't worry about it honestly  it's just me, the stormy waters raced passed our harbour but have stopped off shore because they know I am festering (not like me to do that .....MUCH) more news when it happens, but again it hasn't helped the anger levels it does seem as if there are too many elements being thrown into the mix and at some point I will indeed go pop some of it is my own doing (workload) but I don't like to let people down (and although I have been told there are no worries especially after my weeks off) but I started the bloody job and it will be finished on schedule at what ever the cost, I just need to breath through the bumpy bits (or what I perceive as the bumpy bits)and although there aren't too many (I don't do stress) the tiniest bump screws with my timetable(and you know how much I like to have a timetable) makes me angry and affects my performance and then annoys me (nobody else mind you) even more angry so maybe when I do indeed finally win the lottery I need to spend some of my winnings on a shrink, or maybe just more drink!

The eldest is well being the eldest (selfish immature whining etc. etc. should I continue) but hopefully certain people will ignore it and not be blackmailed (should I take bets) but in general its a minor mishap if I can ignore her others should be able to as well, we have a wonderful night planned well I say wonderful night but I expect to be thrown under a bus for all the name calling I have done in blogs and books (she's a lady) we are celebrating a lady's birthday and staying out (in the local hospital if I keep this up) so I thought I had better do this before my suffering tomorrow hahahaha book three can wait until February's' pay day and then nose to the grind stone for Piffle to be finished I have actually had one or two enquiries about this one so there we go, I must be a popular published author (well maybe's not) now for the last shameless plug for Foxtrot Oscar go to blurb .com you only actually pay the cost of the book and postage (I am sending out a few "press" copies to people so before you head there ask me first )I really am doing this for the love of it and not for financial gain (I have to go back to the Aston Martin Garage and tell them I can't afford the car that the wife has picked out) keep spreading the word, and will I blog about tonight probably but I need to start the next book so will keep the unabridged version for that for when that raise it's ugly head and can I just tell the world it's not true that G thought that Motley Crue's The Dirt was actually a book about potato growing, until the next time toodles!

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

The Width Of A Room

OK so the last one I wrote when I was down in the dumps this one could be just a tad hyper as I sit here with some Cheddar cheese and some onion marmalade (I know and the wife's not happy as she has run out of hazmat suits) I have tons of ideas and while I sit here like an expectant father (book two is on it's way) waiting for the the stork to deliver my babies from San Francisco, I think I better unclutter my brain while I have the chance or at least the inclination. I had intended to do this last night but after a short burst of close action machine gun fire with the wife I was soon back in the depths of despair and I didn't want an out pouring of bile here two blogs in a row, so I thought I had better hold my tongue (yes me with my reputation) thankfully it was just a skirmish and the United Nations weren't required but I have to tread lightly a sure sign that the wife isn't well and the hours that I'm doing is starting (already) to catch up with and but as usual I wander off the path of truthfulness lets head back to the beginning!

The wife had been sore and had had a niggle in her arm for a few weeks and finally after a number of aborted attempts we got to see a GP or three all of which had contradicting ideas about what was wrong (which to be honest wasn't inspiring) when the wife went with the Kraken to see her specialist, the Kraken had been installed with yet another bionic appendage and the guy who was doing the follow up (who is an awesome DR and the top man in his field) recognised the wife had an issue he asked her to get a referral and he would see what he could do, and so the three wise men conferred and couldn't decide what to do until the wife said those magic words "my husband has private medical insurance through work" low and behold the three wise men became very happy they got rid of a problem that they didn't have a clue about and all they had to do was write a bloody letter, so literally about a week after we are sat in the Nuffield hospital waiting our turn, now as it happens we (surprise) were nearly late but thanks to some fancy foot work and some good luck (I had to dive into a moving car at around 75 miles per second it's OK I had done the risk assessment) we got there and sat and waited our turn.

I have now found what I want to do when I retire, I love to watch people (a habit I seem to have picked up off my mother) now I'm not being horrible when I say this but there are freaks in all walks of life and boy where they out in force last night (in a nice way) a private hospital and a waiting room and just about everybody else thinking that they are better than everybody else, or trying to blend in with the wallpaper well it was like mayhem was born to to be alive , the doddery old timer there by himself with the fashion sense of an eighty year old let loose in Lady Gaga's wardrobe, the lady who was so posh (all done up to the nines) that although she had took the price tags off her clothes the little plastic hangers were still hanging on and I'm not saying that she worshipped at the alter of gluttony but she had more chins than a Chinese telephone directory and please to not know the name of the consultant that you are seeing when it's about £150 for your excess good god some people should be drowned(oops sorry that's my inside voice again), the family of four who were lets just say definitely were the pick of the bunch the kids who were just dripping in designer items playing on their Iphones (read the signs you morons) the son wearing a hat perched Dappy like on the back of his head that probably cost more than my entire ensemble (I reckon at least £40 and that's for the hat not what I was wearing) the mother and father who dressed younger than their kids and nowhere near as successfully in any way shape or form and the swagger on the dad was hilarious he had more edge than a broken pisspot now I don't think that I'm a fashion guru(ask the wife she will confirm this) but come on boys and girls dress your age not your bloody shoe size.

I also marvelled that the dressage team of nurses walking from room to room trying to look busy when in actual fact they were only holding a sheet of paper! well lets just say if it was an Olympic sport we would win hands down, trust me I have done some manoeuvres with a piece of paper in my time I know experts in their field when I see them, I could go on and on (what do you mean I do ) but honestly when I retire people watching is the sport for me hey I might even write books on it hahahaha, anyway I digress (again) we got into see the man (yes I was going to get to the point) and he knew what the problem was straight away and hopefully the fix although a tad painful should not drag on we just need to spend a bit more money on a few more tests (well this is private medicine)having said that if we were still waiting on the three wise men we would still be trying to get another bloody opinion, while this way hopefully the issue could be resolved within three weeks. we then set off home and had our own little storm in a tea cup which really did poison the well as far as the blog was concerned and I have probably forgot more than I have actually written the tiff didn't last long but I didn't want to push the writing (come on boys and girls its bad enough I know I write this shite) down a side street of spleen!

We got home and another storm brewed as after I made tea (yes after a ten hour shift and sitting twiddling my thumbs in the hospital) which to be honest as far as I'm concerned is a stress buster but to be told like a little schoolboy to do the dishes (well you can imagine how happy I was) but I counted the required number and if I'm honest the wife had the grandson(again) it was just the way madam Hitler spoke to me but we got over it (when she reads this she might just invade Poland all over again and use my head as a launching pad) and the night wasn't too bad because there was no more cross words (well apart from the odd patch of heavy weather that's flatulence to the uninitiated) the night was good.

Back to work this morning for another longish shift (my choice I want to be complete by the end of march) and again if I'm honest the work keeps my head away from the storm clouds that are brewing just off shore we will know tomorrow which way they are heading, so time to batten down the hatches and hopefully sail on through to calmer waters! some of the units I inspected were good some were poor and some were just downright hilarious I do feel sorry for some people who are just basically abandoned by their head offices and left to fend (in a health and safety/ fire safety kind of way) for themselves, the best shop of the day sorry I can't name them but they do sell watches (and a clue would be they could be very old) one of the staff took a fancy to my "class" watch and wondered how much it had cost to say that they were crestfallen when they over shot the mark by roughly £1000 he thought I had said £1250 but in reality I had said £2.50 off a stall in my home town hahaha expert my arse I won't be going there to buy a new watch not when I have my class watch to sell on E bay for thousands hahahaha! I did a couple of Hairdressers as well (oooh that sounds so wrong) and they really don't give a rats ass about anything I do believe I left them with a few things to ponder (mainly legal issues hahaha) but again I started to people watch again, some bloke with as much hair as me (trust me I'm like a young Tarzan) paid £31 for a haircut and then left a tip as well (I nearly swore when I heard how much) I think I have lost all touch with reality especially because the wife won't let me have any of my own (money or reality hahahaha) so when I see somebody throw £40 for having seven hairs trimmed and trained to the right well I must be getting really old (or just plain bald).

Now where did the time go I was going to offer a short insight into what went on last night and I have rambled on like a Ronnie Corbett monologue so enough of the frivolity I have been left in charge of the grandson (again grrr) I don't remember seeing this in my contract not even in the small print so off I go and I hope you enjoy this one better than the last one the name game is in play and I really do want to see if anybody gets the name of the band from the song title I have pinched for the title of this little blog (its because of the nurses doing the walking dressage ), did I mention the new book is nearly here and is available well you get the drift not that I want to bore you all to death (well not that much not yet anyway) until the next time I get the itch and I can't get any cream for it Toodles!

Sunday, 8 January 2012

The Downward Spiral

This week has been swings and roundabouts and this is actually blog number 4 (lets see if I print this one) everything has been fine in the world ...except me, and for once I could not put my finger on it I just couldn't make headway and to be honest this morning I still can't but I'm not going to sit around and mope, so it must mean that I feel better in my self purely because I'm sat here typing and not howling at the moon!

As usual technology has conspired against me book number two is hot to trot but for some reason (please remember I am a bloody Luddite) I can't get it to upload so that it can be printed, then there's the fact that the photographs I want to use for the front and back cover simply don't want to fit I have to admit it hasn't helped, work has been hyper busy which if I'm honest it's what I prefer, but trying to stay focused and on top of stuff is incredibly hard thankfully the wife and I have only clashed two or three times this week (thank you dear) and she has generally left me alone in my stew which again helps when people keep asking me what's wrong I usually get grumpier (I know even I find it hard to believe) the previous blogs which didn't get published I always delete them so that if they are indeed infectious they won't pollute what follows as I really do try to be a happier person when I'm doing these things (it does help hahahaha) I have also avoided music for most of the week which quite a few people at work have mentioned (am I so predictable....probably) and although outwardly my appearance has been one of total happiness (yeah right) the downward spiral has been one the worst in recent months, thankfully I do have the right equipment to deal with it (friends and family) but trying to kick start myself out of my funk has been so bloody hard and do I know what started it? I have no idea but the chain reaction that goes with it was all there and the baggage that it brings with it was oh so apparent the over eating (on a night time) the lethargy the general lack of interest in anything especially myself I have also been trying to break my facebook addiction well actually that was the easiest thing to do I still check to see if people message me (Broadsword calling Danny boy) but as for actually posting I think I only did it once this week and I have actually hardly bothered with my laptop at all I have sat with my family and done family type things (yes I think they were worried hahaha) I do know the messages of support from people reading this (drivel) has been really welcome so again hopefully the blog is indeed moving in the right direction and I am starting to get more people on my twitter feed (didn't I tell you I'm a media whore darlings) who are being attracted (drawn to the dark side) to the blogs so keep spreading the disease.

So what plans for the future I hear you all scream? well I intend to spend at least part of the day getting the book sorted and off to the publishers (keep everything crossed) and once that is done my wife can do with me as she see's fit although I do believe I have to keep my grumpy face on with the youngest who has all of a sudden developed a personality trait of mine (being grumpy go figure) which doesn't suit her so for maybe only the third time in her 17 years DR Stern will be sat waiting for her to come home, although I will admit not too stern as she usually gets the picture straight away and does something about it (something her father....yes that's me you doofus, can't do) so that painful task won't be too painful.

What has troubled me this week and if anybody does understand this let me know what you think, when I have slept I have no recollection of dreaming at all I do feel rested and I know that have slept but I have no recollection of any dreams whatsoever and that's not like me I have some the stupidest dreams ever which could be part of the problem the last decent dream I had was G refusing to get in the car for a lift home after he discovered the wife had passed her advanced driving test. I honestly think that's why I am usually a happy person when I wake up purely because of one or more dumb-ass dream, just a silly question but I would love to know if somebody has an opinion about it! The other thing bothering me has been my tonsils which it feels like my throat has been gargling glass (no this doesn't normally depress me as it happens quite often) as I get older it happens about the same amount of times but it does affect my speaking voice and the fact I was teaching on Friday didn't help, the time could be drawing near for them to go the distance (they will be better next week and forgotten about...again!) and that's the blog and yes I do feel better for doing it (thanks for asking) I'm sure that the next one will once again be about freaks and knuckledraggers and not me whinging on about oh whoa is me hahahaha until the next time Toodles!

Monday, 2 January 2012

One last train heading straight out of Gimpsville.

Ah where to start, the new year has been and gone and I have to say a jolly time was had but as always I digress!

I had decided to send all my new year greetings early and then switch my phone off so that it was once less thing to worry about as I have a terrible habit of losing stuff especially when large amounts of alcohol are involved, we had not made any concrete plans, silly really when all our friends live so far away we just go with the flow well lets be honest just by going with the flow hasn't spoiled our time out yet hahahaha

We actually had plenty of time so just took our own sweet time to get there and thankfully traffic was quite light we got there in time and came out of hyper speed at just the right point, set our bags down and then let the party commence we had (just one) quick drink (pacing is the key) and headed off into the night with no real plans but a last minute addition took us to K & A's for a swift little drink which turned into a real hoot there was much frivolity and a hell of a lot of drinking (oh and two Buckets), Banana rum (which was bloody lush) Jack and coke and lots of other stuff, I never realised that an arga was a drinks cabinet ...well I know now (silly me) at this point the wife's boots disintegrated thankfully there was help at hand (what nice people) and some peeps that I had met before but never spoke to and the conversation was excellent (it's what usually makes the difference between a good night and a cack night) and there were so many ideas for new blogs and titles (when you read Foxtrot Oscar all of this will be covered in The Salt-Water Imposters) its at this point I have to point out to everyone involved our biggest mission is to try and sell two houses and move down to be amongst our friends in sunny South Shields but there has to be a huge change in direction money wise I have to bring a sense of reality to the proceedings, it is going to happen but I have no idea when I know I joke about selling organs and all that other stuff, but we do have to be grounded in reality what with the small debt of an African nation around our neck(or rather mine) lets do the sensible thing, lets get on an even keel and go for it! but we facilitate bank loans credit card debt car payments and erm the rest out of one wage I'm not as young as I was and G simply doesn't want to pay for it! I desperately want it to happen but lets go with the flow peeps!

We then headed to a pub (I hadn't been before but it seemed fun) can't remember the name I do know that SMOR was there with a new lady friend (please let it be Jan) but to be honest pacing had gone out the window and I wasn't....well lets be honest here erm sober, I do think I was on my best behaviour and didn't do anything foolish but allegedly the wife got up to do the karaoke (I can't prove this but I was told she did) missed the scuffle at the bar the spilled drink on the pool table but seeing how I wasn't involved I didn't mind missing them.

We then set out to our final destination now at this point I was just tagging along because to be honest I didn't have a clue where we were (afterwards as we were homeward bound I soon understood where we were I should have become a boy scout) we turned up at Tourette's house ( a long story for another blog) in time for the new year we grabbed a seat in the upstairs kitchen and I could see the wife was flagging (although she at first denied it) we stayed a while then headed back to the prancing pony and me and the wife went straight to (hell) bed G and E stayed up to make a sandwich (allegedly hahaha) and a great nights sleep was had by all except G who was roughed up by a boisterous Cookie.

We arose and again had a good laugh and soon we had to say our farewell's we had baby sitting duties to do (and neither of us wanted to) we got home had (a boring ) dinner, I'm allowed to say that because I cooked it! we then sat and did our duty and I intended to blog but I was tired and I also knew I want to finish Foxtrot Oscar off with a bang, so I knew I didn't want to over tax my head as I intend to write this up big style for the grand final so that's the lot the opener for the new year and although I know in my own head that this could have been better but the book is now taking precedent so until later happy new year if I didn't get to see you don't worry there's a long year ahead of us so until the next time when my head will not be stuck my own ass, thanks to everybody  for a cracking night it's what helps you get through all the crapness hahahaha with that I'm off to finish Foxtrot Oscar toodles!