Saturday 24 March 2018

The happiest days of our lives.

My brain has too many thoughts inside, I have too many blogs trying to get out of the tiny space I call a brain, ideas pop up from everywhere!

I have a number of blogs simmering, I’m not sure how they are going to pan out, they all need that little magic ingredient, I walked away to give my brain an opportunity to refresh so to speak, so I thought I would graze or is that glaze over on Farcebook, then somebody posted something and it inspired me in the silliest of ways, so here goes, I know I have touched on this subject all before but hey ho it’s all good.  And yes, the name game is in play!

I cannot believe that we used to whinge about going to school (kids eh what the fuck did we know) it was great we messed about and generally didn’t take life too seriously, well some did but none of my friends, I was still carefree at the time (allegedly) that wasn’t going to last for long though.

9 – 3 everyday, damn I wish I had those hours these days, ok so we occasionally got some homework, I know I played out every night, damn I walked miles to see friends, I’m sure if my mother knew what I was doing, distances not causing trouble…………...well nothing I would own up to in a court of law! These were great times out and about not being cooped in the house the occasional part time job to get some cash (all legal paper rounds still existed) so that I could have some kind of social life, I don’t know how parents do it these with big name brands and equipment like mobiles and the such like!

No weekends, hells bells, once any chores were complete my time was my own, Saturday would be spent bouncing backwards and forwards between shop’s that sold actual records, yes you heard me right records, oh boy was that fun!

Six whole weeks off for summer, no parents to bug us, listening to the music of our choice, walking through the country side, talking to girls, not getting into any trouble (well not getting caught) lazy days and the summers were so much better in those days, or so it seemed!
Easter holidays, another two weeks off, doing more of the same messing about with motorbikes or fishing (I had no fancy for either but I did tag along) nobody hassling us, damn I get tired just thinking how far we would traipse.

Blackberry week, hot damn some hard work, if you got picked that is, standing at Sunleys chip shop, hoping you got picked by the better farmers (not that any of them were as bad as we made out) getting paid at the end of the week, then for me off to the big city to see what records I could buy in HMV or Virgin in the sale section or in the cut out bins.

Bank Holidays weren’t as big a thing back in the day, as they were usually rolled up within the holidays but when the did surface we accepted them gracefully.

Teacher training days, we used to get about one a year, always welcome, I mean us pupils were worked to the bone, I’m sure you all remember how bad it was lol.

I used to get to see my friends every single day, I wasn’t that bad a person (I hope) I like to think that I played fair and square, the same tight knit group who once we left school we separated like dandelion seeds in the summer breeze.

I was going to say that I was living the absolute dream but in truth we all were, yes at times there was drama, nothing life or death and yes we were kids, so it probably felt like the end of the world, I genuinely would love to know how the people  I went to school with, some for over eleven years some for five, what happened to them, I still think its was like yesterday, I don’t think that they do, I see some who have reached out to me have different friends from school then back in the day, I’m too much of a coward to ask how that happened, truth be told I only converse with two people from school what does that tell you, ha maybe I wasn’t as well liked as I perceived back in the day, or did they simply put up with me, I was the care in the community subject!

We all hated it for all the same reasons, more than likely for all the same reasons that this generation does, if only we had realised then, damn we would have stopped and smelled the roses maybe at least once.

What do we have now ……….well work that mill stone that we carry around, debt, medical conditions, death, divorce, loss of friendship so many things, the one thing that they don’t teach you at school (maybe they did/do and we chose to ignore the lesson) is that life is what you make it, once you leave the starship takes and rockets off, so you better have a damn good grip on it, damn where have the last 36 years gone, I’m not being melancholy, it’s a fact, I was talking to the Hurricane earlier  in the week and he was saying how much he hated school and when I said “these are the best days of his life” he openly mocked me at the age of seven, he saw me as a sad old man, who had lost his marbles bless him, roll the dice and see where you land young man and I will remind you  of that particular conversation LOL.

So that’s what happens when I stop writing and join the real world, listen to the words of wisdom from that mad old man , the circle starts again, oh the things I would have warned my younger self about, actually the only one thing I would warn my younger self, make sure you keep contact with friends they usually are the islands of sanity that help you get through this mad insane ride we call life, ah well back to the grind, do you think these blogs write themselves, I will admit to having some fun writing this, it’s not all doom and gloom until the next time, keep spreading the disease, and if you are the friend who posted that deep meaningful post this morning(you know who you are) look what you made me do…….Toodles!

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