Sunday 16 June 2013

Glad Tidings

What a difference a week makes, what a difference people in your life makes! what would people do without Google hahahahaha once more comments came thick and fast after the last blog and even Nils got the name game, I couldn't have made it any easier (could I Dave hahahahaha) so again I thank you all, the comments did indeed cheer this boy, after the blog I had to get on with life some good new some bad ....OK mainly bad but you know what I didn't really care!

I have played a lot of music this week and I know how much I have missed it and I don't miss the fact how much of it has been seventies and although I post a lot of it too my farcebook page trust me you guys only get about 10% (Van Morrison as I sit typing this) and a lot of reading with copious amounts of writing in between! so there are seeds being planted, we can only wait to see what fruit it bears, will it be bitter or sweet lets wait and see?

The wife was stricken down last night so I had to play nursie again, its been awhile but she eventually drifted off to sleep, and I lost myself in my writing and loads of music, only realising how late it was when even the old man of the house said sod off, the hard part was getting the dear lady to navigate the stairs and into bed before she truly woke up (now she knows how I am most nights!). a late night for me but not for her but I was sat at the back door 4 hours later enjoying the sun sat with said old man at my side.

Next week is going to be busy busy busy but I intend to go with the flow, I know I say this all the time but this time I really do intend to try (hahahaha)  and keep the drama down to a dull roar, if that is even possible? a lot of the art of the body swerve and as all ways too many cunning plans for the coffers, but we will try and do what we do best( I'm sure that that's wrong). again I need to try and settle into a pattern for writing (as long as it's not all doom and gloom) play lots more music and indeed do some reading, it's not much I know but it's what I have, so I will go with the tools I have at my disposal.

I feel like a bit of a bum at the moment, so a soak and a shave is the order of the day (after I have done our dinner) see it's not all about rock n roll, sometimes its about the little things that all add up to a hill of something, so as I lie flat on my back on that particular hill, waving at stars but not quite reaching the clouds never mind stars, enjoy life it's the only we get, just know I'm in a good place (for now hahaha) and that's what truly matters so place nice and watch the skies there could be something heading your way incoming.....Toodles!

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