Sunday 9 June 2013

Balance of power

It would appear that most of you lot (yes you lot) think that we are in mortal danger from our very own government!

That's an awful lot of you sensing a threat and some genuine malice, What makes me worry is the fact that I personally don't see it! hell yes I can see the inefficiencies and the incompetence, but lets be honest here we see that all of the time in our everyday lives! Lets be honest here regardless of which dumb ass is in charge (oops sorry inside voice) to tell the truth I have always welcomed that!

I don't like my government to be big and cold and calculating and especially profit making. bureaucracies driven by some young buck who claims to know what they are doing! if you have a quick glance back in history you would see that a well organised leadership tend to enjoy well organised parades (with blonde hair and blue eyes) usually followed by some well organised ethnic cleansing, which is why I like my government to be as dumb as a box of frogs!

I have no problem with a little confusion or waste, it might just keep me from getting a one way ticket in a cattle car if you get my drift (although I have enough Germanic blood if required hahaha) to the back of beyond some place worse than even Gimpsville! are our pennies being misspent on poorly organised schemes? hell yeah, do we get more bang for what we pay for? of course we don't, does our post or trains arrive on time? of course not, are our methadone clinics working at full capacity? actually probably yes they are! but just bear this mind politicians who cant find their own ass (I'm getting to like that word) without a torch and a hand mirror (hello Boris) are not likely to find me either.

To paraphrase Fish "I don't trust the government" ha he also said "I don't trust alternatives" woo hoo three in twenty four hours that's me done, an early rise in the morning for the whole week so until the next time Toodles! 

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