Friday, 4 January 2013

Bring me the horizon

Then one moment it was here, the new year that is, and the whole range of emotions that goes with it, but lets start the year as we mean to go, so hold on to your pants my dears here we go!

The wife although not being in a wonderful state was at least firing on at least five out of six cylinders and it was her birthday, so we intended a low key type of affair but still a night out she was driving, so a drinkie poo's was out of the question, but quality company always helps! so we headed off to South Shields and we were met not by one company but two fantastical groups of people, the wife didn't know where to put herself, thankfully she was a social butterfly and flitted between the two groups like a pro (not in a sleazy kind of way)and had a wonderful evening. Me I'm a cripple I headed to a short seat even though Fi had been kind enough to drag a high chair of more than forty times her body weight towards the high table, more than likely for the wife but the this boy can hope can't he? and the conversation flowed like a fine wine, people still had the lurgy but had made the effort so made the wife just that little bit happier (and trust me she was happy) soon some had to move off to see Uli Jon Roth (only thirty too late) and we stayed as the company shrunk making cunning plans and generally chilling, we soon had to head back to Gimpsville with that satisfied glow that you get when you have had a great time.

The next day was new years eve and our intention was to do as little as possible and that's exactly what we did, we chilled watched a few movies and generally had a great night it was after one by the time that we realised what the time was, not the most explosive night out but not the worst either, the wife was back to being fragile and trying to battle on but she didn't need to, chill relax everything will be there in the morning. We had a slight lie in and although a large meal as always was planned it would be later than Christmas dinner so we weren't in any hurry, the decorations taken down and then the first argument of the year over..............nothing arrived, go figure but we got over the hump just as quick as it arrived so the dark clouds soon buggered off, and the day went on, meal concluded and the Kraken deposited back in her lair and off to bed as work called me on the second day of the new year!

The village of the damned was filled with just that! and if I had a small donation for every stupid person I dealt with the family money worries would indeed been have finished years ago, I noticed that the work load was just as big as ever so I can foresee some cunning plans ahead and plenty of plate spinning, but that's not what this about, another quiet night at home but a worrying one as I did my usual clearing of the cupboards to discover some worryingly out of date items in the cupboards, what I want to know is how I missed them the last two years .... ooops! The next day back to the village with even more idiots and a trend that is making me just a tad nervous, nothing for you the general public to worry about but me hell yeah!

Another quiet night but a sleepless one and an early rise which in reality I needn't have done, but work was relentless (as always) but crying about it isn't going to resolve it so heeds doon boys and girls, home at the allotted our and a cunning plan to watch The Hobbit on the sofa and well we both blinked although the grumpy one said I slept longer than her (that's because I'm bloody busy at work) but the wife was sinking so I wasn't too naughty in my taunting of her, the doggie was back to being poorly again, and so after night this morning I rose really early with my head bouncing like G had been drip feeding me the Jagie! god I was wrecked but the early rise helped me with the log jam for the new book which has too be finished in a fortnight (yes boys and girls the juices are flowing a good way) so while in pain and waiting for my lift I fleshed out four new ideas for chapters for the book and this weekend shall be spent sorting them out.

Another day at work trapped in hell with too much to do and not enough time in the day to do it all to the standard that I know can be done, dealing with silly people again and delivering more training that people are going to get sick of before I do(they wanted more so I have the next thirteen weeks mapped out hahahaha you should never dare a fool you wanted the best but I suppose that I will have to do!) and then a mad dash for the finish line and the week for work was over my head had subsided to a dull roar but I was happy when I got home to find the youngest home and the wife at least being able to walk around (OK just a little bit) so the evening shall be spent in quiet bliss (hopefully).

The weekend will bring what it will we have a few cunning plans but health issues are the main concern so we cross all of our extremities in the vain hope that all should go well! and for the rest of the year well lets just put one footstep in front of another, I have had a number of queries asking me my opinion on some very serious matters and why I don't blog about them, well to be truthful I just want to get through my life and hopefully entertain one or two of you with my inane drivel, there is enough well meaning more educated people out there in Blog world doing just that and trust me if I do indeed have something to say I will and I will warn you all in advance because this is not the medium for that, I have enough thoughts about what ails society, how we can cure all the woes of the world etc etc but for now I will waffle for England about life the universe and belly button fluff and from time to time Custard Creams!

The year will bring what it brings in life as in blogs and the such like I am not the controller of my destiny, for the better part I would say I'm happy and that's all in honesty I require, my health issues I intend to concentrate and too look after the wife as she struggles with a number of ailments that I wish I could more to help, but the world keeps spinning so bring me the horizon so I can grab it with both hands and have as much fun with it as possible, more blogs and stuff is incoming so enjoy them while they do indeed come your way and until the next time .......Toodles!

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