It's official I am an old man, my health has been crappy since I finally got my knees done (sob) but the thing i miss the most is playing in the snow, well no more i have hung up my ICI poly bag, I now struggle to walk in the white stuff never mind roll about throwing snowballs or just generally being a loon!
The weather although was always looming in the background and it had the potential that it could be crap, well it took a turn for the worst last weekend, It was expected but because us up here in Gimpsville are exposed and very high up we got well and truly twatted, 15 inches over 3 days was the worst snow fall in living memory, yes we have had worse just not in such a short period of time, I thought the weekend would see the worst of it out, I went to bed Sunday knowing work was going to be a whirlwind, but i was stopped dead in my tracks as i got up at 4.30 (yes really 4.30) only to be met with white as far as the eye could see, my lift (who probably would have prattled on about snow and how we get it......fuck off) rang and told me there was no way he could climb the hill to collect me, and if he can't get here trust me no bugger can, so i fired up the trusty laptop and cracked on from here, I was a lovely surprise for the wife (not) when she got up, but the day was going to be a slog Monday being our normal shopping day we had to do it by foot through the Gulag archipelago (copyright the wife) we now know how the Wehrmacht felt as they struggled across the hard Russian steppes to Moscow (bloody cold)in the winter of 1941, the Kraken had been due to go and have an operation, this was looking in doubt, operation bellyache would probably hit us once we confirmed that it was a no go!
Shopping complete we then had to go and get some supplies through to the Kraken (and our youngest) and it looked like a bloody long hike but thankfully there was a limited service by the bus company so the hike turned into a ride and we were soon home after the shortest of trips, the eldest bitched and moaned that we weren't looking after the hurricane (erm your on holiday and we are............SNOWED IN!) some people are just not worth going to Jail for! we had a blocked bath which wasn't ice as was suspected but we came we saw we kicked it's furry little ass, Tuesday was just as bad so we basically kicked back and and did what we could including, digging our car out (thanks to Craig the unknown soldier) for the trip to the hospital the following day, we shuffled off to bed and on the third day i finally got to work, the wife attempted to get the car out of the yard only to be slagged off by the Kraken for even trying to do the right thing! and yes the hospital trip was cancelled.
Today was more of the same, some snow starting to melt but still not quite enough i fear with more on the way tomorrow, it actually dawned on me that I hadn't blogged in ages so I thought I better had before the snow comes and reclaims my waking hours, I am desperate for this bloody lottery win so I can get the hell out of dodge and move further down the mountain so not to suffer like madmen, whenever there is a coating of frosting every bloody where else! ah well payday tomorrow and closer to the finish line of March (everything crossed) and to join the land of the living and for us (hopefully) being able to join the real world on a regular basis, on that reasonably happy note (for me anyways) i will bear you adieu for now and will promise to blog a little bit more often and not so erratically (yes you read that right ) until the next time ......Toodles!
Oh and I still feel old and I really do hate this white stuff that is lying everywhere!
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