I just wanted to take the time and opportunity to say thank you (there's just not enough good old fashioned manners out there in the world) for reading the blogs/books/twatter all the media items I throw out there (after all I am a media whore...but you know that already) particularly those who stick with me through good times and bad times, or when I'm not in a good place (like today) and for all the support from people around the world that don't even realise that they are indeed helping this short fat bald speccy gadgy (relax I'm not putting myself down just trying to lift the mood).
So this is me trying to "reach out" (yes a song title but an obscure one) and say "TA" it's truly hard to grasp who aren't connected actually take time out of their days to read all this stuff (but trust me I'm glad that you do) you are a small and dedicated group of "freaks" who could (and you probably do) read something else altogether grown up and adult, and I can't really say "TA" enough, numbers are steady but as always could do better and as they sit there sticking their fingers up at me I'm sure I can live with it!
The week has been so busy and has actually worn me out and kept me quiet (I know me with my reputation) and although I could do with a bloody good drink I'm sat here forcing this out of me to ensure that I keep on track with all of my writing, as I look after the corpse that is my wife after yet another collapsing episode I woke up to something going thump in the night, I have bought an abundance of work home which hasn't even been looked at yet, tomorrow will be a busy day which will not be overly enthused over but life goes on and hopefully I can get over the hump and crack on. this is only a blip in the road and hopefully the next one will have me back to my cheery self hahahahaha until then Toodles!
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