Sunday, 30 September 2012

Captured By The Moment

Another week and still no salvation from writing, it does really seem as if i have been starved of adult company in the shape of the Tee Hee Club (OK so adult may be stretching it a tad far but you get the picture) all this week has been work related and spinning out of control until....

The fat controller left packed his bags and fucked off, result so the war has evaporated just as quick as a blink of an eye, but I'm expecting other fronts to open up as people jostle for position, everyone has assumed that I will try and move forward, but nope fools rush in, all that I intend to wait until the bodies and all the smoke is cleared. hopefully the 1000 mile an hour weeks will grind to a halt for now i'm not really sure i could take the pace for much longer anyway.

As for writing not one line has been attempted at all this week and it has left an empty hole, I have no idea why i have felt blank for most of the week and the weekend has been me staring just about at four walls, the only thing i have done writing wise is to return answers to questions asked by first time readers to the blog! I will admit that the juices have flowed and there just might be one or two small blogs through the week building to the blow out that is coming next weekend

I am like a kid waiting for Christmas knowing that next weekend is just over the brow of the hill, i solemnly swear i intend to get up to no good! My computer issues are being a pain i'm still not 100% happy with the new one and this old girl is dropping to bits, many things not working that kind of thing, but we push on and try and coax a little more out of her as we don't want to believe that the end is nigh.

The numbers have been strange but very consistent I hope that there is not a company of lawyers just waiting to pounce on me for any nasty things i might have inferred....ooops! I d really need to get back in the game I have wallowed in self pity for just a tad too long, so thanks for all the lovely compliments, the even lovelier sarcasm  people like my slightly warped view of this shit we call life! so i better bring my A game so watch for later in the week as i try and work some magic, i'm on the bus all week so that gives me an hour to write some magic....or something tragic but watch the skies there will be more to come this week so until then the countdown starts here for the debauchery that is planned for next weekend eeeeeh if santa comes down my chimney i'm going to bag and tag the fat twat until t hen Toodles!

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