I have had such a strange week, one where I said I had no intention of blogging and for once I was true to my word, but boy did I get some stick for being truthful. Ah well you live and learn, what has really done my head in is the fact that the next blog is the big 100, for this page anyways and I cannot believe how many views the site has had even though it's been seven days since I last posted and for that I thank you, you have all made an old man.......nervous!
Again I hope to try and stick to my guns as I have no intention of posting "oh woe is me and my place of work" lets just say its been strange to say the least. But at least the way has been cleared of some of the dead wood lets see what the morrow brings, after a week on public transport I wait with baited breath to see what my lifts conversation starter will be? Probably the aerodynamics of an unladen African swallow!
Having tried unsuccessfully to buy tickets to go and see Mr Overland and the boys not once but twice I have given up! I hate the academy even more than I did before, but we all know we will try at some point for a third time Grrrrrr!
And that dear friends is just about that, I have tried a number of ways to blog today and the only way I could figure to do something is something short and sweet (a bit like me really) but to no avail it's also my youngest's eighteenth birthday tomorrow so maybe my own mortality has been weighing on my shoulders (and that has a lot this week) I have really been missing the Tee hee Club that gallant band of lunatics that really seem to keep me on par with the curve of the earth! so I like the rest of you wait with baited breath for the next one, I have no idea what to do or say but hopefully it will be better than this bugger, I really do have to get that magic three digit number out of the way! so watch the skies and keep spreading the disease the numbers have been fab and I have been here everyday to see them, and to answer all the questions (and there have been tons Hurrah) until then ....Toodles!
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