Monday, 24 September 2012

Mysteries and Mayhem

So that's the magic number out of the way, here goes for the next one hundred, I kept a low profile on purpose. because i really felt i was done and dusted and had used up all the stuff inside (not really but when i'm down i'm really down) i still have hordes of ideas but was in the huff and i didn't want to flesh them out so to speak.

Work has been the issue and the fact at the moment i'm not the master of my own destiny, too many people butting in and seeing other people struggling and not being able to assist them pisses me off. so it was a downward spiral from there on in. so i had to buck up my ideas and get on with it, I had a long weekend ahead and i didn't really want to rain on anybody elses parade.

I finished work early on friday and travelled home by a very empty bus, but upon arriving home there were some mixed messages from work which although i wanted to ignore, i simply couldn't, so not only did that eat into my day it kept me in a dark place (see previous paragraph) but in the end i simply had to let it go, but the day had got away from me and i tried ever so hard to claw it back from the brink (damn that sounds so melodramatic) slowly i did, i'm not saying i was a bundle of laughs but i wasn't the saddest cake in the shop window either!

Saturday was loppy dog day and i mulled over what i intend to write and yet again i binned what i did although the idea was there the format in which i wrote it isn't, so i will try again at some other point, i can write some good stuff(he shouts out modestly) in either frame of mood but i require to be happy or sad middle ground just doesn't seem to cut it, we had a late night but needed to be up as it was a busy day for sunday.

As always luck conspired against us i had the hedge to cut (as there were numerous plots over the previous weeks to stop me) i then cut through the cable (we have a mohawk for a hedge)so that stopped halfway there....was that blue flash caused by me hahahaha, i made dinner and then suffered from the worst bout of flatulance in weeks, and when we got to the town we didn't know where we were supposed to be! on top of that i had a bad case of tinitus so when people were talking to me i didn't have a clue (so sorry to everybody we met in The Telegraph) but the night then looked up, there was not the huge crowd of us,that i thought would be there but as we left to go to the next pub a few more souls joined us and a great night was had by all, we went to see W.A.S.P who were yeah alright i suppose, my knees kicked in about hour in but Lady J was helping me with the self medication (hic) and when we left we broke all land speed records to get home (about 17 minutes if anybody is interested) a really late night before bed and Monday off it was going to be good!

Erm don't be daft, yes i had a lie in but then my brother rang me and was on the phone for twelve minutes,yes you heard right twelve count them minutes but the crap i took for it, you would think i was chucking kittens into a woodchipper, for me then to be told off by the world as i'm not allowed to use the thing hahahaha i only pay the fecking bill dear! so i might as well have gone to work (yet again) than avoid being the crap on the wife's shoe (yet again) oh dear the rain has matched my mood, the grandson will be here this afternoon mmmmm wonder if i can get another part time better not i won't get any of that pay either i must have been a very bad boy in a previous existance.

But you know what i don't really mind i do wish i could make the wife a tad happier (i can't afford the really good medication for her) but we have to amble as best as ever, a lottery win would do...oooops i said that 101 times already in these blogs, anyway the blog the numbers have been great and ooops sorry Nils yes i forgot to give you a mention last time around,  maybe if you tried harder at the name game i wouldn't forget you, again thanks for the nice comments, and welcome to some of the new comers thats why some of the older blogs numbers have being steadily going up, stick with us it's not alwaays doom and gloom sometimes it's about life's mysteries and all the mayhem that goes (yes Nils it is a fecking songtitle!) so until the next time when ireally must prep myself to be witty ....Toodles!

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