Saturday, 30 June 2012

Sleeping with the light on

I'm not really a people person I get that and sometimes just sometimes people think I'm loud and obnoxious usually because at the end of the day I'm actually quite shy and I tend to overcompensate when I meet people, sometimes it affects friendships sometimes it has been known to turn people off me and if I'm really honest and open well that's their loss at the end of the day I am who I am and if people don't get it well move on and get over it I know I certainly will.

Why did I feel the need to share that opening rant I have no idea it's just where I am today, nobody has pissed me off I haven't (as far as I know) offended anybody but sometimes there's just a little funk in my junk and today must just be the day. Work has been a nasty pain in the ass and I have no intention of letting it beat me, so low profile and continue to dig trenches I believe it could be a long war of attrition, it's OK it's just the way I like it!

Last night was wasted by both me and the wife we stuck the who documentary on (because there was feck all else on) and hahaha we both blinked the wife woke a few hours later but I just turned over until I was told to hit the hay at around about two o'clock I was up before seven for the old man of the house and I dozed on the settee until the Mrs got up at whatever time, I really do think she is drugging me because I have no get up and go! it got up and buggered off ages ago if this is old age I don't like it! having said that it could just be apathy...... I suppose!

Today I was in Howard Hughes mode I didn't want to mingle and when I was requested to attend the shops I ducked and rolled and thankfully the wife allowed me to wallow in my pity and my intention was to write up a storm it just didn't happen, and this is a fourth attempt at saying god only knows what? hopefully tonight will produce better results I am in cooking mode so hopefully my Spag Bol should do the trick and if not the wife has even been out and bought some custard creams oh sweet lord!

The rest of the weekend will be us and the Boo Hoo Club as a few surprise bills have completely wiped us out and no that's not what has got me in a funk shit happens you just have to go with the flow because if you don't well that's a path maybe not to be trodden I'm sure we can converse without shouting at each other! well we can only give it a try, Sunday I intend to be more motivated and whether it's actually writing or polishing something I have already written we shall see but I would prefer to be perky when I do it and not just a glum guts, because Glum = Misery and Perky = Happy or at least what has happened in the past I need to recharge my batteries and start a fresh, the blog has been doing well, but the book site has slid maybe the last book was a tad too dark not sure but that's not going to get me too second guess myself, and I have some intentions for the blog site that hopefully will rectify an ongoing issue that I would rather not talk about (and no cream won't fix it either).

That's my last attempt it needs to be done and yes this one is a song title but not from a band that anybody might expect hahahahaha and refers to the fact that I blink on the settee from time to time and not that I'm frightened of things that go bump in the night! Pete in London even got Groove in the right direction as I did go a little obscure with that one, mind you I think me and Pete might be the only people who actually bought both albums by that well known band Two Tribes.......blank stares all around, and yes I did say bought! I did go out to the shops and bought both albums good grief that's it I'm out of here I can be insulted in my own home without the indignation of you lot, Play nice I'm off to cook, drink fall over,drink some more not all in that order until next time Toodles!

Sunday, 24 June 2012

Groove in the right direction

I have to keep running in the right direction otherwise I think I would sink and disappear below the surface and at this moment in time if I do that then all I have done up to this point will have been a waste of my time and I hate to waste time!

Friday night ended on a high with the wife and the youngest having a ball and it was great to see them in such a great mood I wasn't my usual doom and gloom mood but i was nowhere near as happy as they were and I will admit it did lift my spirits just a little. I had to go to work yesterday and to point the youngest in the right direction I offered her a few hours work of which I would pay her out of my pocket (she has the will just hasn't had the breaks to get a part time job yet), we were up and out at silly o'clock well silly for the weekend and we sat in our own space as we travelled into work on the peasant wagon thankfully with the exception of sullen teenager with his hood up it was fairly uneventful, we chatted when we had to and respected each others space when it was required we got to work and I asked her if she would like a breakfast so I treated her (hang on a second this could get expensive) to a breakfast in the local Spoon's which was better than expected (take note Five Swans your still crap) even after breakfast we had some time, so she popped into a certain location to ask for an application form only to be told it was meant to be CV's only (check your own website shit head) but again not an issue we just went to my office and I let her loose on my computer to type a new one and she headed back to hand it in while I did my deed (training) once that was over we headed to my office and did what was needed actually napalm might have been better but we knuckled down and sorted through all my paperwork (that I had let build up so she had something to do and it drove my OCD totally up the wall) we finished a lot sooner than anticipated and we headed back to the peasant wagon which again wasn't as full as expected and we retreated back to our own space her to her music me to drift off to the land of nod(come on it's a bus it's what i do!) I think she was a little worried about my balance but we got home in one piece apart from a squawking brat who was largely ignored by his hoodied parents (and they weren't much younger than me) thankfully the child's armour piercing shrieks were deflected by my armour plated sleep. we arrived back in Gimpsville and headed back to our crib (see i'm down with the youngsters .....NOT).

The rest of the day was spent doing sod all oh and yes I fell asleep again I missed all of the James Bond film well that's what I was told but I don't believe them anymore they just want me to believe I'm going senile (actually they say that a lot as well) the rest of the evening was pleasant nothing to stressful although I was given two tasks (internet wise perverts) and I was only successful on one so at some point i will have to go looking again. As the night drew to a close the wife and I engaged in something that we used to do a lot more of (careful I won't tell you lot again) and that was to talk to each other and not anything serious just general chit chat which was nice and lifted my darkening mood (again I was tired by this point do you people not know me by now) and we got to talking about a bucket list (we aren't dying just yet so don't panic like I did when the conversation came up) and although I wouldn't go into any details the wife's was quite nice and showed that she had spent some time thinking about it, me I struggled short of wanting to have a holiday on Richard Branson's Desert Island in the Caribbean Necker it was at this point that I realised that I actually have no ambition about certain things.

I realise that I think what happens happens and no matter what I think or say will change it, I have no flights of fancy for new clothes cars shiny things and the such like I accept the shitty deal that I get dealt on a regular basis and I have no sodding idea on how to change my outlook in any way I feel blank when people and the wife is good at this (bungalow, Ollie etc etc) lusts after people she has no intention of ever being with, she just finds them attractive and knows what she likes where as I have no sodding clue! I once said that I had found a certain actress "pretty" and the wife still harangues  me to this day about it (in a friendly fashion I hope well after twenty one years I hope friendly) when did I become this blank sheet even now I couldn't tell you an actress, singer or generally a person out there in the public domain that I can put my hand on my heart and say "cor I would" like the wife does to the aforementioned list (does this make me even more weird than I already think I am?)and woe betide me if I make any kind of remark towards her long list of totty (currently standing at 45238977653) and not that I don't know what a good looking woman looks like because I do, my only ambition is to do better at this hobby I do called writing and would finally like to get something published properly and not just self publish all the time, so if you see me scratching my head I'm not trying to start a fire I'm just trying to be normal like you and you and you over there go figure hahaha!  

No Tee Hee Club this week apart from being in that state that is known as "skint" some of our band of friends are off to see the Red Hot Chilli Peppers in Mordor I don't have the fancy to see them on a huge stage (I think they will be a great gig) but I preferred them on the Mayfair's stage hahaha so if your there have fun and if your nut go do something productive like pick fluff from your belly button oh you know the thing crack on and until later Toodles!

Thursday, 21 June 2012

Exit wound

I had no intention of blogging but my head has been buzzing with so much crap in my head, lets see if i can winkle it all out!

The day started crap (as always) the rain wasn't quite here and i was wishing my life away as i watched the relatives to my own little black clouds come slowly over the horizon. the journey to work was again filled with rubbish that didn't need to be talked about, silence was welcome but passed me at a fast rate of knots i wanted to get some gaffa tape to shut my lift the feck up as the bulk of the conversation was about radar cones and blind spots over Entebbe really you have no idea!

Work just didn't start as most of our work is computer based and somebody hadn't paid the bill(hahahaha) thankfully because i am old school i was able to get on with what i had to do, and it was hilarious to see people in turmoil because they didn't have a schedule, if you want to play the game make sure you turn up with all the tools to do the job, and yes i was smug!

I also had a dentists appointment which as always i dreaded thankfully it was over in thirteen minutes (yes i timed it) and cost me £48 so by my reckoning thats a canny £221 an hour and thats without what the NHS give him, damn i wish i was a dentist, I like the guy he's a great dentist but come on soon only the unemployed who will be able to go and see the dentist.

The rest of the day passed without much fuss but the boredom levels set in straight away and i was happy to move through the gates and head home, what little happiness i had was soon evaporated when i heard the Kraken ranting at the wife not at full bore but enough to understand that there could be trouble ahead, i held my breath and then it was over she was going home and thankfully the wife wasn't as worn down as she could have been, so i did the good deed and offered to get a chinese to save me cooking and we went with something simple for a change, we all got sweet and sour chicken which arrived in due course but i need to remember the sauce can also be used as Napalm as i spilt some on my fingers and i cursed and danced like a lunatic howling at the moon, but as always as long as there's food on the go i can endure just about anything!

The night is progressing and this isn't the blog i had hoped for my thoughts have left me like a bullet hole and happiness pours from my exit wound, lets see how this pans out! the previous blog actually got  a few responses for the name game (yes we still do that most of the time) and only Nils was the only correct one hahaha about bloody time, well done that man and for those who are interested yes it was Nine Inch Nails.

My mood at the moment is being driven by work at the moment and is as shite as it can be, so i do take solace that there's nothing else driving me towards high cliffs and dark clouds i'm still getting to grips with the new laptop so i haven't been doing any writing so to speak and i'm nervous to a degree that i want to do more and anybody who hasn't had their copy of "Piffle" just yet don't worry soon boys and girls but comments on copies already out there are thin on the ground so have i overstepped my "talent" i can only thrive if i get comments as i don't want to go down the wrong path and lose the audience that i have gathered as bimble along!

after typing this bilge i feel strangely happier so i will wait for tomorrow and all that it brings be good live life like its the only one you have...because it is and Toodles!  

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Were in this together!

I have to advise that there could be a couple of rants in this blog don't say that you haven't been warned!

Before i go any further Apple you are a nanny state you are a bunch evil cannoodling fuck wits! you tinker because you are a company with an endless supply of money and think that you are doing what you can do to protect the people of this universe Twunts is what you are totally!

My second blog in as many days and although I have had a great weekend I sit here typing this out in the vain hope that it will lift my spirits as I crawl towards another week of hating the place I work and of misery of watching incompetent people enjoy there ill gotten gains!

We sat around getting ready for our trip out when we were landed by a surprise visit from our eldest who had been re markedly cool towards us because her mother had the audacity to be poorly and required an operation which hadn't been helped by all the baby sitting that she had done since day one, I avoided the situation as the wife was upset and my big foot up my eldest daughters  arse wouldn't have helped the situation as much as I wanted to rush up the street to catch her and give her lickings of a dog my wife is my first concern, so the first storm cloud hovered over my head I wasn't too bothered as I was used to the raindrops spitting it was a down pour I wanted to avoid!

The bus trip was entertaining as it was full of people who had turned up to watch people who had try to run/walk/hobble with a lit gas can (no I'm not a fan of the Olympic torch boys and girls) and a couple of drunks but we enjoyed the trip and didn't argue once as we normally do on the peasant wagon, we got to the town early so decided to head to the american embassy for a spot of tiffin and we sat and munched our way through our delightful meal (tongue firmly stuck in the cheek) and then headed off for our night of fun Lady J was already at lick your hoop enjoying a little cider and the night was away, a few others arrived and my mood lightened (although the rain was still spitting) the wife chose a scrumpy (just to be different) and after a mouthful decided she didn't like it, ho hum but I carried with my own scrumpy (and it was lush) once assembled we left a few bodies behind and left in a taxi of to that well known Bordello!

You can imagine our surprise when we discovered that we were the first ones through the door (just) and we set about trying to have some fun the drink flowed (but was as always bloody expensive) the music was on although it was quieter than we hoped (once again thanks to Apple you Twunts!) as always people tried to take photographs and if there is something that rains on my parade more than a monsoon in Rangoon its bloody pictures I hate having my picture taken, as always it became an issue please don't take my picture and I promise I won't go all huffy on your ass! soon the place filled up with people who i hadn't talked to in ages (well i had but not to chat too) and the clouds lifted slightly there was lots of drink but nobody on the dance floor, there was a technical issue thanks to the evil people at Apple so Nicola had to resort to her old Ipod which actually had virtually the same music on it so it was still good times.

We laughed we danced (OK so some people did I certainly didn't although I did get to grope Chris Curry on the dance floor ...don't ask!) the night flew by and it was soon time to head back to Gimpsville and we shared a taxi and as we came through the door we realised that it was actually after three in the morning damn I felt like a teenager again. we slept in late as the old man of the house was at the Kraken's I was beaten up by the wife (as in out of bed not physically) and I realised that the weekend would again soon be over and really didn't want to drag my sorry ass out of my pit!

We were thrown a curve ball for dinner as G and E had been away in thier new mobile palace (the one without a hub to control G as he was getting way to much of a hand full we suspect its so that he can't build a stronghold and that she can just beat him with a blunt instrument!) so we headed to our local spoon's and enjoyed our lunch (not as nice the mile but it made a change from me making it) on the way back my mood took another detour and as we passed Iceland I dragged the wife around the aisles so that I could buy more junk food to try and (fail) lift me from my descent back to that usual place, we jumped into the Gimps mobile and headed to Sunny South Shields for a touch of Bucketmania at the trimmers, It was G's birthday and it seemed like an age since we had seen the happy couple although i do admit to feeling letdown at the level of abuse thrown at G maybe because it was his birthday! the buckets as always were just mayhem, and it wasn't too last (seems to happen all the time lately) and we had to head home!

the rest of the night was spent in the bosom of my family but yet again i sank below the plimsol line even food couldn't help me and as usual i was soon as full as a bug, but happiness did not fill my weary bones, and so i headed back into my pit of despair, darkness descended and sleep took me back to a bad place which i hadn't seen in a while! thankfully it didn't last and i awoke feeling the need to  drag this slim body (hahahaha) into the shower and head off to work, which of late has been my happy place but it soon didn't last and if bile was a commodity worth trading i would probably be the worlds largest producer.

A cracked tooth didn't help and my mood soured even more, i spent the rest of the day trying to drag myself back to some level of normality, something which didn't happen until i got home and my youngest cheered me up just by being her cheery self, technology problems caused me so many problems as  the old laptop died halfway through this blog and i went to bed cursing everything in this place we call earth. i decided not to try to do anything technical as i started the new laptop up properly for the first time but i knew i would have issues so i took my time, when i arrived at the blog site i smiled for the first time simply because technology had saved the draft so in reality at last something went right!

Work again today was even worse and i tried to dismantle any arsehole who got in the way and i decided to hide away in my office playing music doing computer type things but i did get to vent my spleen, whether anything is resolved i have no idea i just needed to clear my head and my chest of all my bad thoughts! some people tried to help and bless i shrugged all help aside, this was a mood all of my own doing, i would be the architect of this moods destruction, there are many people who are enduring far worse than me and my self pity is not doing me any favours. so it's time to gussy up and be an adult, so here goes one foot in front of the other time to avoid food and all other substances that will feed my depression i need to get back in the saddle and grow a set, i might keep a low profile for the time being (i know i have said all that before) so toodles and spread the disease!  

Saturday, 16 June 2012

Good Will

OK so I intended to do this earlier but with a week from hell at work I was sick of being a miserable git! (according to the wife allegedly) work has been shit with a capital S and I certainly have no intention of going into details or trying to work out what happened all I know is that a grudge is for life and revenge will be served as soon as I take all the knives out of my back! the look on peoples faces that I was still standing after the onslaught I put up with has shocked the shit out of everyone just watch the space as I will keep you all updated on the body count!

the week sped past at fast rate as always (earlies does that to you) and the week was taken up tweaking the Ipod for the Jubilee Reunion and last night while putting on a few extra tracks on it all went pear shaped and the week very nearly sent me off on a killing spree thankfully the wife stepped up to the plate and with the help of my old Ipod and the huge amount of tracks on there we hopefully managed to pull it out of the bag with only the loss of a couple of tracks no I'm not happy but with three months to obsess about it what would anybody expect, me with my musical predilections ho hum the world kept spinning which wasn't really a surprise!

when I got up this morning the Ipod was working but on reflection I was happier with what we had done so with a bit of fancy footwork and the flash of the wife's eyelashes that's what we have decided to go with but take the non co operative one with us as a back up just in case! I thought I would, a little one for when we are away. As it's G's birthday tomorrow and we are off to celebrate so it more than likely be Monday as this weekend ensures that we do indeed have a full dance card, and finally something to blog about and then back to work Grrr! at least at a sensible time.

So don't wait up and don't hold your breath we are off to melt the last bit of credit that we can muster and go out in a blaze of glory, and don't worry that fecker is not on any Ipod! have a great weekend and if your in the toon pop over to the Jubilee reunion (don't worry it's got nothing to do with the Queen honest) you might enjoy and evening of Inuit throat music Toodles! oh and while I remember the blog title has nothing to do with a song, I did a course this week (about being motivated GRRRR!) that said if you do anything extra or take pride in the job that you do, that's called goodwill and officially if you do that your a Muppet because nobody asked you to! WTF no wonder this country is in such a state shoot all the chinless wonders and lets start from scratch!

Sunday, 10 June 2012

Raingods dancing

It hadn't been my intention to blog so soon after the other one, as I hadn't interacted with the world but I have the need to clear my chest so why the hell not! It's my blog and I'll blog if I want to (I'm sure there's a song in there somewhere)

I have been struggling musically for the Jubilee reunion where I said (actually I didn't the wife said I would and I thought I was clever enough to carry out that simple task.....not!) I would do the music but as per usual I got bogged down trying to be far too clever, and as always falling on my arse! I want everything to be perfect, but lets be honest boys and girls nothing is perfect so I have to let it go and just go with the flow it is what it is. What I have learned from this little episode is that I don't know my music collection as well as I thought I did, and I hang my head with shame at that, but it gives me something to aim at onwards and upwards.

My last hand grenade at work did the trick and the right person for the job got the job! lets just pray that he is aware that it involves tons of graft and that the Muppet will knuckle down to the task, other wise I might have to step up to the plate and I really don't want to just yet!

The wife is still poorly but I have done my bit for queen and country and now have to prepare to head back to Hell (still no lottery win I must have upset somebody in my previous 24 existences I really am a good boy) I go back to work on a set of earlies not sure that I will get my head around it, but I will have to try. I have done some reading  this week I snaffled my youngest child's Kindle and stuck all the Ian Fleming Bibliography on and although I'm slowly but surely working my way through them in the correct order and even though I have watched the films over the years I immediately love the books more! It does make the writing of my grand novel all that much harder and as I have stated many times I have a great story I just don't know where to start and in what "style" to write it in! I still haven't read "Piffle" and I'm not sure I want to at the moment but I was happy(ish) with the wife's thoughts and all the nice praise from everybody who read the preview that's on blurb (buy one you tight wads!) and it will be winging it's way soon as always we need to sort out our finances! as always our fickle finances have turned on us like a pack of rabid zombies, but watch this space and rest assured they will be winging them to the designated parties ASAP.

It may be quiet for the next week as I get to grips to all matters work related, but rest assured there will be much writing and polishing of other items and yes "Toodles" is indeed finished with nothing further to be added just waiting for my finances to catch up and it gives me some breathing space until "Buck Naked and the nine stone cowboy" comes out, we sit twiddling our thumbs as we sit in The Boo Hoo Club as the wife still can't drive but we will try and amuse ourselves without resorting to violence or trying to kill each other play nice and pray to whatever (Rain) gods  that you believe in and that the world is harmonious for you and yours until the next time Toodles!.............damn I need to get back into work I'm starting to sound like a fecking hippy and we can't be having that!

Thursday, 7 June 2012

The Deed Is Done.

Well "Piffle" is here and the wife hasn't tried to suffocate me through the night (so I think that could be a good sign) and she is happy for it to go out and although she claims it's very personal it's not as dark as I initially thought, so watch the skies boys and girls watch the skies copies will be coming sooner rather than later!

I have decided to put "Toodles" back to August just so that there will be some product out in the middle so to speak, I have done two new chapters for "Toodles" just so that people won't get cheated and if something crops up there might even be a third we shall see how much material I write in the coming months, yes it will be like a greatest hits however the new bits aren't fillers as I love all of my children equally and that means there won't be a huge empty period until "Buck Naked and the nine stone cowboy" everybody should be made aware that my youngest has picked the front cover (oops!) all I can say is be afraid be very afraid! I hope to have that ready in time for Christmas but you never know with me I have a tendency to go off on a tangent, we shall just have to wait and see. The stuff that I have kept back from"Piffle" was far too dark and some of it quite bitter and didn't fit the bill I'm sure I can rework all of it so that I don't come across as more of a loon than what I actually am hahahaha.

Since the last blog the world has moved at a snails pace purely because I was waiting for the "Piffle" to hit the mat (and no I haven't read it in its current format yet so that will be a chore for the remainder of my holidays) the old man of the house was on his last legs (or so we thought) but we have managed to breath some fresh life into him, he's not perfect and does  the thousand yard stare far too much for my liking but his appetite is back and everything else is healthier (at the moment) I'm not too stupid to thing he is a young puppy but he is back to barking to get me out of bed in the morning and wags his tail upon being in my presence (I don't think he see's as well as he used to so it may be my scent or the sound of my voice) I'm not stupid but I will gladly take each day as it comes and at the moment he seems better.

The Kraken must have taken pity on us because although we had a large number of offers for over the weekend, but because of the old man of the house we kept close to home, we even didn't go to the Demi on Saturday night to see the Ball-breakers, we just chilled and lazed but didn't really have the get up and go, we missed our friends in the Tee Hee Club but didn't have the heart to travel any distance without a get home quick plan(the wife still being crock with her shoulder) but on the Monday with him being well enough we jumped in a taxi and headed off to Bum-stock 2 to see the local "bands" but we barely stayed an hour the wife had two drinks and was well squiffy and so we booked a taxi and went straight home, well not quite we went to Iceland and bought tons of crap to gorge on!

The wife was then taken over by man flu so it was just as well that I have been off this week so I could once again pull on my Florence Nightingale outfit (in a non kinky kind of way) and do my husbandly duties hahaha, I intend to chill for the rest of the week to recharge my batteries, I'm not being too naughty and I'm only checking my work emails every other day (boo hoo) but I do intend to do some reading (I haven't yet but hey it's only Thursday) and one or two small chores it's a holiday boys and girls what do you want me to do work all the bloody time, no you don't have to tell me.

The blog numbers have been steady and we have one or two new readers (hello Stefan all the way from Madrid) and there has been one or two pleasant comments but sorry peeps I write mainly for me and I don't write to order, although I do intend to try and do some more historical ones for the benefit of the older readers the bug bear there is that I don't have all the old blogs so I'm aware that I could duplicate some of those previous blogs I have a crap memory for what I have already written I'm sure that you will point it out when my alzheimers kicks in, there are only so many humorous memories good or bad so bear with me, I have been aware with having little or no interaction with the outside world the blog is a tad dry so i appreciate those who stick with me in these dry times!

The book site as always when a new book gets released drops (WTF)  off greatly maybe it's like caveman and fire you lot are frightened of new ideas but keep spreading the disease with out you guys I'm just a sad old man banging away on a laptop for nothing, and that's me done for now back to my good deeds (yeah right)  until the next time Toodles!