Tuesday, 17 October 2023

Kick Out the Jams – Another Cunning Plan.


Kick Out the Jams – Yet Another Cunning Plan.

4th September.

If this was some kind of dissertation for an exam it would/should be called “The Continuing Perpetual Sleep Deprivation Plan” or as this blog shall be known, “Kick out the Jams” or actually just me, I was woken quite rudely from my slumbers by the wife trying to kick start a bloody motorcycle, or rather simply kicking the crap out of me, she was simply having a bad dream, rather than me simply having a short night’s sleep, Me I was on a roll of short nights sleeping pattern, I normally average around 5/6 hours sleep the last 6 days I have averaged 3 to 4 hours and it was taking its toll on me, at this rate I will be pulling the Z bed down for safety, the problem is once awake I cant for some stupid reason simply turn over and go to sleep, the wife can (damn how I envy her).

Once more I sat in the dark recess of our room having a snackette for breakfast planning the blog and playing games until the queen of the dark arises, she was full of sorrow for the distress she had caused me, that didn’t resolve my issue, but I was grateful of the apology (maybe tonight…..fingers crossed) then off for breakfast (well actually my second breakfast, honest I’m no hobbit) as I was slightly tired we opted for the same thing as the previous day, and again it was lovely,  to be honest I couldn’t be arsed to see what the other eateries were offering I found something I liked and I intended to stick with it.

Back to the room to be medicated and strapped up (well just my knees) and we were off to the shops, huzzah there was money to be spent, we gathered our resources and headed to what was going to be a hot car as there had been no cover when we arrived back last night, we opened the car doors to a sheer blast of heat started the engine and got the AC working, we were soon inside and so chiiiiiiilllllled! The temperature would reach the high 30’s  I’m English I’m not designed for temps in double figures, we set sail to our destination, things had changed in the years since we were last here things kind of looked the same, but at the same time they didn’t, the roads were now a lot bigger and there were even more toll roads, the wife is super confident now she has her bearings, today was to test her resolve and the usage of Google maps was something we had never done in the USA before, here goes!

Google maps whilst helpful wasn’t perfect, we missed a turn simply because it was a complicated junction it sent us straight on and as we drove, we both went “we should have turned there” we then had a detour of 14 miles to bring us back to where we needed to be, thankfully we were both wide awake and scanning the horizon it was a very stress full 14 miles but it had to be done, me attempting to be helpful and the wife telling me “to shut the f*** up” and then we took at the second attempt the junction, this time it was masterfully taken, with only a few curse words of thanks. It had been 14 miles of massive roads and then just a small amount of distress between the pilot and navigator(is it this one…..i don’t know) thankfully we arrived at our destination without any further issues, a rather large external mall which had been recommended because of the Disney retail store, to say we were disappointed would be an understatement, decidedly underwhelmed and my knees were once again kicking in we decided to have some food, we settled on a five guys burger in one of the food courts, which again was underwhelming and the staff were super helpful (NOT).

We then decided to head to Kissimmee, where all of our adventures had originally started way back in the day, and to be honest even when we came across the big orange (and believe me its big) we were unsure as everything did look different, we hit the flea market which is kind of cool but not, if you get my drift, its good ……but not! It’s also now loaded with food trucks which I wish we had of waited for, but the wife said I wouldn’t have made it in the state I was in, once we had bought what we came for we decided to head to Walmart, where finally I found a selection of vinyl, we had come for some supplies (as I had munched through the snackette supplies) it wasn’t a large selection but I was able to buy myself a Queen album in coloured vinyl and A Nightmare before Christmas picture disc for my brother, who we texted to see if he had it , to say he was frothing at the mouth would be an understatement, supplies (and vinyl) bought we headed back to the room as we really did need some respite the distances walked and the heat had well and truly kicked our butts, once rested we made cunning plans and checked the bus times as tomorrow was to be the assault on our first park, and the car was going to stay put, we then had a mooch in the shop, didn’t buy anything but we simply had a mooch.

 We then decided to have a look and see what was available for our evening meal later on, and then I was gobsmacked as my fave American meal was on the menu and I certainly didn’t want to wait, Meatloaf and not the singer, I was like a dog at broth because I love meatloaf, pointless making it at home as I would be the only one eating it (hang on that’s not a ba…..) no I would be the size of a bigger house, and for the first time on this holiday there was vegetables (Yum yum) the wife had chicken and it looked nice just not as nice as my meatloaf, I would suffer later on, but I didn’t care it was simply divine!

Back to our camp for the night where the wife watched Robin Williams play a blue genie and she did every single damn line (as if she was his own personal prompter) me I tried to read and listen to tunes, resting my knees as best as I could, and to prep some notes for the blog, tomorrow was going to be busy with a capital B!

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