Sunday 22 January 2023

Damage Case

So, here comes a blog with a difference, yes we went out, yes that’s right this is what the blog started out as, a social outing critique, let’s go with the flow and see where the winding river takes us, this has been a bumpy ride purely as it has been so long with people who we know and it was (Shock Horror) in a working man’s club, anyhoo let’s get started!

So, as I said it had been a while, it seemed as though our life had become a simple Live, Sleep, Repeat, cycle, there seemed to be no way out, the pandemic had really cramped our style( pfft yeah right) but it really is all we do, we get up, repeat the day before, my blogging is the only thing that has been breaking my monotony, as I have written previously in the first lockdown I didn’t wear shoes for 74 days I only ventured outside into the yard to exercise (yes I do some sort of exercise) after all of that crap, we attended the gig of a friends debut band, it was weird simply being amongst peeps, it was a great night (yes I did blog about it) then we resorted to type Live, Sleep , Repeat. We led an exciting life, there has to be more to life than this. That was our one time out in all of that time.

Then life itself has taken on a dark and personal road and life for the whole family, life turned to poop, again we have knuckled down, but there seems to one bad turn after another, I’m trying to stand strong for everybody but sometimes even that simply isn’t enough, my wife is one of the strongest people I know, but its wearing her out so if I can do anything special for her I always will. She misses the hound, and I have never heard the wails of desperation after he passed, it broke my heart to hear her like that, something I hopefully  will never hear again, I have relented and yes we are going to get another dog, but this time I am involved, watch this space for the incoming of tiny paws, it sounds weird to say this but I hope he outlives me as it would kill me to hear the wife go through something like that again, why have I relented, well two reasons one I happen to love her, and I think she needs it for her mental health, it’s as simple as that.

 Then out of the blue we were invited to a wedding reception, the wife was happy and excited all rolled into one, this was a good start, again to give an extra boost I offered to buy her an outfit, something to giver her a little boost, as always though it went down to the wire we had the Hurricane here for a few days (his birthday as well) but it ended on a sour note he had a day from hell and then a meltdown, and I don’t think I helped, although my intention really was to lift his spirit’s, anyway the short version he was calmed down and we headed off to get the wife a new outfit but as always we set off later than we had planned, however it didn’t take too long to get her sorted, even if she decided against wearing the pants on the night, as long as she was happy, for once it was her (what the hell its always her) that took for ages to get ready, I knew what I was going to wear already, a bath a hair cut and a shave in under twenty minutes, it takes her an hour to decide on socks, never mind shoes, we left later than I thought we would but I simply went with the flow, I didn’t try to hurry her, I wouldn’t dare! didn’t get angry ( I know me with my reputation) it was all going smoothly until she realised she had spelt the brides name wrong on the card, “I will just blame you when we get there” yeah like I’m trusted to write out cards, with my handwriting I should have been a Dr!

We set off for the drive there was only one incident when swearing was uttered by her and not me, due to a motorbike with no lights whatsoever, I’m trying to get her not to get angry over every little slight. We got there with no other mishaps found a parking space, it was meant to be and we hobbled to the venue, as we got there, we heard the band and knew we were in the right place, once through the door it was like stepping back three years in time with some of the usual suspects, some who where even happy to see me LOL!

The band were great even if they did long medleys to save time and to get maximum joy out of the set, people dancing, my only gripe was the fact that they teased us with the cowboy song but played whiskey in the jar instead…….GRRRRRRR, I know what I wanted to hear instead, but the band went down well , the buffet was nice (more on that later) and I was actually drinking beer in a bar WTF, I same some old faces some really old faces (in a nice way I went to school with them) spoke to somebody who I thought didn’t like me, turns out they don’t mind me, that’s a plus in my book, people danced oh I met a new person who was lovely and gracious, he has a wife that is one of the nicest people you can meet so no wonder I liked him, as for the buffet as a rule I don’t go anywhere near a buffet as I am a buffet slayer, but the wife was in deep conversation so I went and got her some and then I saw my nemesis “quiche” they were only small pieces, and it was lovely, how do I know, well because I went to the buffet three times, I nearly had a strop as the wife liked her portion, I was hoping that she was going to say, she didn’t like it, bugger she liked it.

And then just like that the night was over as quickly as it started, we said fond farewells, the wife thought she had lost me, I needed the loo, go figure me with the bladder the size of a peanut, we wandered back to the car abused a friend as he wandered back to his car (love you long time), we got stuck in the traffic leaving the Lewis Capaldi gig (who?) and got home quicker than expected, which was just as well as my stomach (the mysterious complaint that has taken over 7 years and the NHS still cant diagnose it) went into overdrive, my burping came back with a vengeance as well, thankfully one big belch resolved that problem but I was up and down all night for the rest of my issues, in the end I got up at 05.30 and simply went with the flow.

Why is this getting published now when I have been up as long as I have , well if am going to tell the truth my head has been battered with lack of sleep and trying to remember the finer details, I wouldn’t wish to offend anyone lol, to be honest there was only one frosty reception that might have been caused by my greeting, lol as if I might cause offense, I think it was taken with a pinch of salt, not that I give a rats ass, again me with my reputation, it felt great to be part of the great human race chatting like I belong, it really did raise the spirits of both of us, more of this please, we loved it, lovely people and a lovely time,

For the sake of the wife, we really do need to ensure that with the best intention we need to be more involved with real people in the real world, the wife’s world is spiralling and with the best intention we can but try, so there you go, a blog that was not expected, we are alive we do need to get involved  a little bit more. So, watch the skies for more incoming, this blogging thing seems to be working out, it’s been a while, so until next ……………………. Toodles!

And yes, the name game is in play as the new person I met is a huge fan and he inspired me to play their entire discography today, now to rest, as my body is wrecked and tomorrow is a work day, as I go to climb the wooden hill and being able to dream that I can retire and enjoy retirement rather than being a drooling idiot after a number of strokes, God we can dream!

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