Sunday 1 January 2023



Warning incoming I am at DEF CON ONE!

This is a warning, I am on a roll, I am inspired, today whilst it has been an eye opener, the writing bug has been lit and is well and truly about to go off like an Apollo rocket, let me explain.

The intention for the last 12 days was to carry out a lot of small tasks (well I thought they were small) and I got distracted, the wife is struggling with life, I won’t bore anybody with the details, those close to us know and understand, there are some incredibly hard times ahead of us, and all I can do is man the tiller and point her in the right direction.

Life has been and is still incredibly shit, but my intention is to be a pillar of support, its no surprise the list of tasks that I wanted to complete, simply hasn’t happened, I have made a start but I feel like the third Reich in the middle of a bad Russian winter, I haven’t been lazy, simply I have been dodging curveballs, all for the sake of the wife, who is drowning not waving, but damn she is still fighting and has no intention of going down, bless her.

Music has played a big part of my twelve days holiday, and no you don’t have to guess, the name game is a band not a song, although I have used their song titles in the past for the blog! I played their music and that set the ball roll bouncing down the road, although my preferred music is melodic, AOR, Prog type of stuff I do have a dark past dating back all the way to 1977 when punk exploded and I like some thing loud and fast, anyway one of the tasks I set myself was to log and give a short description of the blogs, I’m trying to avoid duplication of titles and subject matter, however I have to read them and try and work out what the hell was going on in my mind at the time and to work out were the titles come from (about 95% are song titles) the rest are plucked from god knows where!

As I started pulling the ideas together for this, I am playing the only Signal album (Loud and Clear)  and drinking copious amounts of Buffalo Trace ( I don’t do small measures) because I have had to read the blogs to do a summary, I have fell back into good times and bad, recollecting some fab times (and not so fab times) with some awesome people and one or two bullies (they know who they are) a job I thought would take two to three days has so far taken two full days and I am only up to July 2012, talk about falling down a rabbit hole. What it has done though has inspired me to set down a number of plans writing wise, firstly I do intend to complete a new book at some point this year, with all new material, you heard it here first, I might even resurrect my original story that I still tinker with although I am stuck in quick sand as I do feel at times that it is generic(it’s not I just keep second guessing myself, damn where’s my editor when I need her, she’s a lady you know) I do intend to blog more frequently (sorry peeps) and no this isn’t alcohol induced, I have realised how much blogging has helped my state of mind, so I do intend to crack on.

I had intended to do a couple of minor blogs before the end of the year but life stepped in and kicked our arses, the intention is too still do them over the next couple of days so watch this space, they might come thick and fast over the next couple of days, but hopefully will settle down to one blog a week, just like the old days, to do this we need to have a social life so this may prove awkward, but with a willing heart the intention is to keep to my promise, the tee Hee Club will rise again dammit! the first couple wont do fantastic numbers because of the subject matter, but I feel I need to get them out, so don’t say that you haven’t been warned!

So,have the holidays been any good? To be honest I have no idea, we have been mired with the shite we call life, but we are here, medical matters from all corners are the order of the day at least I’m not top of the list for once, so watch the skies, spread the disease/word, the blog is back and hopefully biting, yes there will be some historical ones, I have the bit between my teeth and feel the desire to write and then write some more, musically and historically I do believe there is a rich vein of material to be recovered, onwards  and hopefully upwards and not sidewards, can I just say I know this is going to be our toughest year, its going to end in tears we know this, but its how we conduct ourselves through those tears, it indicates the strength of purpose and the type of people we are, we will not be beaten, we will crack on, no matter the shit that is going to come our way, and I will indeed blog about it, “Bob” withstanding intend to be the rock that helps the wife through these dark times ahead,  so until then stay safe stay alive and until the next one…………………………..Toodles!

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