Sunday 8 January 2023

My Sunday Feeling.

So, the year is under away, the holidays seem like a lifetime away, all the decorations came down quickly, life goes on, more work, more music more tragedy in people’s lives, as always, the world keeps on turning, the wife and I seem to have aged rapidly over the last 6 months, damn I/we feel old.

So, what has transpired this Sunday, as always I’m up like a daft person on a Sunday, awake before 5 but I managed to stay in bed until 6, I had to get up as I didn’t want to wake the wife who struggles to get to sleep at the best of times, she could sleep all day if you let her, however where as I fall asleep as I dive between the covers, she can still be awake at two in the morning! So I bimble downstairs in the dark as quietly as I can, I seem to make a lot of noise with each step, take my regiment of medication, that they say that I need to get through the day, sort out the dishes read the news( I know how old fashioned) turn my laptop on so I can listen to some albums digitally, have some breakfast ( a cup of tea this morning) sort the slow cooker out for this afternoons tea, and I am hot to trot around the 7, oops I forgot the washing machine, one less task for the wife when she finally rises from her drudgery, a number of albums some good some bad and some downright awful, with just the odd golden nugget in between, and yes the name game is in play.

I pottered some more trying not to raise the dead upstairs, a few more little tasks here and there , give the slow cooker a stir or two, from time to time, around 10.30 I hear the stirrings of the walking dead upstairs, I go to give some assistance, she’s still not 100% so I leave her to sort herself out, it works for us, its rare she lies as along as she did this morning hopefully it helped, around 11 the corpse comes downstairs, I can get on sorting some more  tasks, some that are a little noisier, I know my audience, its not worth the aggro, breakfast(nearly Brunch) sorted medication taken, she takes a lot more than me, and she doesn’t take all that’s prescribed, just enough to be functional, its not going to be a great day, I try to do my best, but its in her hands, I’m just the assistance,

Sandwiches for dinner/lunch, I bounce between tasks, helping the wife and watching a little tv, going back to stir the slow cooker (sausage casserole) from time to time, check a couple of blogs that I have fermenting add a few lines here and there just to keep them fresh, these are just ideas I haven’t started to write them yet, this includes the book, I have returned to a format that I was going to do eight years ago, just the format none of the writing, it has the working title of 12, that’s bound to change as the year goes on as I collate more and more material, a lot of tweaking along the way, hopefully something a little bigger than the previous books, I also need to do some investigating to see if I can still use my account on blurb and try to work out the technology to upload, as they had gone to a “user friendly” software (cough splutter) which stopped me in my tracks eight years ago, the new book looks promising if I can indeed get it published.

More bimbling along more washing of clothes and drying of said articles, more TV, a little light reading, I struggle to read paper materials unless its in natural daylight, again a visit to the opticians beckons, I shudder to think how much like Stevie Wonder I am becoming, a small snooze (honest I only blinked) for ten minutes and I’m back on my feet gathering rubbish to put in the bin, time for tea (it was lovely, the wife as I type still hasn’t had hers as she complains of a dodgy stomach) then off for a soak, ok I was in the bath all of ten minutes, then off to see my farrier as my hobbit feet are in need of some attention, its been a while but my favourite fungal infect has returned, it’s because of all the time on my feet, I have always looked after my feet it’s a habit I picked up from the army, if I look after them hopefully they will carry me to where ever I need to get to! Twenty minutes later my feet/hooves feel refreshed and again I potter on, a little more music (some of it horrific delete, delete, delete) and then time to gather my thoughts for this little missive.

The coming week beckons and its going to be a busy week thankfully, I was spared a long journey by bus and a slog by foot to carry out some work last week, so I can crack on with that, all the while I am conscious that I need to be aware of the wife’s needs, I need to be able to keep an eye on her, as at times it feels like she is drowning not waving, she has been there for me all  of these years, I am determined to be with her step by step for the coming months, there will be a couple of blogs that I need to get out (this isn’t /wasn’t one of them) in the next week or so, I keep getting side tracked , I know me with my reputation, go figure! And now tonight a couple of beers (I’m working from home tomorrow) so hopefully a little later to rise tomorrow (six would be nice) I intend to see the night out listening to a 70’s classic rock box set, some of the tracks I know some I don’t, this could be interesting!

So as Montrose rocks out, I can only bring the blog to a close, the numbers have been great, and thank you for all of the kind words after the last blog, I’m fine, it would appear that I am more fragile than I used to be, must be an age thing, keep spreading the word, click like do whatever you do as the numbers are heading higher than they have in a long time, so until the next one, take care stay alive and most importantly stay safe, until then……….TOODLES!

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