Sunday 5 February 2023

Play in the Sunshine.

Listen up people it’s all good in the hood, I had plenty of ideas, I simply couldn’t get them onto paper so to speak, so many people sent me messages asking if I was ok, I think I just overused my writing muscle in the month of January, I simply didn’t know how to express myself.

The numbers were phenomenal, four figures, it’s been a while since I had anything close, somebody read 57 older blogs in one sitting, God bless you, you maniacs it warms the cockles of my heart, although I work less hours than I used to it’s a different beast, if I’m honest I am still on a huge learning curve, the coming week is a tad intimidating to say the least, but I’m primed and ready so bring it on.

The last seven days I started a number of blogs, but I was struggling to verbalise the ideas I still have the ideas and I may come back to them, who knows, my intention is still to write lots but lets just go with the natural flow instead of pumping them out, I am writing something on average every three days sometimes more, but I want to try and maintain some quality control, they may end up in a new book I still have that idea percolating, stick with me and lets see where the tides take us.

The house is full of bedlam at the moment, in a good way, the hurricane is here with us from time-to-time, odd nights here and there, when he laughs it’s an infectious thing, and when he is happy it’s a joyous feeling! The beauty of it is that it’s the simple things that cheer him up, we bought him cans of Fanta that were imports from the US of A (in my day it was albums but hey ho times move on) the sheer joy on his face was enough to light my way for the rest of the night. its not all good but I will take what we can and try and support him through his tough times, its all we can do!

Its still good when he’s not here, but it’s a different kind of good, I worked from home last Thursday and the youngest returned home for the day, and again it was a really good feeling, that and the fact that she helped her old man with some technology issues ( what can I say I’m a bloody luddite) we take her home, she does live a distance away, and me and the wife enjoyed the quiet of the drive home, it was simply good being in each other’s company.

Technology keeps turning up in our lives, we bought an air fryer, WTF I know, but we cooked a full chicken in it and it was nice, I do believe that we will be using it on a more regular basis, tomorrow will be Belly pork, yum yum and no you can’t have some! I think the wife was shocked when I said go ahead and buy it, I know me with my reputation, its all about taking small steps and keeping the wife happy, I’m a good boy I am, the one thing I have noticed is that the weekends at the moment appear to last all of about 30 minutes, there really should be a day between Saturday and Sunday!

And so we get ready for the onslaught that is February, the weather has been kind, (hence the title of the blog), lots of music is being played, with the next blog simply writing itself, with tons of music to be played in the coming week I need all the help I can get for the next Four on the Floor blog, with all new music getting reviewed. Tonight I intend to kick back and have a cup of tea, clean some shoes ( I do like to be respectable at work) pack my bag, I regularly carry 24kilogramms during the day, with what’s coming up I intend to not carry my laptop that should reduce my load, damn it I’m not getting any younger, a quick bath and maybe a shave, I’m trying to create a good impression, the intention is to use honey not vinegar, I have a feeling that there will be some vinegar poured at some point, watch this space, only the names will be changed to protect the innocent!

And that breaks the logjam, writing has resumed and as I type its all good in the hood, I thought today was going to be a “Bob” kind of day thankfully the mood evaporated with the rising of the sun, so the name game is in play, its an easy one, stay safe and stay alive, keep an eye out as there will be a blog along the road in the next 5 days (that’s right count them down, just 5 days’ time) so keep spreading the word as something is surely working, I know the numbers wont be sustainable, but we are heading to the magical six figures in the viewing stakes, so until the next time all that’s left for me to say is……………..Toodles!

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