Sunday 19 February 2023

Four on the Floor – FM – The Solo Stuff.

Ok so this is slightly late (sue me I haven’t been well) but here we go better late than never, yes there will be another one along sooner than later!


So – Brass Monkey – 9.5/10.

This is an absolute stunning classic, I simply cannot get enough of this brilliant slab of melodic pop, why the not perfect score, the album is too short for me , I know I prefer the shorter albums, but I have the demoes, for this album and there’s at least 5 more tracks that could have slotted in, this album is the one that I struggled to get a proper copy of, I had to beg a copy of the single from the management as nobody could order it for me, I thought I was going to get barred from my local HMV I was such a pest, and they tried their hardest I can assure you. Released at the height of brit pop its blows all the crap Oasis albums out of the water, I still believe that the slight funk/smooth rhythms of “This Time” is still the best track Mr Overland has ever sung, there are various elements of the Beatles throughout the album but it is so melodic, another reason why the music business sucks an absolute classic of an album and nobody has heard it 23 years down the line its still one of my all time favourites!


Jim Kirkpatrick – Ballad of a prodigal Son – 8/10.

A great addition to the Band, the talented Mr. K , has shone on all of the FM albums and he has let loose with this blues/rock album, if you like what Bernie Marsden and Joe Bonamassa is doing at the moment that you will love this album a stunning tile track, it gets tuck in the groove and kick the crap out of everything, its well-played well sung and well produced, like a lot of younger “British Blues” artists out there at the moment this is the kind of stuff that should be getting promoted. 12 classic racks and not a bad one on it, why the score well I played So Brass monkey before writing the review and well that’s takes some beating!


Pepperkid2 – Adventures in Pepperland – 8/10.

This one took me by surprise, a solo album by Jem Davis the keyboard player, a solid mature set of songs that could quite easily be set as a musical with the right story attached, I have met Jem a few times and he comes across as a nice cheerful chap, the man has hidden depths, the only thing that spoils the album for me is the over use of sound effects its like he has discovered the BBC sound effects records, to be honest its only on a couple of tracks, but it annoyed me, hey what the hell do I know, if you want this you will have to dig for it I bought on release and I struggled to get it, its well worth the challenge of finding it, by the way the boys in his “proper” band should let him have a track or two n the next FM it will add that little bit of depth to it.

Lonerider – Attitude – 8/10.

Like all things attached to Steve Overland  there is a good thread of quality control running through it all, I have gone for the debut as I have played this more than the second album, I like both, but this was a surprise, it features Simon Kirke, yes that Simon Kirke and it does feel like a Bad Company kind of album, the ever present Steve Morris who I saw in a band called export supporting Slade way back in the day, a great four piece I would love to see this band tour as they really are that good and we would probably get to see them slip a couple of Free and Bad Company songs into the set, no names for the songs as I simply cannot pick one from the other but there is quite a few to choose from and yes I bought both the CD and the vinyl because I could! My Imagination, Lonerider, Hard Heart To Break, Fast Train, Wanted Man          to name but just a few!

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