Sunday 15 April 2018

Later that same evening.

I have been a very busy boy at work this past week, hence no blogs, I wanted the blood to rise so to speak, conserve my energies for the things that matter, life, loving and work! Me the Mrs had been invited to a birthday party, I didn’t know the person, so I was just to sit there and look pretty, as always, the whole evening  was actually pretty good considering I only knew one other person at the shindig, I sat and did what I love doing, I people watched, my mind was agog with all the potential for a new blog, a title had been picked “The Whalers Dues” if it’s any help the title for this one is from the same band, but from an earlier album.

Although the idea was sound, I got the distinct impression some people would get that I was being mean spirited, I wasn’t, however I can’t seem to twist it to the positive edge I want, and because of this, I have no intention of posting it just yet, I only have notes, not a fully-fledged blog, so I better pull my finger out of my ass and come up with something, otherwise there will a crowd in the streets with burning torches and pitch forks, allegedly!

As I have already stated work was busy, it always is, but I had to concentrate for once, lots of music through the week and a smattering of exceedingly long blinks (at no time was I asleep). Saturday I was in charge at the asylum, thankfully it was actually a kind of quiet day, I only had to deal with one dumb ass, and I can assure you I was both pleasant and polite! The wife had agreed to pick me up, she didn’t as she was (no surprise there then) late, I headed off to our local Costco, some small provisions and then some fast food for us to have substance before our sojourn, hunting the whale (damn I could have had an It Bites title for a blog, another time), so to speak. We had a great night and stayed out later than I thought we would, it wasn’t unpleasant and I didn’t complain (I know I know) we travelled home and then up the wooden hill to peepy byes!

We slept in, well the wife didn’t she could sleep the day around, but I stayed in bed until 10.30 (WTF) a late ish breakfast and then a nice long bath, after which I had my first shave in fourteen months, baby faced I descended to little interaction (the wife does not like me clean shaven). Then I soldiered on preparing the Sunday lunch, chicken and veg followed by apple pie and some ice cream, I know how to spoil the wife, she went off with a food parcel for the Kraken, I got on with the dishes and noodled ideas for the afore mentioned blog, then with arrival of my own red cross delivery service (if you ever meet the Kraken you would understand) she was soon ensconced on the sofa trying to get interested in a documentary all about the Atlantic ocean ( I watch some good stuff, lol at least it wasn’t panzer porn)there was soon the soft sound of a chainsaw being started and she was soon blinking for longer periods of time  than I ever do, at least I’m nice and I leave her to chase rabbits or whatever she dreams about on the sofa?

Me, well my thoughts have turned back to food, pasta and meatballs for an early supper, it’s been that kind of day, I might even watch some TV stuff with her after I have done the rest of the dishes, I know I am such a good husband, health issues have been…….the same,  it is what it is and unless something changes dramatically I intend to do as I always do, I shall plod on! Hell, I may even rock it up a bit and watch some Countryfile! numbers have been quite good another reason why I hadn’t rushed back to the keyboard, so that’s been my lazy Sunday, I have a couple of cunning plans on the go (writing wise) the money has already dried up so unless something good crops up we may be in for a bit of a dry season, but all is good, I am being positive, well for me I am, and as I post this I will crack on listening to copious amounts of Yes, so watch the skies there will be more incoming, but until then…..Toodles!

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